Ming Zuer was holding the Blood-Drinking Divine Sword modified by the Immortal Master, practicing the sword technique over and over again.

In fact, he was already at the second level of Qi Refining.

After exchanging the cultivation technique from the Immortal Master, he devoted himself to the cultivation of the immortal technique.

As expected of his extraordinary talent, Ming Zuer quickly found the trick, entered the Qi Refining stage, and broke through to the second level of Qi Refining in a very short time.

Even Lin Ge was surprised by his rapid progress.

"More haste, less speed!"

When he wanted to continue practicing in one go, Lin Ge had to remind him.

Alas, poor child!

Lin Ge sighed.

He fully understood the feelings of Ming Zuer, who had lost his father's love since childhood and had always lived under the shadow of his half-brother.

Want to prove himself to the world!

Want to be recognized by the people he cares about!

Not only Ming Zuer, but many people are like this.

Ming Zuer listened to the advice of the immortal master and stopped practicing temporarily.

It happened that there were some things in the secular world that needed to be dealt with.

Since Miss Zhu was gone, the engagement was naturally invalid.

So the first thing was to prepare to return to the palace to request the cancellation of the engagement.

【Ding! Group member"Red Flame of Blazing Fire" triggers a single-player mission: Cancel the engagement with the eldest daughter of the Zhu family! Successfully complete the mission and be rewarded with 50,000 points! 】

Ming Zuer was stunned. The mission was triggered just like that?

"What? You want to cancel the engagement? How dare you disobey me?"

Prince Jin Peng was very angry. He felt that his dignity had been challenged.

Ming Zuer ignored him and only looked at her mother.

"Can you tell me the reason?"

Mrs. Ming asked gently.

This child has been sensible since he was young and will not make trouble without reason. Since he made such a request today, there must be a reason for it.

"The real eldest daughter of the Zhu family had already passed away due to illness, and this one now is simply an imposter!"

"Are you serious?"

Mrs. Ming was shocked.

In this case, the engagement would naturally be annulled, but she couldn't let her child suffer such an injustice.

Ming Yang had just walked to the door and heard the conversation in the room. He stopped and pondered.

Prince Jinpeng couldn't insist under such circumstances, not to mention that he really felt sorry for Mrs. Ming and didn't want to make it too difficult for her.

When the Zhu family saw that the Jinpeng Palace had come to cancel the engagement, they wanted to extort some benefits from the palace, but they were exposed and had to agree in disgrace.

The chat group sent a prompt at the right time that Ming Zu had completed the task of canceling the engagement and received a reward of 50,000 points.

After the cancellation of the engagement was handled, Ming Zuer came to Xiangzi Tower to find Qu Chi, told her that he was not her senior brother, and asked her if she was willing to be with him.

"You are not the real Liehuo?"

Qu Chi looked at Ming Zuer in surprise.

"But why did you tell me this? You could have kept it a secret!"

"Because I think you are a good woman, are you willing to be with me?"

In fact, it is not the right time to confess to Qu Chi, as Qu Chi does not have deep feelings for him.

But through the deduction of the immortal master, he already knows the direction of his original life and does not want to miss it again.

Qu Chi looked at Ming Zuer carefully and thought this man was very interesting.

"Are you sure you want to stay with me? What do you think?"

"It's rare to meet the right person in life, so if you meet someone, you must grab them!"

Ming Zuer said seriously,

"So are you willing to give it a try?"

Qu Chi thought carefully for a while.

She tried to refuse in her heart, but found that every time she had this thought, an unspeakable emotion would surge in her heart, as if she had lost something important.

Finally, Qu Chi nodded and replied:"Okay! I do!"

Ming Zuer was going to take Qu Chi away from Qingping Town and find a quiet place to continue practicing.

Unexpectedly, they were blocked by a killer halfway.

Ming Zuer thought that the killer came to kill them both, so she stood in front of Qu Chi.

It turned out that the killer was sent by the uncle of the king to send a message to Liehuo, asking Liehuo to continue investigating the princess.

"Go back and tell the uncle that there will be no more fire in the rivers and lakes from now on!"

After saying that, he and Qu Chi rode away.

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Wow, is this going to travel the world with a sword? It looks so romantic!

【[The Holy Maiden of Demon Sect]:

Being with the one you love is fine no matter what!

【[Xueyue Jianxian]:

Perhaps the greatest happiness in life is not to have countless wealth or a high status, but to be with the one you love!

When she just encountered the killer, Ming Zuer opened the live broadcast room.

The crowd of spectators thought they would see a fierce fight with the killer, but they were unexpectedly sprinkled with dog food!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

This picture seems a bit unsuitable for me to watch! I can't understand it at all!

【One Man's Martial Arts World]:

Suddenly I felt that this scene was a bit sad.……!

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

Haha, @【One Man's Martial Arts】 won't remind you of the sad things in the past!

Ming Zuer glanced at the live broadcast room, smiled, and turned off the live broadcast room.



"Qiao Feng, you are here indeed!"

A surprised shout interrupted Qiao Feng's practice.

"I have been looking for you for a long time, in every place you might go!"

Qiao Feng stood up and looked at the gentle and lovely girl in front of him with complicated eyes.

But he actually killed her by mistake! Although it will not happen from now on.

But if he had not happened to join the chat group and happened to meet such a great existence as the Immortal Master, how could Ah Zhu still stand in front of him alive!

Qiao Feng was overwhelmed with emotions!

The previous self was blinded by the so-called justice and morality.

He protected people who were not worthy of protection at all, but hurt people who should not be hurt!

In fact, one of the main reasons why he practiced in seclusion was that he felt guilty towards Ah Zhu and did not dare to face her!

As for the leader, Qiao Feng, who understood the original development of the plot, knew that the leader was actually the father of his good brother Xu Zhu, and was also used by Murong Bo.

Qiao Feng is a person who can distinguish right from wrong. He decided to find Murong Bo, the initiator of this tragedy.

"What's wrong with you? What happened?"

Ah Zhu looked at Qiao Feng with a complicated expression.

"You suddenly resigned from the position of leader of the Beggars' Sect. Something must have happened!" said the clever Ah Zhu.

"But why are you hiding from me?"

"I am a Khitan!"

Qiao Feng looked at Ah Zhu intently, wanting to know how Ah Zhu would react.

If Ah Zhu minded, then that meant that their relationship was over!

"What's wrong with the Khitans? The Khitans are also human beings!

Ah Zhu didn't mind at all, but asked in surprise,

"Have you found out your background?"

Qiao Feng was slightly moved. There was probably only one good girl like Ah Zhu in the world.

"Ah Zhu, what I am about to say may be shocking. Will you believe me?"

After thinking for a while, Qiao Feng decided to tell Ah Zhu everything.

"I believe everything you say!"

Since their first meeting and the subsequent encounters, Ah Zhu's heart has been completely tied to Qiao Feng.

"So that's why you left the Beggars' Sect?"

Ah Zhu smiled,"It's better not to stay in a Beggars' Sect like that!"

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