"Brother Qiao, you said your father is still alive, why don't you go find him and tell him the truth?"

Ah Zhu was a little confused.

Could it be that Brother Qiao couldn't bear the blow of being a Khitan?

"I plan to go find him in the next two days, but to be honest, I don't know how to tell him.……!"

Qiao Feng shook his head.

His father had a strong desire for revenge, and he had not yet figured out how to communicate with him better.

The past grudges were like a mess.

Even though he had learned the truth from the immortal master,

Qiao Feng did not know where to start to resolve these grudges.

However, this matter could not be delayed forever, lest the situation deteriorate as it was originally.

"This matter is indeed too complicated. It not only involves the Shaolin Temple abbot Master Xuanci, but also the Murong family.……!"

Ah Zhu didn't know what to say.

She was adopted by the Gusu Murong family when she was young. She was nominally a maid of Murong Fu, but in reality she was treated like an adopted daughter of the Murong family.

In other words, the Murong family was indebted to her.

Qiao Feng looked at Ah Zhu, thinking about Ah Zhu's life experience, and whether he should find a suitable opportunity to tell her.

Since she was willing to die for her father, she must have deep feelings for her biological parents whom she had never met.

At this moment, a sound of fighting came from outside.

The two looked at each other, got up and went out to check. But they found that they were surrounded by a group of people. It turned out that people from all the famous and upright families were there.

"Qiao Feng, it turns out that you are a Khitan, but you have been hiding in the Central Plains. What is your intention?"

"Boss Qiao, you claim to be a righteous man, but you are not a Han Chinese at all. Confess the truth today. What do you want to do?"

"The Khitans have killed countless people from the Central Plains. We cannot coexist with the Khitans!"


Qiao Feng looked coldly at these so-called upright people with hypocritical faces, talking about morality and justice, and attacking him from the moral high ground.

Suddenly, he felt a little disgusted.

When he first saw it on the video, he was just shocked and unbelievable, but it was far from being as strong as experiencing it in person.

"Even if I am a Khitan, I have already resigned from the position of leader. What else do you want? Kill me all?"

Qiao Feng asked coldly.

""Brothers, let's not say too much to him, so as not to be bewitched by this Khitan dog!"

Someone instigated in the crowd.

After hearing this, those people rushed up to attack.

Ah Zhu stood in front of Qiao Feng to protect him:"How can you people not distinguish right from wrong? Everyone can see what kind of person Qiao Feng is. How can you say he is a bad person just because he is a Khitan?"

Someone in the crowd recognized her:"This is the girl from Murong's family!"

"Girl, this is none of your business, you'd better get out of the way!"

Ah Zhu said firmly:"I won't get out of the way. If you want to do anything to Brother Qiao, you have to get past me first!"

"Humph, since you are so determined to die, I'm sorry!"

So these so-called righteous people in the martial arts world, regardless of anything, rushed over to the two of them.

Qiao Feng pulled Ah Zhu behind him, asked her to hide aside, and then fought with the people who rushed over.

Unfortunately, although Qiao Feng was a martial arts master, his two hands could not beat four punches.

There were too many people on the other side, and Qiao Feng couldn't bear to be too ruthless and cruel after all, he just wanted to repel them.

As a result, Qiao Feng's physical strength gradually couldn't keep up, and he was hit several times accidentally. Ah Zhu was extremely anxious watching from the side, but there was nothing she could do.

She knew that Brother Qiao was kind-hearted and didn't want to kill these people, but these people clearly wanted to kill Brother Qiao, and they were completely merciless.

""Brother Qiao, they want to kill you, don't show mercy!"

Ah Zhu couldn't help but shout when Qiao Feng was stabbed in the back again.

Qiao Feng also realized that these people wanted to kill him from the beginning.

However, because he showed mercy at the beginning, Qiao Feng had already lost the initiative, and now he could only defend himself.

Seeing that Qiao Feng couldn't resist, those people became more and more excited.

In addition, some people from various sects heard the news and rushed over from other places.

"Kill! Kill the Khitan dogs!"

Hundreds of people surrounded Qiao Feng and Ah Zhu.

At first, they didn't attack Ah Zhu, but later, they went crazy and even started to kill Ah Zhu.

Qiao Feng was very anxious. Because he was worried about Ah Zhu's safety, he was distracted and was hit several times.

Although the two of them resisted tenaciously, the other side used the wheel tactic to deliberately consume their physical strength.

Both of them were exhausted, standing back to back outside, with blood all over their bodies.

Qiao Feng knew that it would be difficult to escape today, but it was a pity that Ah Zhu was implicated.

"Ah Zhu, do you regret it?"

"Brother Qiao, I don't regret it!"

Ah Zhu had tears in her eyes, but she was stubborn and refused to let them flow.

"Go to hell, you two dogs and bitches!"

More than a dozen martial arts masters rushed over from all directions with grim smiles.

In a trance, Qiao Feng saw Madam Ma's smug smile in the crowd behind him!

At the last moment, Qiao Feng held Ah Zhu in his arms.

Suddenly, he chuckled.

"Are you accepting your fate now?"

A figure appeared out of nowhere in front of Qiao Feng.

He swung the weapon in his hand lightly forward, and those people fell backwards as if they were hit hard and fell to the ground.

After a long time, he screamed and groaned,

"Ahhh my hand is gone!"

""Oh, where are my legs?"

Those people either had broken legs and hands or bloody holes on their bodies. There were wails all over the place!

Qiao Feng looked up in surprise and looked at the lifesaver who suddenly appeared.

But he found that he didn't recognize this bald man wearing a vest, holding a palm leaf fan in his hand, and wearing a pair of slippers!

"Brothers, be careful, this Khitan dog knows witchcraft!"

Suddenly, a person appeared in front of everyone, and more than a dozen people were killed or injured. If it's not witchcraft, what else could it be?

"Monster! Kill this monster!"

Everyone was furious, and some people rushed forward fearlessly!

"Brother, watch! You can't show mercy to these people!"

How can these people contend with the Fire Cloud Evil God who has cultivated to the peak of the Golden Core stage?

He waved the fan in his hand again, and those people fell to the ground like rags, dying.

"Humph, relying on the number of people? Don't you see who your grandfather the evil god is?"

The people behind were already afraid, not knowing whether to continue to rush forward or retreat.

While they were hesitating, the Fire Cloud Evil God rushed forward, rushed into the crowd as if he was in an empty space and started killing.

The situation was reversed just like that!

Those who claimed to be righteous martial artists finally came to their senses and wanted to escape!

But it was too late!

Falling into the hands of the professional killer of the Fire Cloud Evil God, there was no reason for them to escape!

In a short while, hundreds of people were beaten to the ground without a single one left, either dead or injured!

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, Mrs. Ma Kang Min died the most miserably.

A deep cut was cut from her face to her waist, and she was almost cut off.

"Isn’t that the solution?"

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