After leaving a message to the maid, Lin Ge hurried out of Sanxian Island to chase after his master. After roughly identifying the direction, Lin Ge used his body skills to fly forward at a very fast speed.

With the strength of an early Daluo Jinxian and top-level body skills, Lin Ge soon flew very far.

But as he flew, Lin Ge found himself a little embarrassed.

He was lost! He was clearly flying in the direction of Wuzhuang Temple, but after flying for most of the day, Lin Ge became more and more suspicious that his direction seemed to be wrong.

Lin Ge stopped and stood on the cloud looking around.

""Fellow Daoist!"

The sudden greeting almost frightened Lin Ge to the point of falling off the cloud.

After calming down, Lin Ge carefully looked at the man who was saluting him.

He saw that the man was tall and mighty, elegant and handsome, with a beautiful beard on his chin.

"Hello, fellow Taoist!"

Lin Ge returned the greeting, but in his heart he was wondering, who is this person?


" Shen Gongbao, I'm here to meet you!"

Lin Ge's eyes widened.

Shen Gongbao was a famous character in the Investiture of the Gods.

In his previous life, Lin Ge had a bad impression of Shen Gongbao.

He was arrogant, jealous, petty, stubborn, and reckless.

It was because of his character that he repeatedly tricked the disciples of Jiejiao into coming out of the mountain.

In the end, the disciples of Jiejiao died and were listed in the list of calamities.

Moreover, although he had strategies, he was not very smart and was used by others. But he was unaware of it, and was punished to block the Eye of the North Sea.

According to the timeline, Shen Gongbao had almost been expelled from the sect.

Could it be that he wanted to join Jiejiao?

Lin Ge thought cautiously.

With Shen Gongbao around, the fellow uncles and uncles of Jiejiao were coaxed by him to the battlefield one by one and met the disaster.

This man can be said to be an ominous person!

Whoever is targeted by him will be unlucky!

If he is killed now, will there be no problems?

Lin Ge calculated secretly in his heart, but his face was calm.

"Poor Taoist Lin Ge! What advice do you have for me?"

"It’s not really about teaching, I’m just very happy to meet you here! You are a disciple of Jiejiao, right?"

Shen Gongbao asked excitedly.

The disciples of Sanqing are very recognizable and easy to recognize.

After being expelled from the sect by his master, Shen Gongbao weighed the pros and cons and felt that it would be best to cling to Jiejiao.

When he was still in Chenjiao, Shen Gongbao knew that Yuanshi Tianzun was arrogant and looked down on the disciples of Tongtian.

Although Tongtian didn’t care on the surface, he must still feel uncomfortable in his heart.

Shen Gongbao privately speculated about Tongtian’s psychology.

He put himself in his shoes and thought that if it were him, he would definitely be extremely dissatisfied.

Therefore, he felt that he could use this to retaliate against Yuanshi Tianzun’s injustice to him.

But... Unexpectedly, he couldn't find the way to the Biyou Palace on Jin'ao Island.

Jiejiao is good at formations, and Tongtian's dojo has set up hidden formations.

If it weren't for the disciples of Jiejiao or someone leading the way, outsiders would not be able to find it at all.

But the disciples of Jiejiao followed the orders of the leader and stayed in their own dojo to recite Huangting in silence.

Shen Gongbao searched all the nearby sea areas but found nothing. Now he finally met a disciple of Jiejiao

, how could Shen Gongbao not be excited!

This boy is very young and looks righteous, he must be easy to fool.

Let me use my eloquence to persuade him to take me to Jin'ao Island.

Shen Gongbao started to deceive Lin Ge.

First, he talked about how pitiful he was with nowhere to go, and made himself sound weak and pitiful to arouse the other party's sympathy.

Then he boasted about his admiration for Master Tongtian and Jiejiao, and then he tried his best to flatter and praise Lin Ge, saying it to the sky.

Finally, he tactfully proposed that he wanted to go to Jin'ao Island to meet Master Tongtian.

Most people might have been unable to withstand such an offensive and would have been willing to lead the way for Shen Gongbao.

Unfortunately, Lin Ge had already known Shen Gongbao for a long time, and it was impossible for him to bring such a troublemaker to Jin'ao Island to harm his family.

He had been thinking about what would happen if he killed Shen Gongbao. What kind of consequences.

With the chat group's ability to conceal the secrets of heaven, with his own realm of Daluo Jinxian, he can completely do it without anyone noticing.

It's a pity that the chat group is still being updated, and all functions have been suspended.

If Shen Gongbao is killed rashly, he will definitely be on the list of gods.

This will definitely attract the attention of Yuanshi Tianzun, and then after a calculation, it may not be impossible to find out about himself.

The death of Shen Gongbao is a trivial matter, but it has attracted the attention of the saint, but the loss outweighs the gain.

Alas, it's a pity for such a great opportunity!

It seems that the best way is to enhance my own cultivation as soon as possible!

In this way, when the chat group is unreliable, I will not be helpless when encountering problems.

"So, fellow Taoist, look……"

Shen Gongbao looked at Lin Ge eagerly, leaving something to be said.

"Fellow Daoist Shen Gongbao, my master has known you for a long time and has praised you for your comprehension!"

Lin Ge made up his mind and began to deceive.

He pretended to be a disciple of Master Tongtian and said that Master Tongtian had appreciated Shen Gongbao for a long time.

"It’s a pity that the master said that you have already joined the Chan Sect, otherwise he would have to accept you as his disciple!"

"Daoist friend, is that really the case?"

Shen Gongbao was overjoyed when he heard this,"Now that I have left the Chan Sect, can I become a disciple of Master Tongtian?"

"You have left the Chan Sect? Why?"

Lin Ge said in a surprised manner.

"This… this is a long story!"

Shen Gongbao rolled his eyes.

Of course, he couldn’t just say that he was expelled from the sect by his master.

That would be too embarrassing.

"That's right!"

Lin Ge suddenly pretended to be expectant.

"What's right?"

Shen Gongbao was delighted. Could it be that he was right to leave the Chan Sect?

"Master once said, Brother Gongbao, you are a person with great enlightenment and great will!

If one day you leave the Chan Sect, it must be a test from the Heaven!"

"How do you say it?"

Shen Gongbao was completely led by Lin Ge.

"If you can withstand the test, Brother Gongbao will soar into the sky and go further on the road of cultivation!

And you will also be admired and respected by everyone!

So next it depends on whether you can withstand the test!"

Lin Ge said seriously

"Is this...really... what Master Tongtian said?"

Shen Gongbao was very excited!

"So how can I stand the test?"

"Of course my master said so, otherwise, how could I not make it up?"

This is what Lin Ge was waiting for,"Master said that you and Jiejiao have a destiny!

If you do well, he will accept you as his personal disciple!

Now I will tell you what to do.……!"

Lin Ge looked around, stretched out his hand to form a barrier to prevent anyone from eavesdropping, and then pulled Shen Gongbao to whisper in his ear.

Shen Gongbao didn't expect that Tongtian Sect Master would think so highly of him. He was so excited that he felt like a drunk stepping on cotton.

"OK, please tell Master Tongtian that I will do my best and won't let him down!"

Shen Gongbao said, turned around firmly and left!


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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