Looking at Shen Gongbao's receding back, Lin Ge smiled triumphantly.

When it comes to fooling people, Lin Ge said that he is still quite good at it.

When he could no longer see the other person's figure, Lin Ge came to his senses.

Why didn't he ask Shen Gongbao to show him the way?

Forget it, finding the master is more important. Just pick a direction!

Lin Ge used all his strength to display his skills and flew forward quickly on the cloud.


Zhunti felt that he had been tricked by Yuanshi Tianzun, and he hated it to death, but he could do nothing about it.

He could only wander around, hoping that he would be lucky enough to meet a fellow Taoist who could fool him.

From a distance, he saw a figure quickly passing by, but it turned a corner in the middle of the way. Zhunti was overjoyed and shouted hurriedly:

"Daoist friend, please stay!"

Unexpectedly, the Daoist friend heard his shout and not only did not stop, but"whoosh" rushed in the opposite direction at a faster speed.

The man's quick reaction and escape speed were completely beyond Zhunti's expectations.

By the time Zhunti reacted, the man had already run away.

Zhunti was stunned. How could this man be so cunning?

Just as he was about to step up and catch the man, he remembered his brother's instructions and stopped.

He couldn't help but look up and down at himself, feeling melancholy.

"Am I that scary? You didn't even give me a chance to speak!"

Lin Ge patted his chest as he fled at a speed close to the speed of light.

"What a close call!"

I had originally planned to ask someone for directions, but I didn't expect that person's aura to give me a strong sense of pressure.

It was actually a quasi-saint?

Facing an existence that was much stronger than himself, Lin Ge had only one thought, stay away!

This prehistoric world is indeed full of dangers!

What kind of luck is it to meet a quasi-saint casually!

Lin Ge kept correcting his direction along the way, and flew for a long time, but still didn't see the shadow of Wuzhuang Temple.

He looked at the interface of the chat group and found that it was still being upgraded.

This chat group is not the first time to upgrade.

It used to be done quickly, why did it take so long this time?

Lin Ge was suspicious and even guessed whether the chat group wanted to embezzle his more than 10 million points.

Running away with the money, didn't many platforms in the past do this?

While he was thinking about it, Lin Ge found a man with a fairy-like appearance standing on a cloud in front of him.

But seeing that the man was handsome and beautiful, with a unique Taoist flavor, wide robe and sleeves, holding a whisk in his hand.

Seeing that the other party was also just a Daluo, Lin Ge boldly stepped forward and saluted:"Poor Taoist Lin Ge greets fellow Taoist!"

At this time, Lin Ge used a magic weapon to conceal his aura, but still showed the strength of Taiyi Jinxian.

The man looked kind and bowed in return.

"I don't know where you are going. If we are going in the same direction, we can go together!"

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Lin Ge asked shamelessly.

"I am Yun Zhongzi, I am going back to Zhongnan Mountain! Where are you going, fellow Taoist?"

The fellow Taoist had a humble look on his face, and did not look down on Lin Ge because he was at the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm.

Yun Zhongzi?

Lin Ge paused.

What a coincidence!

He wanted to find Zhen Yuanzi, but couldn't find him for a long time. When he turned around, he met Yun Zhongzi.

Yun Zhongzi was the reincarnation of Zhen Yuanzi's good friend Hong Yun.

Could this be the arrangement of God?

But now the calamity is so strong that the way of heaven is not obvious?

"It turned out to be Uncle Master Yun Zhongzi! I am a disciple of Lady Bi Xiao, and I am going to Wuzhuang Temple to pay homage to the ancestor Zhen Yuanzi!"

"Oh, it's my nephew. But it's a bit unfortunate! Wuzhuang Temple is heading in that direction, which is different from mine!"

"It's really unfortunate! Then I'll take my leave!"

Lin Ge was very happy to get Yun Zhongzi's directions. He was about to leave but stopped.

"But today I feel like I have known Uncle Master Yun Zhongzi for a long time. Can I go to you in the future to ask for advice on the way of cultivation?"

"Of course you can!"

Yun Zhongzi had a good impression of Lin Ge.

After a brief conversation, the two separated and went their separate ways.

Lin Ge followed the direction pointed by Yun Zhongzi and flew forward at an accelerated speed.

Finally, he saw the shadow of Wuzhuang Temple from a distance.

The first thing he saw was the lush and leafy innate spiritual root ginseng fruit tree.

Lin Ge circled Wuzhuang Temple from a distance, but found that Wuzhuang Temple was unusually calm, and it didn't seem like someone had come to cause trouble.

Did the master come or not?

After pondering for a while, Lin Ge put aside his doubts and decided to go to the temple to pay a visit to Zhen Yuanzi first.

However, with Zhen Yuanzi's identity, Lin Ge was not sure whether he could see him.

At the door, he was stopped by a boy of twelve or thirteen years old.

"Who are you? Wuzhuang Temple is not for anyone to come!"

Qingfeng shouted arrogantly.

As the son of the ancestor Zhenyuanzi, Qingfeng Mingyue felt that he was more powerful than ordinary immortals.

Of course, they were just relying on the identity of the ancestor Zhenyuanzi!

Lin Ge didn't care and bowed with both hands.

"I, Lin Ge, pay my respects to the ancestor Zhen Yuanzi!"

"My master is out meeting guests, he is not at home! Please leave quickly, or I will be rude to you!"

Not at home?

It's easy if the ancestor is not at home, aren't these two boys difficult to deal with?

"Excuse me, are you the breeze or the moon?"

Lin Ge was delighted. Just as he was about to use his eloquence to fool the two boys, he saw another boy running over.

"What's wrong with this guy? Why is he still pestering me for so long?"

The boy said rudely.

"I am Lin Ge, a poor Taoist priest, who has come here specially to pay my respects to the ancestor Zhen Yuanzi! I hope you two Taoist friends can help me!"

"I said you are such a trouble. I told you that my master is not at home!"

The boy said angrily.

But the boy who came later was quite pleased to hear Lin Ge call him"fellow Taoist".

"The master is indeed not at home, please come back another day!"

Lin Ge was about to speak, but heard a voice transmission,"Good disciple, keep those two boys company for a while!"

Is this the master?

The master is indeed a man who follows his own will!

Seeing that the two boys were eager to send Lin Ge away, Lin Ge was no longer in a hurry.

"I heard that the old ancestor is famous and I admire him very much. I came all the way here to meet him. Please be accommodating!"

Qingfeng and Mingyue looked at each other and realized that the person in front of them was a bit difficult to deal with.

At this time, Lin Ge took out a handful of colored glass beads from his hand. They were very beautiful in the sunlight!

These glass beads were sold by Gao Qiqiang in the chat group trading mall. One point can buy a handful. As a childhood memory, Lin Ge spent one point to buy a handful.

The two boys were attracted by the glass beads.

It was not because the glass beads were so good, but because they were curious because they had never seen such things.

""What treasure do you have?"

Qingfeng asked.

He did not ask what kind of magic weapon it was, but what kind of treasure it was, which showed that this guy was still knowledgeable.

Lin Ge was just using this thing to attract the attention of the two, so he took out this worthless thing to fool the two boys.

Then Lin Ge started to fool them, explaining the way to play with glass beads one by one, and even demonstrated it in person in front of the gate of Wuzhuang Temple.

The two boys were very interested in playing with glass beads, and they learned it quickly.

Lin Ge received the master's message again, and knew that the master had succeeded.

So he was about to run away, but was stopped by the two boys.

"Aren't you going to meet my master? Why don't you wait in the temple and play with me?"

"Yes, maybe the master will be back soon, you wait a little longer!"

Lin Ge:……!


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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