Faced with the two boys' enthusiastic attempts to keep him, Lin Ge was speechless and could not express his grievances.

This retribution came too quickly!

Just now, the two boys thought that Lin Ge was difficult to deal with, but now it was Lin Ge who thought that the two boys were difficult to deal with.

"Since you said that the ancestor will be back soon, why don’t we go to meet him on his way back and give him a surprise?

Think about it, the ancestor must have been tired to go out to meet his friends, and he must have missed you very much.

As a result, he saw you waiting to greet him halfway. Wouldn’t he feel very touched!"

The two boys had hardly ever left Wuzhuang Temple. After being fooled by Lin Ge, they actually yearned for that kind of scene!

Lin Ge was secretly delighted to see that the two boys agreed to his suggestion.

Go out and slip away when the two boys are not paying attention!

Qingfeng Mingyue was also confused. His attention was always on Lin Ge. He didn’t even think about checking the ginseng fruit. He didn’t know that the two of them had caused a big disaster.

The three were about to leave the temple, but they saw a person flying straight in the air from afar.

"Tong'er, where are you going?"

Hearing this call, Lin Ge couldn't help but secretly groan.

""Master is back!"

Qingfeng Mingyue knew that the master had returned, so he stopped.

Lin Ge had no choice but to stop.

Zhen Yuanzi was very fast and landed in front of the three people in a moment.

Is this the famous earth immortal Zhen Yuanzi?

Lin Ge looked up and took a closer look.

He saw that this person was wearing a purple gold crown and a worry-free crane cloak. He was wearing shoes and a silk ribbon around his waist. He looked like a boy and had a face like a beauty.

Three beards fluttered under his chin, crow feathers folded on his temples, and he held a jade whisk in his hand. He was indeed a master with an immortal style.

"Oh, are there any guests visiting?"

Zhen Yuanzi saw Lin Ge standing next to him and nodded slightly.

""Master, this is Lin Ge. I have long admired your great reputation, and today I have come to see you!"

Qingfeng stepped forward and replied.

Lin Ge had no choice but to step forward to greet Zhen Yuanzi and said some words of admiration.

Zhen Yuanzi was gentle and kind, and did not treat Lin Ge with contempt because of his low cultivation. He invited Lin Ge into the house for a chat, asked Mingyue to serve fairy tea, and asked Qingfeng to get two ginseng fruits to entertain Lin Ge.

Lin Ge's heart tightened, and he wanted to say no, but he dared not say it out loud, fearing that Zhen Yuanzi would be suspicious.

You know, ginseng fruit is a rare thing.

This fruit is also called Cao Huandan. It blooms once every three thousand years, bears fruit once every three thousand years, and takes another three thousand years to ripen. It takes nearly one thousand years. It takes ten thousand years to eat!

And in these ten thousand years, only thirty fruits are produced. The appearance of the fruit is like a child under three days old, with all four limbs and five senses.

Because the ginseng fruit tree is the spiritual root of the earth, the fruit it produces is a rare thing.

It is said that if a person is lucky enough to smell the fruit, he can live for three hundred and sixty years; if he eats one, he can live forty-seven thousand years.

The most important thing is that the ginseng fruit tastes excellent, which is more delicious than the ordinary fairy fruit.

All the immortals in the prehistoric world have heard of the good name of ginseng fruit, but few have actually eaten it.

So if Lin Ge said that he would not eat ginseng fruit, it would seem very strange!

"Seeing that fellow Daoist is so young, yet he has already cultivated to the Daluo realm, he is really enlightened!"

Although Lin Ge suppressed his cultivation to the Taiyi Jinxian realm, without the cover of the chat group, Zhen Yuanzi, as a quasi-saint, saw through Lin Ge's true cultivation at a glance.

Lin Ge felt very uncomfortable, but he looked calm.

Hearing Zhen Yuanzi's praise, he clasped his fists and said modestly:"No, it's just that Master taught me well!"

This humble attitude won Zhen Yuanzi's favor more and more.

From the clothes he wore, Zhen Yuanzi could see that Lin Ge was a disciple of Sanqing.

Most of the disciples of Sanqing have a kind of arrogance and conceit in their bones. A humble and low-key attitude like Lin Ge makes people feel comfortable.

"May I ask who your master is?"

Zhen Yuanzi asked casually.

"My poor master is the Queen Bixiao of the Three Immortals Island!"

"Oh, it's Fairy Bixiao. No wonder she can teach such a humble and polite disciple!"

Zhen Yuanzi once visited Master Tongtian and met Bixiao. He thought this little girl was quite cute!

Lin Ge was about to answer when Qingfeng suddenly stumbled over and yelled,

"No, no, no……!"

Zhen Yuanzi's face darkened slightly.

"Tong'er, what's the matter that makes you so flustered?"

"Master, something terrible has happened. When I went to pick some fruits for Brother Lin, I counted them and found that there were a few missing!

I thought I had counted wrong, so I counted twice more, but there were still a few missing! Master, this... this……!"

""What? Who is so bold as to steal from me? How many fruits are missing?"

Zhen Yuanzi was furious.

It can be said that Zhen Yuanzi's personality is also peculiar.

When guests come, he is willing to generously treat them with fruits, but if one or two are stolen, he will not give up and must find out the thief and track him down to the end.

Therefore, he usually asks the boy to guard the ginseng fruit tree strictly and not let other idle people get close to it.

"Reporting to Master, I have counted and lost five in total!"

Qingfeng Mingyue knew that he had failed in his duty and stood aside trembling, waiting for the punishment from the ancestor.

"Alas, now you are afraid!

What did I teach you?

You must keep a close watch to prevent those villains who covet the ginseng fruit from taking it!"

Zhen Yuanzi was distressed.

It took ten thousand years to get only thirty fruits, and he couldn't bear to eat them! Of course, the reason why he didn't eat the fruit was that since Hong Yun's death, every time he ate the fruit, he would think of Hong Yun, and he would feel sad and lose his appetite!

"Master, we have always been inseparable, except……!"

The breeze boy frowned and recalled,

"Except for Fellow Daoist Lin who came over, we chatted with him for a while, and that was all!"

Well, this fire has burned me so quickly!

"I didn't expect that my visit to the ancestor would cause the ginseng fruit to disappear. What should I do?"

Lin Ge said with a look of trepidation and apology.

"This has nothing to do with you!"

Zhen Yuanzi was not the kind of person who would take his anger out on others at will. He turned around and scolded the boy.

"It was obviously you who left your post without permission. You didn't look for the reason from yourselves, but you blamed it on Fellow Daoist Lin. You really deserve to be punished!

Remember, we will make up for it together the next time you commit a mistake!"

Lin Ge was stunned.

This Zhen Yuanzi has a really strange personality.

If a boy makes a mistake, he can keep a record of it and punish them together next time.

Will there be a next time?

No wonder these two boys are always so arrogant, it turns out that they are all spoiled by Zhen Yuanzi!

"Allow me to say a few words, I heard that there are people in the West who covet the rich resources in the East, you must protect the fairy fruit well, ancestor!"

Lin Ge stood up and said goodbye:"Since the ancestor has something to do here, I will leave first and visit you another day!"

"Thank you for your reminder, fellow Taoist!"

The reputation of the two people in the West is not good, and Zhen Yuanzi has heard of it.

Seeing Lin Ge saying goodbye and leaving, Zhen Yuanzi was not in the mood to entertain guests anymore, so he stood up to see him off.

After leaving Wuzhuang Temple, Lin Ge kept flying at a normal speed for a long time before speeding up and leaving. After walking a long way, he looked back and wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead with lingering fear.

He complained in his heart:"Master, you are too greedy, people only have thirty ginseng fruits in ten thousand years, and you beat five of them? No wonder Zhen Yuanzi is angry!"

At this time, the complained Bixiao was lying on the soft couch in the cave, eating the fresh ginseng fruit he had just picked with relish.

Next to him, there were four small doll-like fruits neatly placed on the jade plate!

"Well, this taste is really good! But why hasn't Lin Ge's disciple come back yet?"


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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