Li Lianhua slowly turned around and looked at Shan Gudao in disbelief.

""Brother, what do you mean by this?"

Shan Gudao said with a fierce smile:

"My good junior brother, since you have survived, you should hide in a deserted corner to lick your wounds.

But you are not afraid of death and still come to me!

In this case, let me, your senior brother, fulfill your wish!"

Li Lianhua was calm at this time.

He looked at Shan Gudao calmly:

"Brother, can you live with your conscience by doing this?"


Shan Gudao raised his head and laughed wildly:"Hahaha! What is conscience? Let me send you on your way, you can slowly study this issue!"

After saying that, Shan Gudao suddenly raised the big knife in his hand and slashed at Li Lianhua fiercely.

Li Lianhua did not dodge, and with his current skills he could not dodge.

He sighed and closed his eyes...

In a flash, an invisible hand gently blocked the big knife that Shan Gudao chopped down.

"Who? Who is it?"

After failing to strike, Shan Gudao jumped back and asked vigilantly.

A man with a leg disease appeared in front of the two.

Li Lianhua was stunned. Who is this!

Who else can save me at this critical moment?

"Don't look at me with such gratitude! If you want to thank someone, thank the Immortal Master!"

Feng Yuxiu curled his lips.

He didn't like people with such stubborn personalities who didn't listen to advice!

"Immortal Master? Could it be that the immortal predicted that I would be in trouble, so he sent someone to save me?"

Li Lianhua's brain was a little out of control.

"Who are you? Do you want to save Li Lianhua?"

Shan Gudao looked at Feng Yuxiu in confusion. He didn't even know this man.

Normally, he knew all the famous people in the martial arts world. There was no reason why he didn't know him!

Feng Yuxiu looked at Shan Gudao with contempt. He didn't have the patience for such a sinister villain.

"With a"sizzle", Feng Yuxiu cut Shan Gudao's throat with his backhand knife.

"You…you don’t have…martial ethics!"

Shan Gudao never expected that this man would start fighting without even saying hello.

Then he covered his throat with his hands and fell down, dying with his eyes wide open!

Li Lianhua:…!

Well, this man was also trying to save himself, so he’s not cruel!

"Mission accomplished, I have to leave now, take care of yourself!"

Feng Yuxiu disappeared after saying this.

Only Li Lianhua was left staring blankly at the direction he disappeared in, with a complicated expression!


【Ding! The chat group has been restarted successfully!】

【Ding! The chat group has been upgraded to the All Heavens and All Worlds chat group!】

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms]:

A chat group of all heavens and worlds? What is that?

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

I agree! Can anyone come out and explain it?

【The Little Chef from Peach Blossom Island]:

I also want to know, what is the chat group of all heavens and worlds?

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

Let me make a bold guess, is this chat group able to connect all the worlds? But I really can’t imagine, besides your world, what other worlds are there?

【Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I am already very confused, and feel like I understand nothing. My limited knowledge restricts my imagination!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

So happy! The chat group is open again! Life without the chat group is so lonely! So excited!

【[Xueyue Jianxian]:

I also feel that these two days are too boring! I just realized that I have been enjoying getting along with everyone during this period of time!

【[Devil's Saint]:

I miss you all, brothers and sisters! But what exactly is the All Heavens and All Worlds chat group? Is there any change from before?

【The Third Young Master of Excalibur Villa]:

Let me think about it. There are countless worlds outside of my world. How many powerful masters must there be!

【Wing Chun Master Yip]:

I can only say that I can’t even imagine it!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

I am alone and I am going to wander through the heavens and all realms!

【Red Flame of Blazing Fire]:

It feels like the world is changing too fast, I need to learn from the seniors in the group!

【[Boss Qiao]:

Same as above! The world is changing too fast. I need to learn from the seniors in the group!

【Lotus OP]:

I suddenly realized it!

First of all, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the Immortal Master! Red envelope @【Jiejiao Jinxian】

Now the world is changing too fast, I have to learn from the seniors in the group!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

If you guys really have the leisure time, please consider coming to help us when you have time. The rebels in the North Sea are very powerful, and I still feel a certain amount of pressure!

【[Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

You guys can't imagine what the rebels here are like! But I have no problem with that!


Seeing the happy chat in the chat group, Lin Ge was relieved.

He deeply realized that when one's strength was not strong enough, it was really inconvenient to leave the chat group.

Just like just now, Master Bixiao finally came to his senses and rushed into Lin Ge's cave like a gust of wind.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Lin Ge in disbelief.

""Little Lin Ge? You... you are actually a Daluo?!"

Bi Xiao circled around Lin Ge twice, holding his chin with his hand and smacking his lips.

"Tsk tsk! I can't believe it! I actually picked up a treasure thousands of years ago?"

Yunxiao Qiongxiao also came to Lin Ge's cave and looked at him with a smile.

"Greetings, Master Yunxiao and Master Qiongxiao! Congratulations to both of you for breaking through to Quasi-Sage!"

Lin Ge hurriedly stepped forward to salute

"Little Lin Ge, I didn't expect you to be the real hidden talent!"

Yun Xiao smiled and nodded.

The story started when Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao broke through to the Quasi-Saint level.

Tong Tian Jiaozhu was shocked by the two of them breaking through to the Quasi-Saint level, and came to Sanxian Island to check.

But he accidentally discovered something more surprising.

That is, he realized that Lin Ge was already Daluo.

This breakthrough speed, even for a saint, Tong Tian Jiaozhu couldn't help but sigh.

But thinking that Lin Ge might be a variable, it makes sense!

Judging from the fact that Lin Ge suppressed his own strength to the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, Tong Tian thought that his three stupid disciples were probably still kept in the dark.

Tong Tian separated a wisp of consciousness and sent his own���The discovery was told to Yunxiao.

Yunxiao was indeed shocked!

A gust of wind passed, and Yunxiao appeared in front of Bixiao, raising his hand and hitting

"Third sister, you actually hid such a good thing from us, what were you thinking?"

""Big sister, what are you talking about? What have I hidden from you?"

Bi Xiao was stunned and a little insecure.

Could it be that the fact that she couldn't resist eating the ginseng fruit that was originally reserved for the two of them was exposed?

"Xiao Lin Ge has already reached the Golden Immortal Realm, but he still keeps us in the dark! I am very unhappy!"

"" Sister, elder sister, what are you talking about? When did Xiao Lin Ge reach the Daluo realm?"

Yun Xiao saw that Bi Xiao's confused expression did not seem fake, and knew that this silly sister probably did not know about it.

So he sighed and said,"If it was not for the master to convey the message to me, I would not have known that your disciple is so ambitious!"

"Wow, is that true?"

Bi Xiao shouted happily, and rushed to Lin Ge's cave like a gust of wind!

So the scene just now appeared, causing Lin Ge to be surrounded by the three goddesses.

However, the three goddesses did not ask Lin Ge how he broke through from the Golden Immortal to the Golden Immortal in such a short time. On the road of cultivating immortals, everyone has his own opportunity.

Even if it is a master-disciple relationship, they will not delve too much into it.

However, Lin Ge's rapid growth has invisibly occupied a very important position in the minds of the three goddesses.

If there is anything, the three goddesses will think of Lin Ge to discuss it first.

Lin Ge couldn't help but feel fortunate. It seems that exposing his strength is not a bad thing!

But now that the chat group has been reopened, he has to hurry up to improve his strength.

In order to avoid the last encounter with the quasi-saint, he had to flee in a hurry.


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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