Kunlun Mountain.

Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun opened his eyes, and a trace of doubt appeared on his calm face.

What happened? What went wrong in the middle?

Yuanshi Tianzun calculated carefully, but the heavenly way is not clear now and the secret is unclear.

After calculating for a long time, Yuanshi Tianzun just couldn't figure out why the well-planned thing did not develop as he expected in the end.

What a pity!

After planning for so long, it failed at the hands of Emperor Xin.

Now that Emperor Xin did not go to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense on March 15th, Zhunti had no chance to make trouble.

And Nuwa was naturally not involved.

Without the help of Nuwa, it would be quite difficult for Xiqi to overthrow the thriving Shang Dynasty with its current combat power.

Could it be that there are some variables?

Humph! Even if there are any variables, they can't escape my calculations!

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled faintly.

The so-called trend is unstoppable! Nothing can stop the Conferred God Mission


Lingtai Mountain in the west.

Zhunti came back unhappy after getting nothing, and Jieyin asked with concern:

"Junior brother, what did you gain from your trip to the East?"

"Don't mention it, Brother! Yuanshi Tianzun played a trick on me, I will remember this grudge!"

Zhunti told how Yuanshi fooled him.

"Later I learned that Emperor Xin went to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense on March 14. Senior Brother, isn't that old Yuanshi trying to make fun of me?"Jie Yin was not happy when he heard it.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun is a saint of the time. With the strength of the two brothers, there is no chance for revenge!

"Junior brother, you have been wronged!"

Jie Yin comforted:"You have made many contributions to the prosperity of the West, I know it all!

But the prosperity of the West is the long-cherished wish of both of you! No matter how great the suffering is, it is worth it!"

Zhunti confessed:"Don't worry, senior brother, I can still endure this little bit of suffering!

But it's strange to say, those people in the East have not been active in the prehistoric world recently!

I finally met someone from afar, but he slipped away so quickly that he didn't even give me a chance to talk!"

"The calamity of Conferred Gods has begun, and those people must not want to be involved in it, so as not to be included in the list of calamities!"

Jie Yin said:"But this is our chance in the West!

The more trouble there is in the East, the more chances we have!

Junior brother, you still have to continue to go to the East and wait for the opportunity!

Of course, if you meet that predestined person who is not civilized at the moment, you can also force him to be enlightened, after all, this is for his own good!"

When Zhunti heard this, he was happy!

"Brother, why didn't you say so earlier! I am the best at forcing people to convert, who told him to have a connection with the West!"With a few words, the two of them re-determined the tone for developing the West.

For a period of time, Zhunti began to rob some lone immortals in the East.

For a while, everyone was in danger, and no one was walking outside in the vast wilderness!


Jiang Ziya traveled around the world with the Investiture of the Gods in his hand.

He first came to Chaoge and carefully observed the folk life there.

He found that the people here were well-fed and well-clothed, and full of energy!

"This is not right! Didn't they say that when the phoenix sings in Xiqi, a saint has emerged?

Shouldn't it be Emperor Xin who was cruel and ruthless, mistreating the people and making them live in dire straits?

How could there be such a peaceful and harmonious scene?"

Jiang Ziya talked to himself, feeling that what he saw was somewhat inconsistent with what his master said.

In the end, he concluded that his master was right, these were all illusions, the last superficial prosperity!

When the prosperity is over, it will be time for Xiqi to march into Chaoge!

Jiang Ziya made up his mind to leave Chaoge and go to Xiqi!


Lin Ge finally managed to coax his master and two uncles away, and then he calmed down and activated the chat group's function of concealing secrets.

This chat group upgrade caused such a big commotion, and in the end it was upgraded from the Zongwu chat group to the All Heavens and Myriad Worlds chat group.

This really deepened Lin Ge's sense of crisis!

Lin Ge knew a little about the so-called all heavens and myriad worlds.

It was all-encompassing, and anything was possible! Maybe there were even countless worlds similar to the prehistoric world! As for what kind of worlds would be connected, Lin Ge estimated that only he himself could not think of it, and there was nothing the chat group could not do.

Lin Ge began to wonder what the chat group was all about!

Sitting cross-legged in the meditation position in the middle of the cave, Lin Ge communicated with the chat group and silently put forward a request to consume points to improve his cultivation.

【Consuming 2 million points! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian!】

【Consuming 3 million points! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the late stage of Daluo Jinxian!】

【Consuming four million points! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the peak of Daluo Jinxian! 】

As natural as eating and drinking, after consuming a full nine million points, Lin Ge successfully broke through to the peak of Daluo Jinxian!

What a pity, the remaining points are not enough!

Lin Ge was a little reluctant.

At the Daluo realm, the demand for points to break through the realm is too scary.

After consuming so many points, he only broke through from the early Daluo to the peak of Daluo.

It seems that points are always what he needs most.

As for the mental method, after Bixiao knew that Lin Ge had broken through to Daluo, he passed on the best Nine Revolutions Profound Art that Tongtian had passed on to him to Lin Ge!

Lin Ge spent some time practicing the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, and found that this method is indeed a top-level method, which is more suitable for him than any previous mental method.

When he was secretly happy, he heard the reminder sound of the chat group in his ear.

【This chat group selects group member Lin Ge as the group leader. Do you accept?】

Group leader?

Lin Ge thought for a while before coming to his senses.

Indeed, since joining the chat group, he has never seen a chat group with a group leader.

According to the memory of the previous life, as long as a group is created, whether it is a WeChat group or a QQ group, there is always a group leader.

��The position of group leader of this chat group has been vacant all this time, and it is finally being filled today!

"Are there any advantages and disadvantages to being a group leader?"

Lin Ge did not accept it immediately, but decided to learn more about it first.

If being a group leader will bring a heavy burden, it is better not to do it!

Isn't it good to be a free and easy fairy?

【Of course there are benefits!

In addition to ordinary permissions, many special permissions are only open to group owners!

As for what special permissions there are, you will naturally know when they are triggered in the future!

The disadvantage is that the functions of the chat group will become more and more powerful, making the group owner reluctant to give up the chat group!】

【So, does group member Lin Ge accept to become the group leader?】


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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