"Zhunti, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Zhen Yuanzi revealed his true face, sneered, waved his hand and used the magic in his sleeve to capture Zhunti.

Zhunti knew that Zhen Yuanzi's trick was powerful, and once he was captured, there would be no escape.

He was so scared that he quickly dodged to the side, cast a spell to resist, and shouted:

"Fellow Daoist Zhen Yuanzi, is there any misunderstanding between us?"


Zhen Yuanzi pressed on with each move and started a fierce battle with Zhunti.

"You stole my ginseng fruit, and now you come to my Wuzhuang Temple to lure people to your barren and desolate west. Do you still have any shame?" The good-tempered Zhen Yuanzi was also pissed off by Zhunti!

"Stealing ginseng fruit? When did I steal your ginseng fruit?"

Zhunti was a little confused, and while fumbling to resist Zhen Yuanzi's attack, he denied it.

"Don't deny it, a thief will not admit that he stole something!

Who in this ancient world doesn't know that you, the two saints from the West, have a reputation for being dishonest?"

Zhen Yuanzi became even angrier.

How can a thief admit that he is a thief!

Zhunti was beaten by Zhen Yuanzi and shouted,"Don't be so arrogant! After all, I am a saint, how can I be bullied by a quasi-saint like you!"

"Come on, don't hide your weakness, let me meet you, the weakest of the six saints!"

Zhen Yuanzi said contemptuously.

Zhunti is obviously a saint, but he often suppresses his cultivation to the early stage of quasi-saint, and cheats everywhere.

Being despised by Zhen Yuanzi, Zhunti got angry and cast a spell to fight with Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhunti is indeed the weakest of the six saints, but he is a saint after all.

Although Zhen Yuanzi is only a quasi-saint, he is a great perfection of quasi-saint, and he is only one step away from becoming a saint.

The two are evenly matched in strength, and the fight is inseparable.

The fight between the two was earth-shaking, and it shocked the great powers from all over the prehistoric world.

Everyone showed their strengths. He used his divine sense to check, but he didn't understand why the two people were fighting.

Yuanshi Tianzun was stunned.

These two people have always kept to themselves, so why did they fight?

Tongtian Jiaozhu frowned, wondering if their fight would have any impact on the Conferred God Tribulation.

Laozi glanced in the direction of the fight, and a subtle look flashed across his eyes, and then he immediately regained his composure.

Nuwa just thought that the two were very noisy, couldn't they fight farther away?

Deep in the Ten Thousand Mountains, a few curious eyes looked over.

Didn't this Zhunti Saint want to... Daxing Xifang?

How can you still have the time to fight with others?

Besides, isn't Zhen Yuanzi broad-minded and good-tempered? Why would he fight with Zhunti?

The Styx Patriarch raised his head from the sea of blood and looked over here for a while, thinking that it was not intense at all and what was there to see, and then immersed himself in the sea of blood to practice.

What made Zhunti complain was that the honest and kind Zhen Yuan became cunning.

Every time he wanted to kill and beat Zhen Yuanzi, he was blocked by the defensive formation that the other party had built with the Earth Fetal Membrane Earth Book.

This Earth Book can communicate with the primitive world. The power of the earth is a treasure of defense.

And this book has another feature, that is, it can not only call upon the power of the primitive earth, but also merge with the primitive earth.

The consequence of breaking the book of earth is the destruction of the primitive earth that is bound to it.

No one can bear the cause and effect brought about by this.

Zhunti also knows this, and he is cautious when he takes action. However,

Zhen Yuanzi is fearless and uses as much strength as he wants.

After being beaten several times, Zhunti took advantage of Zhen Yuanzi's inattention and flew backwards.

"Today is not a good day, we will fight again another day!"

Seeing Zhunti's hasty escape, Zhen Yuanzi did not chase after him.

"Master, are you just going to let this thief run away like this?"

Qingfeng Mingyue appeared beside Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and returned to Wuzhuang Temple with the two boys.

He just wanted to teach Zhunti a lesson.

He wanted him not to be so bold as to kidnap people near Wuzhuang Temple and not take him seriously.

The people waiting for news around knew that Zhen Yuanzi had driven the thief away, and they celebrated happily, and at the same time they were extremely grateful to Zhen Yuanzi!


【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【Hongmao Hero] You are now in the pain of losing your loved ones and your home! If you want revenge, I can help you

@【Shushan School Disciple] The Red Soul Stone in your body contains great power and is a treasure for martial artists.

But its evil nature is too great and not everyone can control it. If the person who gets it is not firm enough, he will be infected by the evil spirit and have evil thoughts!

I can help you control the Red Soul Stone for your use!

@【Star Eater: Void King] I think you are more suitable to be my mount. Do you want to come by yourself or should I catch you?

When the group was arguing about a few newcomers, Lin Ge, who had been silent, spoke up.

【The greatest emperor of all time who swept across the six kingdoms]:

The Immortal Master is mighty!

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

My immortal master is so awesome!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

How lucky it is to be the Immortal Master's mount! @[Star Eater: Void King] You are so lucky!

King Ghidorah:……!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Wow, I'm so envious!

When can Master Xian come to the North Sea to help me tame a mount?

Rewards are no problem!

【[Leader of Tianxiahui]:

After looking at the Immortal Master's mount, and then looking at my own, the White Wolf suddenly looked ugly!

Wolf Demon: Are you sure you have seen the Immortal Master's mount? I am ugly?

【Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

To be chosen by the Immortal Master as a mount, @[Star-Eater, Void King] means you must be very extraordinary. Can you show us how mighty and majestic you look?

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader]:

I am also curious about what kind of talent it takes to be noticed by the immortals!

【Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Curiosity +1!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

As far as I know, dinosaurs in ancient times were very majestic and domineering!

【One man's martial arts】:

@【Ultimate Killer King] Your cognition is so strange, why did you think of dinosaurs all of a sudden?

Listening to the unscrupulous conversation in the group, King Ghidorah was so angry that his eyes were blazing

【Star Eater: Void King】:

@【[Jinxian Jiejiao] You are so brave! Do you know what you are saying?

If you want me to be your mount, ask yourself first whether you can sit still!

After saying that, Ghidorah angrily opened the live broadcast room and showed his huge body to the group members.

He raised his head and let out a long roar, and a bolt of lightning spurted out of his mouth, and more than 10,000 meters in front were scorched by lightning.

Then with another light leap, Ghidorah flew in the air, surrounded by thunder and lightning, which was spectacular.

The group members were all stunned!

This was the most powerful character they had ever seen besides the Immortal Master.

For a moment, the group was silent.

【Star Eater: Void King】:

@【Jiejiao Jinxian] In this case, do you still want me to be your mount? Proud!

【Jiejiao Jinxian]:

Hahaha! Not bad, not bad, just as I imagined, you are fully qualified to be my mount!

King Ghidorah:……!

【Star Eater: Void King】:

@【[Jinxian Jiejiao] Where are you? I want to duel with you!

【Jiejiao Jinxian]:

Duel? You are not qualified!


PS:Ask for free gifts*Generate power with love!

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