Looking at King Ghidorah's unruly appearance, Lin Ge smiled slightly.

It's good to have a personality.

If you want to be your mount, you have to have a bit of personality.

As the privilege of the group owner, he can directly reach the heavens and the worlds through the chat group without the other party's consent.

And he can also lock the group members in the target world!

In a flash, Lin Ge appeared in front of King Ghidorah.

"You... who are you?"

Looking at this majestic figure that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Ghidorah had no intention of resisting and asked fearfully.

The figure stood in mid-air and looked at it indifferently.

Ghidorah was completely out of control and prostrated himself on the ground to worship!

Lin Ge waved his hand and captured Ghidorah and returned to the prehistoric world.

He threw Ghidorah on the ground casually,

"Are you willing to be my mount now?"

Ghidorah had long been convinced by Lin Ge's methods.

He knelt down to Lin Ge sincerely:"Master!"

Lin Ge smiled and said:"Actually, you are not qualified to be my mount now, you still need to be transformed!"

After saying that, he pointed his finger, and a white light hit Ghidorah's head.

""Open your mouth!"

Lin Ge ordered.

Ghidorah obeyed and opened his mouth, and an elixir fell into it.

In the blink of an eye, Ghidorah's body quickly shrank to its normal state.

The three-headed golden dragon looked cute with a pair of large wings on its back.

Ghidorah cheered, circled in the air for a few circles, and then fell to the ground, transforming into a cute boy with three horns on his head.

The boy came forward and knelt in front of Lin Ge.

"Thank you, Master, for the immortality and elixir!"

After saying this, Lin Ge transformed into a golden dragon over three feet long, and jumped up and sat on the dragon's neck.

The golden dragon roared to the sky and flew away.


In Lin Ge’s chat group live broadcast room, all the group members were stunned and dumbfounded!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Master, I am your most sincere follower. Can you help me get a mount next time you have a chance?

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the first emperor in history]:

Can you be more ambitious? You always bother the immortal master with everything. Do you think the immortal master has nothing to do?

【[Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

That’s right! Look at me, I got a mount by my own ability! Although it’s just a white wolf, fortunately I didn’t embarrass the immortal master!

White Wolf: …!

Master, it’s ok for you to tease the group members, but why do you always say that I don’t deserve it?

【[One Man's Martial Arts]:

To be honest, having a mount is cool enough!

But there are no such cool animals as mounts in my world!

【Mr. Gao, General Manager of Construction Engineering:

I used to think that flying on an airplane was pretty nice, but now I realize that airplanes are not as good as real mounts!

【Leader of the Tianxiahui Gang]:

Don’t mention it. There are some pretty good mounts in my world. I will upload them to the trade mall when I get back. If you like any of them, you can redeem them with your points!

【Grand Master of Yihua Palace】:

@【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace] Stop being in a daze, your saliva is flowing down!

Lian Xing hurriedly wiped her mouth when she heard this, and suddenly came to her senses.

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】:

@【[Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace] You are really my good sister. You are not by my side, but you still know that I am drooling? Angry eyes!

【Snow Moon Sword Fairy]:

Hahaha! Second Palace Master is so cute!

【[Devil Sect Saint]:

Hahaha! Second Palace Master is so cute! First Palace Master is not bad either!

【Wing Chun Master Yip]:

If all my Wing Chun disciples were equipped with a flying mount, how would Little Sakura dare to show off here?

【One man's martial arts】:

@【Wing Chun Master Yeh] You came late after all, so you probably don’t know that I once fought all the Sakura Samurai alone without a mount! Proud!

【[Red Flame of Blazing Fire]:

The Immortal Master is someone I will always look up to! When can I be with the Immortal Master and follow him?

【Lotus Floor Master]:

I have no attachment to the mortal world, only the immortal path is worth pursuing! @[Red Flame of Blazing Fire] Let's work hard together!

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]:

If you want to follow the Immortal Master, you have to speed up your cultivation!

I once asked the Immortal Master, and he said that there is hope only when we ascend to heaven!


Ghidorah itself has the advantage of being extremely fast!

The Ghidorah transformed by magic and elixir is even faster.

Lin Ge rode Ghidorah back to Sanxian Island, attracting all the disciples on the island to come and watch.

"Wow, Junior Brother Lin, where did you get such a beautiful mount?"

"What kind of creature is this? It looks like a dragon but it’s not a dragon!"


Everyone was talking about it.

Ghidorah was quite intelligent, and he knew everyone was talking about him, so he lowered his head shyly.

Bixiao heard that the disciples had got a cool mount, so he hurried out to see it.

"Hey, your mount has only reached the level of a celestial being?"

Bixiao said with disappointment.

Lin Ge, you are a Golden Immortal after all, and you actually accepted a mount of such a low level?

Only then did Ghidorah realize that his master had accepted him, and it was really out of his league!

It glanced at Lin Ge in shame and buried its head even lower.

It thought to itself that it must practice well and improve its level as soon as possible, so as not to embarrass its master!

Lin Ge touched Ghidorah's head and smiled,"Master, don't worry. Xiaoduo has just been upgraded from a mortal monster to a fairy beast today. It will definitely grow up in time!"

Back in the cave, Lin Ge grabbed a handful of elixirs and threw them to Ghidorah.

"Go ahead, improve your physique, and when you’re done I’ll take you for a stroll in the wild!"


After witnessing Lin Ge's various magical powers, Hongmao and Ding Yin's eyes became enthusiastic.

【Rainbow Cat Hero】:

@【[Jinxian of Jiejiao] Please help me take revenge!

【Shushan Sect Disciple】:

@【Jiejiao Golden Immortal]: Master, please help me control the Red Soul Stone and eliminate the troubles it causes me!

【The Ultimate Killer】:

@【Rainbow Cat Hero】@【Shushan Sect disciples] These two newbies are ignorant! Why didn't you give any red envelopes to the Immortal Master?

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

That’s right, they just want to get something for free without paying anything. This unhealthy trend must be stopped!

【Rainbow Cat Hero】:

@【[Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace] Palace Master, can you tell me what a red envelope is?

【Shushan Sect Disciple】:

@【[Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace] Palace Master, can you tell me how to give a red envelope?

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Okay, I’m happy to explain it to you two newbies, but I’ll have to charge you!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Haha, another good show to watch! Bring a small stool first!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Agreed, let's see how the Second Palace Master fools the newcomers! This show is quite interesting!

【Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Sister, you have been away for so long and triggered quite a few tasks, why do you still care about such a small amount of money?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Sister, no matter how little money is, it is still money! Don’t you understand the principle of accumulating a lot with a little?

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Actually, it’s not easy to make this kind of money! It’s really brain-twisting!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Persimmon still understands me!


Ding Yin:...!

So they talked for a long time, but I still didn't understand?


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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