After Lian Xing's countless patient and detailed explanations, Hongmao and Ding Yin finally figured out the relevant rules in the chat group. They also understood the importance of points!


Thank you for your advice, sister, the second palace master, red envelope @ [Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]!

Hongmao immediately paid the 100 points earned from signing in today to Lianxing in a red envelope.

【Shushan Sect Disciple]:

Thank you for the advice from Second Palace Master, red envelope @【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】!

Ding Yin was not to be outdone and followed suit.

I can't appear to be worse than a cat! Lian Xing was very satisfied to see this man and cat being so tactful.

Seeing that Lin Ge hadn't spoken, she knew that the Immortal Master must be busy at this time and had no time to read the news.

Suddenly, she came up with a good idea.

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】:

@【Rainbow Cat Hero】@【[Disciple of Shushan Sect] I have some points for you to borrow, but you have to pay a little interest!

【[Rainbow Cat Hero]:

There is such a good thing? Thank you so much, Sister Nigongzhu!

【Shushan Sect Disciple]:

There is such a good thing? Thank you so much, Second Palace Master! How much is the interest?

【[Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

A little bit of interest? Really not much! If you borrow 10,000 points for a month, you only need to pay 200 points. Less than a month will be calculated as a full month!

@If you need to turn over funds in the future, you can come to me.

The real conscience price, no deception!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Hey! This time we actually saw ourselves in the show?!

【Wing Chun Master Yeh]:

Second Master, this price is indeed very affordable! If I have financial difficulties in the future, I will come to Second Master to borrow money!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Second Palace Master Sister, you have a very sharp mind. This is another way to make money!

【Grand Master of Yihua Palace]:

Sister, when you make money in the future, don’t forget me, your elder sister!


【Rainbow Cat Hero】:

@【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace] Deal, borrow 50,000 points first!

【Shushan Sect Disciple】:

@【[Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace] Deal, borrow 50,000 points first!

These two are indeed heroes that the chat group has chosen, and they decisively borrowed points from Lianxing.

【[Rainbow Cat Hero]:

Red envelope @ [Jiejiao Golden Immortal] Please help me take revenge!

【Shushan Sect Disciple]:

Red Envelope @[Jiejiao Golden Immortal] Please help me control the Red Soul Stone!


After Lin Ge settled King Ghidorah, he looked at the chat history and found many messages tagged himself.

The most of them were from Hongmao Xia and Shushan Sect disciples.

Seeing that this man and cat were fooled by Lianxing into borrowing money, Lin Ge couldn't help but laugh.

He used to help new members first, and they would send red envelopes to thank him after the matter was done.

Now, under Lianxing's manipulation, it has become taking money from others and helping them get rid of disasters.

But Lianxing is also an old member of the group. She has developed a way to make money, and this field should be supported!

Lin Ge received the red envelope and replied to each man and cat.

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【[Hero Rainbow Cat] Just go and seek revenge on Black Heart Tiger without worry, I will take action at the critical moment!

@【[Disciple of Shushan Sect] Relax your mind and don't resist. I will help you suppress the Red Soul Stone for now. When you become stronger, you can suppress it with your own strength!

【Shushan Sect Disciple】:

@【[Jingjiao Golden Immortal] I am ready, when will you come, Immortal? Where should I pick you up?

Ding Yin followed Lin Ge's instructions, relaxed his mind and made preparations, just waiting for the Immortal to arrive.

He didn't know the exact time when the Immortal would come, and he didn't get an answer when he asked.

While he was hesitating, he suddenly felt a gentle force entering his body.

The force went around in his body, lurked somewhere and didn't move, as if it had merged with Ding Yin's body.

Ding Yin was shocked and didn't know what was going on.

Could it be that the Immortal had already taken action?

But the Immortal clearly hadn't come yet!

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【Shushan School Disciple] I have injected a force into your body to help you control the Red Soul Stone, and it will no longer affect your mind.

Moreover, this force will help you when you break through in your cultivation, and then turn into your own strength.

Ding Yin was deeply shocked and impressed by Lin Ge's methods.

According to the second palace master of Yihua Palace, everyone is in a different plane.

Unless you get the other party's consent through the chat group, it is impossible to enter the other party's world.

But immortals are an exception!

Only immortals have the ability to descend to various planes!

Is this the legendary ability to reach the sky!

【Shushan Sect Disciple】:

@【[Jinxian of Jiejiao] Master, can I practice immortal arts?


Wen Zhong sent someone to bring news from Chaoge.

It turned out that the King of Xibo sent his eldest son Bo Yikao to deliberately provoke Emperor Xin, and was killed by Emperor Xin in a rage!

Then the King of Xibo Jichang used this as an excuse to prepare to rebel!

Lin Ge was stunned!

How did it get to the same point as the original plot?

Didn't some key events have been changed before?

Just when Lin Ge was puzzled, he received news from another person.

It turned out that Yuanshi Tianzun put pressure on Jiang Ziya, asking him to find a way to make the King of Xibo rebel!

In order to fulfill his master's order, Jiang Ziya tried every possible way.

Persuade, incite, and bewitch!

He used every possible means!

But Jichang kept hesitating.

In the end, Jiang Ziya had to use a big move to finally force Jichang to raise the banner of rebellion!

"So that's how it is!"

Lin Ge breathed a sigh of relief. This is easy to handle!

But I didn't expect that Jiang Ziya in the original plot was an upright and honest man who was a little stubborn, but he would use these methods?

Lin Ge ordered the man to continue to lurk in Xiqi to collect intelligence.

"You must find out where the real Bo Yikao is. This is a very important person!

Tell me after you get the information. Don't act rashly to avoid exposing yourself!

This Tai Chi Sword is a low-grade innate spiritual treasure. Keep it for self-defense!"

Lin Ge knows the art of controlling people very well. If you want to use it for your own benefit, you must use both kindness and force.

When he deceived this person before, he also subtly exerted the pressure of Daluo. Now give him some sweetness, and the other party will be willing to do things for him.

This low-grade innate spiritual treasure���, is the common Tai Chi sword exchanged by Lin Ge from the chat group trading mall.

After the chat group is upgraded with a new function, it is directly analyzed and upgraded to a low-grade innate spiritual treasure.

What makes Lin Ge satisfied is that only the group owner has the right to use this new function.

If any group member can use this function, then others will be less dependent on him.

It seems that being a group owner is not bad!

Chat group: The benefits of being a group owner are more than just this little bit, there will be more and more surprises later!


Shen Gongbao returned to Xiqi with great joy.

He had never thought that he would be rewarded with a low-grade innate spiritual treasure just for coming to pass on a message.

He and his Taoist friend had hit it off and were willing to be an undercover agent beside Jiang Ziya because he wanted to take crazy revenge on Yuanshi Tianzun!

Now, he found that he was really willing to work for his Taoist friend!

"It seems that following Fellow Daoist Lin Ge is not bad!"


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