Sure enough, with the motivation of the lower-grade innate spiritual treasure, Shen Gongbao's efficiency was amazing.

The next day, he sent the hiding place of the real Bo Yikao.

Lin Ge smiled secretly and said,"Jiang Ziya, you did everything you could to fulfill your master's orders, but you became such a villain!

But you still did not lose your last kindness. You only used the fake Bo Yikao to anger Emperor Xin and let Emperor Xin lose control!

But leaving the real Bo Yikao behind is a handle. This time, I want to see how you can save yourself!"

Lin Ge immediately set off and flew towards Chaoge.

Ghidorah chased to the door of the cave, looked at Lin Ge who was leaving with resentment, and murmured,"Master, why don't you take me with you?"

Since being captured by Lin Ge and brought back to the Three Immortals Island, Ghidorah has been practicing day and night without leaving the house.

Fortunately, it has a natural talent and the fairy method tailored for it by Lin Ge, coupled with the fairy pill, it has now entered the realm of true immortals.

But according to Lin Ge's words, it is still not good enough.

Ghidorah was secretly complaining when a branch suddenly hit him.

Ghidorah quickly dodged.

""Who? Who plotted against me?"

Ghidorah shouted while rubbing his swollen arm.


Another branch came over.

""Do you still need to plot against me?" a voice said contemptuously.

Ghidorah looked around in panic. He never expected that there would be such a bold thief who would come out and commit a crime just when his master left.

""Snap! Snap! Snap!"

The branches hit the target with every strike. No matter how Ghidorah tried to dodge, he would be hit hard. Although

Ghidorah's body had high defense, he was now in human form, a delicate and beautiful child.

Who would be so cruel to attack such a cute child?

"Stop it! Stop it!……!"

Ghidorah wanted to cry but had no tears.

He was a monster that was rampant in the area, a character that was revered and worshipped by everyone, how could he be reduced to being beaten today?

"Look at you, you are such a coward, you still want your master to take you out? Don't you know how much you are worth?"

Ghidorah was despised, but he could do nothing about it.

"Hero, where are you? Can you show up so Xiaoduo can see you?"

""Xiaoduo? I think you are quite redundant, hehe!"

Another childish voice laughed.

Ghidorah looked around, but couldn't find out who was talking to him.

Forget it!

I have to tell the master about this strange thing when he comes back!

So Ghidorah shook his head and went back to meditate and practice.

"Sister Wudao, this guy is such a fool!"

"It's not stupid, it's just that its realm is too low, so we make fun of it!"


Lin Ge used his recently acquired magical power - chasing stars and catching the moon. This is a physical power.

After the chat group's deduction, it has been upgraded to the ultimate magical power of the universe, which can shrink the earth into an inch.

From Sanxian Island to Chaoge, Lin Ge used other physical skills to get two days' journey, but using the magical power of chasing stars and catching the moon, it only takes one day.

When he arrived in Chaoge, Lin Ge visited Senior Brother Wen Zhong and shared the news he had obtained with him.

"No wonder my informant in Xiqi said that Bo Yikao was normal before he came to Chaoge!

Who knew that he suddenly changed after arriving in Chaoge, like a completely different person. So there is such a thing!"

After being pointed out by Lin Ge, Wen Zhong placed informants in the four major princes in the southeast, northwest, and northeast.

Once there is any movement, Wen Zhong can get the news in the first place.

But these informants can generally only investigate superficial things and often cannot touch the details.

After all, spies in this era are not so experienced.

"Senior Brother, I came here specifically for this matter! If we do this, we will definitely make Jiang Ziya leave Xiqi in disgrace!"

Lin Ge set up the barrier and activated the chat group's function of concealing the secrets, whispering in Wen Zhong's ear

"I didn't expect that you, my junior brother, have such a brilliant idea. With your help, Da Shang will surely prosper!"

Wen Zhong applauded and praised Lin Ge.

"There is no time to lose, Senior Brother, go and arrange it right away!"

Wen Zhong quickly arranged for someone to go down.

With Lin Ge's idea, he was full of confidence.

"Conquer the enemy without fighting! Well said!"


Poor Jiang Ziya finally came up with a clever plan, and finally persuaded Xibohou to raise an army to rebel against Chaoge. He was sitting in the room enjoying it happily!

As for Ji Chang, although he had agreed to Jiang Ziya a while ago, he had been secretly deploying troops during this period, but he had never revealed his intention to rebel.

In fact, Ji Chang was a man with a big heart, especially when the words"The Holy Lord of Fengming Xiqi has appeared" reached his ears, it made his restless heart agitated.

But he was very cautious and knew how to judge the situation.

Coupled with his original ability to predict the future, he could avoid risks and turn danger into safety.

The prosperity of Chaoge, especially the promotion of hybrid rice, made Emperor Xin famous among the people.

All this made Ji Chang know that now was not the best time to rebel.

If Emperor Xin had not killed his favorite eldest son Bo Yikao this time, I don’t know how long he would have endured.

Just as Ji Chang secretly felt that he was still a little impulsive, he suddenly heard his men come to report

"Someone told me to give this thing to Prime Minister Jiang!"

The man handed Ji Chang something wrapped in animal skin.

"Since it was given to Prime Minister Jiang, why did you send it to me?"

Ji Chang was puzzled.

"Because the man was very strange, sneaky, and said that he must not be seen by you.

I thought this man was too suspicious and was going to bring him to see you, but he disappeared.

So I sent the letter to you, so you can take a look at it first!"

Ji Chang took it and opened the animal skin, and there was a piece of animal bone inside.

This was an oracle bone that Chaoge used to transmit information.

There were not many words on the oracle bone, but when Ji Chang saw it, his face changed instantly!


"How is it going? Have you completed the task assigned to you by the Immortal Master?"

Xiong Ba asked the person who suddenly appeared beside him.

"Of course, the Immortal Master's affairs must be handled properly!"

Xu Fengnian said proudly.

Today, he suddenly received a message from the Immortal Master, asking him to help deliver a letter.

"Can this be called a letter? This should be called a package!"

When he received the letter that Lin Ge sent to him in the form of a red envelope, he was very surprised.

"Is this the letter from the Shang Dynasty?"

Xiong Ba was also quite curious.

The Immortal Master did not say to keep it secret, so Xiong Ba also knew about it.

"What's the point of sending this letter? With the Immortal Master's abilities, there's no need for us to send any letter!"


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