Ji Chang became more and more angry as he spoke.

"I should have taken your life, but considering that you have done some things for Xiqi in the past few years, I will spare your life.

However, Xiqi can no longer accommodate someone as powerful as you, so please find another job!"

Jiang Ziya looked at the furious Ji Chang in panic, wanting to say something but finding nothing to say.

It's over!

The master's mission could not be completed.

Jiang Ziya hung his head and wanted to make a final struggle, but Ji Chang waved his hand and sent two strong servants to fork Jiang Ziya out.

"From now on, you are not welcome in Xiqi! Please disappear from Xiqi immediately, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you!"

Ji Chang announced fiercely.

This man is so hateful that he actually set his sights on his eldest son.

If he had not deliberately restrained himself, if he had not calculated that Jiang Ziya had an extremely terrible background, I am afraid he would have killed Jiang Ziya.

In his rage, Ji Chang did not notice the strange color that flashed in his second son Ji Fa's eyes.


Lin Ge sat quietly in the cave, slowly recalling the dream he had last night.

The immortals of the prehistoric world can stay awake for a long time.

But as a time traveler, Lin Ge has kept the good habit of sleeping every night.

But what he calls sleeping is just closing his eyes to rest!

But last night, without any warning, he actually had a very strange dream!

An eight-headed snake tried its best to show its goodwill to him.

The big snake seemed to be in danger, and perhaps it showed its goodwill to him for help.

But the strange thing was that he reached out to help it, but he couldn't reach it no matter what. He could only watch the other party disappear!

After waking up, he used various means, but he couldn't figure out what this dream meant.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of this dream for a while, Lin Ge firmly believed that this dream would not appear for no reason. If you can't figure it out, you can only put it aside temporarily. Maybe one day you will suddenly have inspiration and understand it.

Lin Ge is also a free and easy person.

Just don't think about it.

Suddenly he seemed to hear two subtle voices chatting quietly

""Little Ginseng, you grow too slowly. You are still so small. You need to work harder!" said a little girl in a soft and tender voice.

"Sister Wudao, I have tried very hard to grow, but I am a child after all, isn't it normal for me to be small?"

Another more childish voice with a hint of coquettishness.

Lin Ge rushed to the entrance of the cave and was stunned.

He saw a small tree half a person's height growing upright next to the Wudao tea tree.

It looked like a young version of the ginseng fruit tree in Wuzhuang Temple.

Could this be the ginseng fruit core that he had thrown away at random?

This is unscientific!

The ginseng fruit tree is not an ordinary fruit tree. It is extremely demanding on the growth environment. It cannot grow in ordinary places.

If it can grow like this, then I don't know how many ginseng fruit trees there must have been in the prehistoric world when Yuan accounted for it!

"Oh, Sister Wudao, the master finally saw me, I am so happy!"

The little ginseng fruit tree moved without wind, as if celebrating.

Lin Ge turned his eyes and looked at the Wudao tea tree with an inquiring look.

"How is it, Master? Are you surprised or not?"

The Enlightenment Tea Tree stretched out a branch and gently stroked the ginseng fruit tree beside it, just like a little sister caressing her little sister.

"I was really surprised and surprised!"

Lin Ge smiled bitterly.

Isn't this a confession?

Forget it, I'd better take two handfuls of Enlightenment Tea and give them to Zhen Yuanzi, as a way to repay him for this karma!

Lin Ge used a beautiful jade box to pack two taels of Enlightenment Tea, and decided to go to Wuzhuang Temple again.


Kunlun Mountain.

Yuxu Palace!

Yuanshi Tianzun looked coldly at Jiang Ziya who was crying in front of him, and didn't know whether he should scold him or comfort him.

He was actually driven out of Xiqi by Ji Chang?

How...how to complete the next task?

Yuanshi Tianzun, who had been calm for ten thousand years, began to doubt himself. Was it right to entrust such an important task of Conferred God to this disciple who had no talent for cultivating immortals!

What exactly caused things to deviate from the original direction?

He had deduced it before, and after careful calculations, it shouldn't have been such a situation.

It's a variable!

However, Yuanshi has never found out who brought this variable.

The calamity of heaven and earth is getting thicker and thicker.

The calamity clouds are rolling, the way of heaven is retreating, and the secrets of heaven are not revealed!

The great calamity of Conferred God is imminent, but now this accident has occurred and it cannot be carried out.

Yuanshi stepped out of his own Taoist temple and came to the Bajing Palace on Shouyang Mountain.

""Big brother!"

Taishang Laojun looked at Yuanshi expressionlessly.

It was obvious that he already knew the purpose of his second brother's visit.

"If it's convenient, I'd like to borrow your Tai Chi diagram for use!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was a little unwilling.

He was a saint, and his carefully planned things had gone wrong in the middle.

"It's useless! I've already deduced it, but it's all gray and I can't see anything!"

Yuan Shi Tian Zun was surprised.

The eldest brother's deduction ability is the strongest among the three brothers.

How could he not deduce this variable?

"How should this matter be handled next?"

Yuanshi wanted to hear his elder brother's opinion.

Taishang Laojun said lightly:"Existence is reasonable! Since things have developed to this point, it shows that this world is still tolerant! Let's just let nature take its course next!"

Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to be thinking about something.

"Let it be! It seems that the matter of conferring the gods will have to be postponed for a while!"

So, Jiang Ziya went down the mountain to confer the gods, but it was all in vain.

The matter of conferring the gods has returned to the starting point!


Wanshou Mountain.

Wuzhuang Temple.

Zhen Yuanzi welcomed Lin Ge's arrival.

""It's a pleasure to have a fellow Taoist coming from afar!"

Lin Ge was surprised. Why did this sound familiar?

Qingfeng and Mingyue stood on the left and right of Zhen Yuanzi. They were also happy to see Lin Ge.

It seemed that they were still not satisfied with the marble game they played last time.

Lin Ge took out the jade box:"I don't have anything good. I don't know if you like tea, so I brought two taels of good tea to give to you!"

Zhen Yuanzi was very happy.

"Come if you want! Why are you so polite!"

After taking the jade box, Zhen Yuanzi warmly invited Lin Ge to take a seat, and ordered Qingfeng to make tea and Mingyue to get ginseng fruit.

Lin Ge hurriedly refused:"No need for ginseng fruit! That thing is rare!"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said:"That's why I'm here to treat you because it's rare!

Last time there was an accident and you didn't get to eat it, I still feel bad about it!"

Lin Ge was ashamed, how could he still remember what happened last time!

"I heard that fellow Taoist had a battle with one of the Westerners?"

"You've heard about this too?"

Zhen Yuanzi asked in surprise.

"I don't like fighting and killing! But that guy was too much, so I had to fight him!"

"If you ask me, that kind of person needs to show some strength, otherwise he will think that your tolerance is weakness!"

Lin Ge expressed his support for Zhen Yuanzi.

Then the two of them discussed the doctrine and the law, and it seemed that they had met too late!


PS: Dear handsome readers, remember to vote for love!

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