After returning from Wuzhuang Temple, Lin Ge couldn't refuse the kindness and took away two ginseng fruits.

This also found a legitimate reason for the existence of the small ginseng fruit tree.

Bixiao was very satisfied with the filial piety of the disciple.

It just so happened that she was a little greedy these two days.

"Lin Ge's disciple is still filial to his master!"

Bi Xiao picked up a ginseng fruit, blew it, took a big bite, and leaned back comfortably on the recliner.

"By the way, your master said that the Conferred God event has been put on hold, so you can leave the island and go travel!"

""Master, what did you say?"

Lin Ge felt it was incredible.

"The great calamity of the Conferred God has already begun, can it be paused in the middle?"

"Yes, we also find it a little strange, but this is the order from your master today, so we just do it!"

Bi Xiao said indifferently


Lin Ge didn't show it on his face, but he was sneering in his heart.

Yuanshi Tianzun, the old fox, saw that Chaoge was in its heyday, Jiang Ziya was driven out of Xiqi, and the Chan Sect had no chance of winning in this Conferred God Disaster, so he came up with such a bad idea.

Taishang Laojun and Tongtian Jiaozhu didn't want the three disciples of the original family to fight to the death, so naturally they had no objection.

I just don't know what Hongjun would think!

【Persimmon in the Snow]: The Immortal Master is indeed very smart! Beihai suddenly withdrew its troops last night and admitted defeat, haha!

【[Leader of Tianxiahui]: It's been almost half a year, and I finally completed the task. Red envelope @ everyone, let's have fun together!

Exclusive red envelope @ [Jiejiao Jinxian] Thank you for giving me such a good opportunity! Find me next time you have work!

【Ultimate Killer King]: Haha, there are red envelopes to grab! I am a professional at grabbing red envelopes!

【Ding! Group member"Ultimate Killer King" got 2 points!】

【Ding! Group member"One Man's Martial Arts" has grabbed 52 points!】

【Ding! Group member"Sweeping across six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time" got 88 points!】

【Ding! Group member"Taohua Island Little Cook" got 36 points!】

【Ding! Group member"Lotus OP" got 66 points!】


Huoyun Evil God:...!

The dumb and the fool who were practicing saw that Huoyun Evil God looked unhappy, and hurried over to comfort him.

Huoyun Evil God felt warm in his heart. Since he accepted these two disciples, he actually felt like he was at home.

"Master, it's okay, continue to practice!"

But after the two children left, he slapped himself hard.

Didn't he say last time that there was a red envelope for that stupid disciple to grab?

How come he couldn't help but click it when his hands were itching!


【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

Thanks for the red envelope @【Tianxiahui Gang Leader】By the way, do you still have the tea leaves that the Immortal Master sold last time? If you do, can you sell me one piece at a high price?

Lin Ge once uploaded a batch of Enlightenment Tea leaves in response to the strong requests of the group members, but there were not many, and they were sold in pieces.

As a result, Xiong Ba was quick and grabbed a few more pieces. When Dongfang Bubai reacted, they were gone.

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader】:

@【[Sun and Moon Sect Leader] Indeed, there is still a little bit left. I will sell it to you at the original price. I dare not make a profit by using the Immortal Master’s things!

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader:

Thank you very much! Gang spirit, if you need any help in the future, just let me know!

Dongfang Bubai was overjoyed.

She had been stuck in the Golden Core Stage for a long time since she took the Enlightenment Pill last time.

Many members in the group got the Enlightenment Tea sold by the Immortal Master, and their cultivation level advanced into the Nascent Soul Stage, approaching the God Transformation Stage, which was a sudden and rapid increase.

How could the arrogant Dongfang Bubai bear this!

She also practiced day and night with all her might, but it was a pity that the spiritual energy in this world was not strong enough.

It would be difficult to practice without cultivation resources.

Now that she has the Enlightenment Tea transferred by the leader of the Tianxiahui, a breakthrough in realm is just around the corner.

Dongfang Bubai sent a red envelope of 50,000 points to Xiongba, and Xiongba readily handed over a piece of Enlightenment Tea!

After burning incense and washing her hands, Dongfang Bubai brewed the Enlightenment Tea with the best mountain spring water, and was about to drink it?

Suddenly, the maid rushed in and reported:"It's bad, Master. Zuo Lengchan has gathered all the famous and upright sects in the martial arts world and surrounded the Divine Sect, saying... saying……"

"What did you say?"

Dongfang Bubai slowly picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"They say you are a witch who has bewitched everyone! Now we are all here to defeat you!

The left and right envoys and the four guardians are blocking us in front!

But they are outnumbered and I don’t think they can hold out for long!"

"Why are you panicking? They are at the foundation-building stage after all, so they can handle it!"

Dongfang Bubai took another sip of the enlightenment tea, feeling the vigorous spiritual energy and his understanding of all things in the world.

"Yu Niang, how come you are only at the third level of Qi Refining?"

After drinking three cups of tea, Dongfang Bubai put down the cup and looked at the maid waiting beside him.

Yu Niang thought to herself, Master, you are so careless. The powerful enemy is about to attack us, and you still have the time to care about my level?

"Go, call Yilin over, and let’s drink the remaining tea together!"

At this moment, Yilin came in, and when she heard her sister talking about drinking tea, she said in disbelief:

"Sister, there is a fierce fight going on outside, how can I have the mind to drink tea!"

Yu Niang also nodded continuously, expressing her agreement.

Dongfang Bubai glanced at the two of them and said:"Letting you drink tea is a blessing for you! If you don't want to drink it, let the left and right messengers drink it!"

After saying that, he ignored the two of them and directly circulated the spiritual power in his body.

"With a"boom", Dongfang Bubai's aura rose steadily, and the faint spiritual energy between heaven and earth rushed towards her frantically.

Her realms broke through one after another.

Golden Core Great Perfection!

Nascent Soul Early Stage!

Nascent Soul Middle Stage!


Only after he broke through the initial stage of the Spiritualization did he stop and stabilize his state!

Yi Lin and Yu Niang were stunned, and were forced into a corner by the pressure from Dongfang Bubai.

Dongfang Bubai snorted coldly and appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Seeing Dongfang Bubai coming out, both sides stopped fighting.

Zuo Lengchan shouted,"Everyone, this is that demon……!"

Dongfang Bubai clapped his hands lightly,"Shut up!"

Zuo Lengchan groaned and flew ten feet away, with a big hole in his body, blood flowing out, and he fell to the ground dead.

A fatal move?

The righteous people who were eager to try just now were stunned.

"Who else is willing to challenge me? Or we can come together!

You guys claim to be a famous and upright sect, but you really disappoint me!"But who would dare to come after being frightened by the righteous sect?

Looking at the people who were frightened and retreating step by step and trying to escape, Dongfang Bubai shook his head coldly.

"Those who obey me will prosper, those who disobey me will perish! My Blackwood Cliff is not a place where you can come and go as you please?

If you are willing to submit to me today, I will spare your life, and if you are not willing to submit, you can die!"

"We are willing to submit to the Eastern Patriarch and regard him as the leader of the martial arts world!"

The righteous people all clasped their fists and knelt on one leg to salute.

"Humph, you are wise! I will spare your lives today, but if you do it again, I will kill you without mercy!!"

"The subordinates don’t dare anymore!"


In the live broadcast room of Dongfang Bubai

【The greatest emperor of all time who swept across the six kingdoms]:

The Sun Moon Sect Leader is truly mighty, having already reached the level of a spirit being, heroic and valiant, with a charming demeanor!

【Tiedan Shenhou]: Master, you have good tactics! But you are still a little soft-hearted. If it were me, I would just kill all these people!

【Persimmons in the Snow]:

It would be boring to kill them all! Only if they are left for my use will they be valuable!

【[The leader of Tianxiahui]:

The persimmon has grown! The immortal master taught us that killing people is like cutting leeks, cutting one crop after another.

So killing people is very boring. Killing people is just a means, not an end!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

There is such a saying? Very good! Very novel, I found another reason to kill people!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

I totally agree with what Gang Leader Xiong said! It's better to defeat him than to kill him!

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

What you said is so profound, even a smart person like me can hardly understand it! Sister Leader, you are so majestic, Rong'er likes you so much!

【Lotus Tower Master]:

Everyone, why am I only at the Golden Elixir level after drinking the Enlightenment Tea?

【[Red Flame of Blazing Fire]:

That's right! I drank the water soaked with two tea leaves and even ate the tea leaves, but it was only the Golden Elixir Great Perfection! How did the leader become a god all of a sudden?

【Boss Qiao:

Same question!

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Oh, I forgot you came late and missed the opportunity to get the Enlightenment Pill!

【The Holy Maiden of Demon Sect]:

I wonder if the Immortal Master still has the Enlightenment Pill. I want to buy one for my friend!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

I want to buy one for my father, too!

Huang Rong said quickly.

Huang Lao Xie knew that his daughter had embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, and expressed his envy.

So Huang Rong passed on the immortal cultivation secrets passed down by the immortal master to her father. Huang

Lao Xie began to cultivate immortals with great interest, thinking that he would soon catch up with his daughter.

Unexpectedly, Huang Rong soared to the sky and had already broken through to the level of transformation.

Without looking, Huang Rong could feel the resentful look in her father's eyes!

Of course, she knew that this was not because her father was jealous of her, but because of her father's...���I just want to cultivate and become an immortal as soon as possible!


PS: Dear handsome readers, remember to vote for love!

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