"What should I give Feng Yuxiu as a cultivation resource?" Lin Ge thought about this question after looking at the message records in the group chat.

"The things can't be too good, otherwise, after the group members get enough benefits, they will be satisfied and start to lie down and wait for death!

In that case, how can you trick them into actively working for you to earn points! Mutual benefit is a win-win situation!"

"It certainly won't work if it's too ordinary.

Some mortal martial arts, even if they are top-level ones, can hardly arouse everyone's interest!

There are also martial arts masters in the group, but even some top-level mortal martial arts may not interest them too much!"

"It would be best if it was quick to show results and it was a consumable resource of the immortal world that ordinary people could not get. This would allow them to see the benefits of immortal world resources without eating too much at once.

In this way, their appetites could be aroused and they would want to get more actively!"

Thinking of this,

Lin Ge couldn't help but laugh.

In his mind, there were already several resources that perfectly matched the current situation, which would definitely make the chat group go crazy!

【Ding! The Jiejiao Celestial Immortal sent an exclusive red envelope to a person's martial arts world!】

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

This is the cultivation resource I prepared for you, enough for you to cultivate to the level of transcendence and becoming fearless of guns and cannons!

Without saying anything, Lin Ge directly sent out the resources in a red envelope.

Instantly, the chat group was boiling!

【Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:! ? Welcome to the Immortal!

【[Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

A large-scale lemon-eating scene! Why am I not the one being soured?

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Thank you, Immortal, for the treasure!

Feng Yuxiu was very excited and opened the red envelope with a nervous mood.

【Ding! Members of One Person's Martial World received their exclusive red envelopes! 】

At the same time, several items appeared in Feng Yuxiu's hands, and a reminder sounded in his ears!

When he heard the sound in his ears,

Feng Yuxiu's eyes suddenly widened, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth that could not be suppressed!

"Ding! Congratulations on receiving a storage ring with 999 spiritual stones!"

"Ding! Congratulations on receiving the Jade Slip of Transmission of Skills*Sword Controlling Technique (Note: The sword control technique of controlling objects through the air and the Hundred-Step Flying Sword!)"

"Ding! Congratulations on receiving the Jade Slips of Transmission of Skills * Soaring Skills (Note: Mortals practice and ascend to immortality!)"

His hands touched the two jade slips, and the jade slips disappeared directly and appeared in Feng Yuxiu's mind.

Before Feng Yuxiu could marvel at it, the contents inside emerged directly and were imprinted in Feng Yuxiu's memory.

After understanding the contents of the two immortal cultivation techniques,

Feng Yuxiu was so shocked that his brain was trembling!

Two techniques, one can control flying swords, and the other can fly in the air!

As long as you consume spiritual energy, you can perform these two extraordinary immortal techniques!

At this moment,

Feng Yuxiu didn't know what kind of mood he was in. He only knew that he was so excited that he was about to explode.

The mood at this moment will be unforgettable in his life!

This is his first step into the immortal gate!

What martial arts masters, boxing and foot skills, grappling weapons, at this moment, are all dispersed by the joy of seeing the immortal fate!

Feng Yuxiu couldn't help laughing up to the sky!

"Immortal cultivation techniques! It really is the Immortal cultivation techniques! I can fly and control flying swords. How can martial arts masters fight me?"After laughing for a while,

Feng Yuxiu smiled and shook his head.

"With these two spells, I can defeat the powerful enemies that I used to fight against, but I can't resist the attack of modern artillery fire! To get more points, please give me another spell!"

In the chat group, everyone was extremely curious.

【The Greatest Emperor in the World】:

@【One person's martial arts world], tell me what the immortal has given you, do you want to drive me crazy and rebel?

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

@【One man’s martial arts world], don’t force me to beg you, just tell the truth!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】:

@【A person’s martial arts world], what did the immortal give you?

【The Ultimate Killer】:

@【One Man’s Martial Arts], you are just lucky to have triggered the mission, I will definitely surpass you next time!

【Iron-hearted God】:

@【One person's martial arts world], do you have the resources to cultivate immortality? Use your points to exchange for treasures given by immortals, you are making a lot of money!

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

What is the gift from the Immortal Master? I am so greedy that I am crying! Tears.JPG!

Seeing the crazy increase in the news in the group,

Feng Yuxiu immediately told the truth about the situation.

The joy should be shared together!

Of course,

I am happy, but the group members are in pain!

As for the joy of the group members, it will probably have to wait until later!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Jade Slip Screenshot.JPG!

The immortal gave me a storage ring, which contained 999 immortal spirit stones! There were also two jade slips, each containing an immortal technique!

Feng Yuxiu was very proud at this moment, and he continued to show off.

【One Person's Martial Arts]:

These two magic arts, one can let me fly in the air, and the other can let me control a flying sword from hundreds of meters away, which are impossible for mortals to do! Happy.JPG! Shocked.JPG!


In the chat group, everyone was shocked by the news of Feng Yuxiu and was speechless.

Spirit stones?

Magic arts?

They really are the resources of the fairy world! There is not even an ordinary one! At this moment, everyone seemed to have missed out on 100 million and felt so sorry!

Originally, everyone actually thought that the immortals might reward some rare items from the mortal world, or even peerless skills, but they really didn't expect that the immortals were really willing to reward the resources of the fairy world!

Everyone was sighing, perhaps these resources that are simply supreme treasures to them are nothing in the eyes of the immortals!

That's right, these precious treasures, from the height of the immortals, are not worth taking to heart at all!

Everyone thought so

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

No! @[One man's martial arts], I can't stand it, it's too tempting! You wait, I'll mobilize the army to kill people and seize treasures! Blood dripping from the tip of the knife.JPG!

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

??? Qin Shi Huang, are you serious?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

+1! Organize a team to kill people and seize treasures, today!

【Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

+1! Team up to kill and steal treasures, today!

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook]:

+1! Team up to kill and steal treasures, today!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

+1! Team up to kill and steal treasures, today!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

You are all not professional enough. Let me sneak into his world and attack him by surprise!

【One man's martial arts】:

@【Ultimate Killer King], I know the others are joking, but when it comes to you, it seems like you are telling the truth?!

"You can hear all this?"

In the mental hospital,

Huoyun Evil God was stunned.

"You can't hide the look in your eyes when you want to kill someone?"

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