Seeing the reactions of everyone eating lemons,

Lin Ge was also satisfied.

That's how it is.

If you don't compete and roll up, where will the task be triggered?

Where will the points be?

At the same time, the two magics he taught Feng Yuxiu were just the most basic and common magic formulas in the prehistoric world.

For the group members, they were already the supreme magic formulas that were out of reach.

In fact, Lin Ge's intention was deeper.

First of all, these two magic formulas aroused everyone's enthusiasm and envy.

In addition,

Feng Yuxiu will soon be able to experience the benefits of these two methods.

Their world is not like the prehistoric world. In a world lacking spiritual energy, if you want to use spiritual energy to cast spells, you need spiritual stones.

Feng Yuxiu, who has experienced the benefits of immortal arts, will not slow down the speed of consuming spiritual stones!

For Feng Yuxiu, who needs a large number of spiritual stones, obtaining points has become an inevitable result.

Lin Ge sneered, and he will probably see Feng Yuxiu frantically looking for tasks to trade spiritual stones soon!

This is the benefit of monopolizing spiritual stones!

【Jiejiao Celestial Being】:

@【One Person’s Martial Arts], the tricks of casting spells have been taught to you, you only need to mobilize the spiritual energy in the spirit stone according to the method, and you can cast these two spells!

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Thank you, Immortal, for giving me the Dharma!! I will never forget the Immortal's grace of rebirth!.JPG!

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

@【One person’s martial arts world], shouldn’t you kowtow to the immortal?

【Iron-hearted God】:

@【One person’s martial arts world], shouldn’t you kowtow to the immortal?

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

@【One person’s martial arts world], shouldn’t you kowtow to the immortal?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】:

@【One person’s martial arts world], shouldn’t you kowtow to the immortal?

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook】:

@【One person’s martial arts world], shouldn’t you kowtow to the immortal?

【The Ultimate Killer】:

@【One person's martial arts world], why don't you kowtow to the immortal?

Everyone licked Lin Ge, and they must hold on to the immortal boss's thigh!

This time it was Feng Yuxiu who was given the treasure, will it be me next time?

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Kowtow.JPG! Kowtow.JPG!

【Ding! The martial arts world of one person has started live broadcast! 】

In the live broadcast,

Feng Yuxiu kowtowed crazily.

The immortal gave him such a precious thing, let alone asking him to kowtow a few times, even if he worked for the immortal for a few years for nothing, he would be willing to do it!

The immortal was able to show him a path to immortality, which was a great favor.

Feng Yuxiu still understood the principle of repaying a favor!

【Jiejiao Celestial Being】:

@【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace], are you now ready to accept the guidance on cultivation that I promised you last time?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

It’s convenient! Immortal, are you coming over right away?

Seeing the Immortal asking about her,

Lianxing’s eyes lit up and she was very surprised.

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]: That’s right!

"Really coming!"

Seeing the response,

Lian Xing was overjoyed!

She quickly typed a reply

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Great! Private lessons with the Immortal!

【Persimmons in the Snow]:

? ? Why can the Second Palace Master always make a serious matter sound so strange?

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Everyone knows what the Second Palace Master is thinking! He is just greedy for the immortal's body!

【[Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

In terms of smacking the edge, I am no match for Sister Lianxing!

Ignoring the comments of the silly group members,

Lin Ge directly sent a teleportation request to Lianxing.

Since the purpose this time was not to establish authority, there was no need to make too much noise, so

Lin Ge did not choose to cross the void and forcibly descend.

Almost at the moment of sending the teleportation request,

Lianxing opened the permission, and the environment in front of Lin Ge flashed, and he came directly to the world where Lianxing was!

A beautiful girl in a white dress appeared in front of Lin Ge.

"Immortal, you are here!"

Lian Xing looked at Lin Ge with stars in her eyes.

As a super face control,

Lin Ge's face was perfect and she couldn't help herself.

It can be said that as early as the first time Lian Xing saw Lin Ge, she had already sunk into the ocean of love and was intoxicated by it!

If Lian Xing used her own words, how could there be such a good-looking man in the world!

Why is the immortal so handsome in every move!!

Seeing the excited little leek in front of him,

Lin Ge just admired it casually, showing a gentle smile and said:

"My time is limited, so I can only pass on some of my insights to you through initiation. Do you mind?"

In front of the immortal,

Lian Xing had completely lost the ability to think, and her eyes were glued to Lin Ge. Hearing this, she nodded blankly and said:

"I don't mind! Just do whatever the immortal wants to do to me!"


Lin Ge didn't say much, he just reached out and gently stroked Lian Xing's head.

"Ahhh, is this the initiation? I’m going to melt!!"

Lian Xing lowered her head obediently, her cheeks flushed, and she murmured stickily.

Lin Ge:"???"

Could you please not say something that could easily be misunderstood?

After a few breaths,

Lin Ge withdrew his hand, and Lian Xing also immediately sensed that there were a lot of martial arts insights in his mind.

Many of the insights were the understanding of the practice of the top masters, and many were angles that Lian Xing had never thought about.

If these insights were placed in the martial arts world, they would be priceless treasures that are hard to come by!

At the same time, after a moment of enlightenment,

Lian Xing felt as if his thinking had become much clearer, and his thinking speed had become extremely smooth.

This feeling was better than ever before!

"How magical!"

Lian Xing couldn't help but exclaimed!

"The matter is over, and it's time for me to leave!"

Before Lian Xing could react,

Lin Ge disappeared.


Lian Xing felt a little regretful.

How could time pass so quickly?

She hadn't even had time to appreciate the Immortal's stunning beauty!

Next time, she must earn more points and let the Immortal give her guidance for at least an hour!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

It's amazing! The immortal just touched my head, and I felt that my whole body was clear! I figured out some things, and my martial arts level is different from before! Worship.JPG!

Now I finally experience what it means to have an immortal touch my head and grant me immortality!!

【Persimmons in the Snow】:

? Tears in my eyes.JPG! I can only continue to hold my lemon and chew it!

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

I envy Sister Lianxing, I also want to be patted on the head by the immortal!

【One Man’s Martial Arts]:

I’m so envious. Can I go back on my word and exchange my resources for an immortal to give me private lessons?

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

???@【One Man's Martial Arts] Are you in Versailles? Don't you know what's good for you? If you don't want the immortal cultivation resources bestowed upon you by the immortal, you can give them to me!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Smiling face.JPG! Hehehe, isn't this a joke?

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

You kid, you've learned bad things! How dare you tease an old senior?

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