Seeing that Feng Yuxiu and Lianxing had gained so many benefits through trading with the immortals, everyone in the group had tears in their eyes.

At this moment, whether it was people in high positions like Ying Zheng and Zhu Wusi who held power, or Huoyun Evil God, Xu Fengnian, and Huang Rong, they all deeply realized the importance of points.

With points, as long as they traded with the immortals and gave them some resources from the cracks of their fingernails, why would they worry about not being able to live forever or achieve great success?

"Damn it, why is Feng Yuxiu so lucky? He triggered the mission right after he arrived and earned 50,000 points, but I’m an old member of the chat group, but I haven’t triggered any mission yet?"

In the emperor's bedroom,

Ying Zheng beat his chest and stamped his feet, with a look of regret.

As the ruler of a country, he rarely experienced this feeling of being out of reach.

Before joining the chat group, he had been committed to studying the secret of immortality, trying to create an elixir of immortality with the power of the whole country, but that was ultimately a helpless move when he was desperate.

In fact,

Ying Zheng also knew that the possibility of success was slim, but he had to try it with the mentality of trying everything possible.

But now, the real immortal fate is right in front of him, and he is

100% guaranteed to be able to live forever, but he has no points to redeem.

Let me ask, who can understand this anxious mood?

In the group,

Zhu Wusi has already triggered the mission twice, and Feng Yu Xiu even got a huge sum of 50,000 yuan in one fell swoop!

What kind of status is Ying Zheng?

Isn't he more noble than these two?

Can he bear this?


Ying Zheng has made up his mind to study how to trigger the plot more easily.

At that time, he will directly use the points he has obtained to ask the immortals for the method of immortality!

At the same time, the psychological state of the other people is not much different from Ying Zheng.

Seeing that Lian Xing and Feng Yu Xiu have obtained tangible benefits through the transaction, no one can calm down.

They all enter the state as if they have been injected with chicken blood!

They wish they could trigger 17 or 18 tasks a day, and then get a lot of points to seek immortal fate!

At this moment, a message appeared in the chat group, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

Haven't you discovered that every time a mission is triggered, it must be related to the general trend of that world! Even the special mission triggered by Feng Yuxiu is related to the peak force of that world!

Seeing that the enthusiasm of the group has been perfectly mobilized,

Lin Ge naturally doesn't mind pushing them again and pointing them in the direction of earning points!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Holy shit! After hearing what the immortal said, I found it to be true! Every mission must be related to the world line and peak combat power of the current world!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

That’s right! I also discovered that it was not only Cheng Shifei, the son of destiny, who triggered the mission, but also Su Xin, who was closely related to Cheng Shifei!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

Why didn’t I think of that! Immortals think far ahead, and politicians can’t catch up!

【[The Second Princess of Yihua Palace]:

What the immortals think is, of course, not something we can guess!

Almost immediately, after being awakened, the members of the group all had green eyes and thought about how to trigger the task.

Especially for Ying Zheng, he has already stood at the top of the world, holding endless power and strength in his hands.

With just one word, countless people will come forward to complete the task for him.

And all he needs is a direction.


Lin Ge has also awakened him to the direction of his efforts!

Zhu Wushi also had similar thoughts.

After the group task last night, the big commotion made by the immortals made him famous.

Now the whole world knows that he, the Iron-hearted God Marquis, has obtained the immortal fate, and is related to the immortal who can destroy the world in a thought.

Zhu Wushi's reputation has become so high that even the emperor has to respect him and is very afraid of him.

In fact, if Zhu Wushi no longer has the ambition to be an emperor, if he rebels now, he can be said to be acting in accordance with heaven and become the emperor legitimately!

Lian Xing thought more simply: only by earning more points could she meet the immortal with a legitimate reason!

【[The First Emperor of the Ages, Qin Shi Huang]:

Change the world situation? There don’t seem to be many trends that can be changed in my world!

However, I have countless martial arts masters under my command, including the Yin-Yang School, the Taoist Tianzong, the Military School, the Shadow Secret Guard, the Golden Iron Cavalry, and the Jianghu Organization Quicksand, all of which can be used by me!

If you need it, I can organize a large number of martial arts masters to help you sweep everything and flatten the other world with a single order!

Qin Shi Huang had a clear mind.

Before trading with the immortals to deduce the future, he was not ready to make trouble in his own Qin Dynasty for the time being, so as not to cause variables.

However, in other worlds, he didn’t have to worry so much!

He directly sent troops to other group members to conquer the world.

Does this count as changing the world situation?

Of course it counts!

Zhu Wusi in another world also had similar thoughts at this time.

Now his Hulong Villa is famous, and there are countless martial arts masters who come to Hulong Villa.

Compared with the overall combat power, it is several times stronger than before! Although the available forces under his command could not be compared with Ying Zheng, if they were used to complete tasks, they were also a force that could not be ignored!

After thinking about it,

Zhu Wusi directly set his sights on the world of Huoyun Evil God.

This guy had a bad relationship with others, so he could start by doing something in his world to test the waters!

【Iron-hearted God】:

@【[Ultimate Killer King], how strong are you, and what level do you hold in your world?

【Ultimate Killer King]:

My strength is only at the post-natal level......But I'm not bragging. When it comes to martial arts, I have never met anyone stronger than me!

"The acquired realm can be invincible in the world?! Then if I bring the masters of the Dragon Guard Villa, won’t it be a matter of killing people at random?" Zhu Wusi was stunned when he saw the answer of the Fire Cloud Evil God, and then he felt happy.

"This means that Huoyun Evil God is the strongest person in that world. He is very likely to be the son of destiny or the great villain of destiny as mentioned by the immortals. He is more likely to influence the general situation and trigger the mission!"

After thinking about it in his mind,

Zhu Wusi immediately made a plan.

In his opinion, with the image and name of Huoyun Evil God, he sounds more like the great villain of destiny!

【Zhu Wushi】:

@【Ultimate Killer King], do you want to be the emperor? I can come to your world right away and help you conquer the world!

【[Snow Persimmon]:

Please add me! If group members need help, I will do my best to help them!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Add one! If our group members need help, we will do our best to help them!

【[The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

Well, I want to go too!

【One person's martial arts world]:

Count me in!

Everyone looked at Huoyun Evil God with bright eyes, as if they saw a pile of points!

After all, if the opponent can't meet an opponent with the strength of the post-natal realm, it means that the overall environment of that world is not suitable for cultivation, and the level of martial arts is not that high!

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