"Help me become the emperor!" Huoyun Evil God was stunned when he saw the messages scrolling in the group chat , and then he immediately guessed what these people were planning.

"You want to come to my world to fight? You think I am the best in the world, so I must be easy to beat, so you want to come to my world to complete the mission?"

Huoyun Evil God was speechless.

Although he had become a psychopath through martial arts training, he still knew what the situation was like outside.

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

The world where the Fire Cloud Evil God lives is not that simple! With your strength, if you want to break through his world, there will be heavy casualties!!!!

Seeing the warning suddenly issued by the immortal, everyone was stunned! Everyone believed

Lin Ge's words 100%, and now that he has spoken, everyone is sure that there is indeed a big problem in that world! Zhu Wusi's eyes turned cold, and murderous aura dissipated from his body. He sent a message angrily

【Iron-hearted God】:

@【Ultimate Killer King], what's going on, are you lying to us?!! You deliberately pretend that the world you are in is weak, and then you cheat us hard, do you want to monopolize the chat group?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

?!! You want to kill us and monopolize the immortal?

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

You bald old man, I didn’t expect you to have such a vicious mind?!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

@【The Ultimate Killer King], do you know the consequences of the crime of deceiving the king?......

Everyone is united in hatred of the enemy, and some people have even had murderous intentions towards Huoyun Evil God.

If this is true, then Huoyun Evil God wants to kill people for money!

Such a black sheep must not be left alive!

Looking at the messages of questioning,

Huoyun Evil God is also tired.

I haven't finished talking yet, how can it be said that I want to murder everyone?

Don't you think about it ?

If I really do something bad to harm my group friends, will the immortal let me go?

【Huoyun Evil God]:

I really didn't lie! I really have unparalleled magical powers! What the immortal said is also true, but I just haven't had time to explain the specific situation of my world! The fear of the evil god.JPG!

【[Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:

What's going on? You'd better explain it clearly, otherwise I don't know what I will do!

Zhu Wusi calmed down a little.

From the tone of Huoyun Evil God, it didn't sound like he was lying.

Besides, the immortal was in the group, so he wouldn't dare to lie in front of the immortal!

He has basically determined that Huoyun Evil God is too ignorant and defeated a few people in a corner, so he thought he was invincible.

Otherwise, how could he have both the elements of being invincible in the acquired realm and being powerful in the world at the same time?

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

@【Ultimate Killer King], I advise you to tell the truth, otherwise I can order someone to make you a special torture device immediately!

Ying Zheng also said coldly, full of anger, if it weren't for the immortal's warning, wouldn't he be killed by this guy?

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Old man, I really didn't lie to you! In the Republic of China, in my world, I also have guns and weapons like Feng Yuxiu! It's just not as advanced!

By the way, I can catch bullets. I am really invincible in this world. I voluntarily stay in the mental hospital because I can't find an opponent! Those people really think they can trap me? Evil God Tsundere.JPG!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

You are so ashamed to say that you can catch bullets? Have you forgotten how you were shot to death by Feng Yuxiu before? The corpse of Huoyun Evil God.JPG!

【The Ultimate Killer】:......

Huoyun Evil God almost fell off his chair.

We can’t continue this conversation if you continue like this!

【[Iron-hearted God]:

Your world also has such guns and cannons? That's it!

Zhu Wusi suddenly realized, and he also remembered the fear of being dominated by modern weapons.

No wonder the Huoyun Evil God's world with average martial arts development would be dangerous.

This makes sense!

At the same time,

Lin Ge looked at the message in the group thoughtfully.

It seems that Huoyun Evil God looks crazy, but he is not completely ignorant of the international situation.

However, Huoyun Evil God doesn't know that in fact, there are masters in his world who are far superior to him!

【Jiejiao Celestial Being】:

@【The Ultimate Killer King], your world is not as simple as you think. Without guns and cannons, there are people who can easily suppress you!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

??? Is there anyone who can beat me?!

He sat up in shock from his dying illness. The evil god is still okay even though he is not old!

Upon hearing the news, the first reaction of the Fire Cloud Evil God was not fear, but excitement!

Over the years, after he topped the killer list, he locked himself in a mental hospital because he could not find an opponent. He even practiced martial arts like crazy.

The only thing that interested him was a strong man who was strong enough to fight with him!

I won’t mention everyone in the group.

The gap is too big and I have no idea for the time being.

But if I can meet an opponent in this world, it will definitely be a benefit for him! When everyone in the group saw the immortal talking, they also became interested.

Every time they saw the immortal reveal the future, they were so shocked!

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

There are indeed people who are stronger than you, but they are not as evenly matched as you think. The other party can probably kill you with one hand!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:!!!!!!

Huoyun Evil God was dumbfounded, and suddenly he didn't want to fight with this person anymore!

He wanted to meet a worthy opponent, but he didn't want to be abused!

At the same time,

Huoyun Evil God was also very curious, who is this person?

Is it the two street singers on the killer list?

Have they made great progress in the past few years, or is it someone else?

I haven't heard of their names! Huoyun Evil God still trusts this immortal in the group. Such a great man would never lower himself to lie to an ant like him.

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Why don't I know there is such a person? Please help me!

At the same time, everyone was also curious. The fact that

Huoyun Evil God could cultivate to that level in that era was enough to prove his talent and luck.

It was a pyramid of a plane.

And at the same time as Huoyun Evil God, there was actually an even more powerful hidden master? How strong would the super masters of that period be?

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

That person is an old beggar. It is understandable that you don't know him. His strength is far superior to yours. Even in the future without interference, just a disciple he casually taught defeated you!

That disciple is the son of destiny in that plane, and you are the destined villain who is destined to be defeated by the son of destiny!

Buzz buzz buzz!

After hearing this,

Huoyun Evil God felt his brain buzzing!

He felt that his worldview was completely refreshed.

What happened?

Just a disciple who taught him casually defeated him.

How could the water in his world be so deep?

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