It's ok to have such a scary old beggar, but what the hell is the Son of Destiny or the Big Villain of Destiny? How can I be a villain with such a decent image ? Looking at his tattered vest and slippers, and then touching his bald head, he looked like a harmless old man! He was just a little better at martial arts. What big villain? It was pure slander! So, why would the Son of Destiny kill him? For a moment, Huoyun Evil God felt that his brain was not enough, and he could not accept such a large amount of information. At the same time, the others were also in deep shock! For Zhu Wushi, he had guessed before that Huoyun Evil God might be the Son of Destiny or the Big Villain of Destiny of that world. Unexpectedly, it was actually confirmed! As for the others, the immortal's terrifying ability to calculate surprised them even more, and they felt more and more outrageous. They were separated by a world, but they could still calculate so far into the future, and even calculate the relationship between the Son of Destiny and Huoyun Evil God.

���The identity of the villain, what kind of power is this?

You know, the immortal has never even seen the old beggar and the child of destiny, without any information, but he can directly deduce everything about them!

I'm afraid the other party would not have thought that they would see through their underwear before they even met the person! Everyone's heart suddenly jumped, and they became more and more awed by the immortal. In front of such an existence that can easily see through the future, they feel that everything they have is unreserved under the eyes of the immortal!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Everyone, I found a blind spot!!! Isn't Shen Hou also the destined villain in his world? Now Huoyun Evil God is also the villain. Aren't we all born to be rebellious and ambitious?!! Shocked face.JPG!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

Now that you put it that way, it really is true! Am I also a villain? Should I kill the child of destiny in advance?

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I didn’t think there was anything wrong at first, but after hearing what you said, I suddenly felt a little panicked!

【[The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

No way? But I don't have any ambitions! So I have a rebellious bone in my body? Little newbie trembles! Huang Rong was also surprised to see the speculation of the group members, and her mouth opened slightly, with an incredible look on her face! Seeing these speculations in the group, Lin Ge couldn't help laughing. The chats of these group members always gave him a feeling of chatting in the chat group in his previous life, which had a special sand sculpture quality.

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

That’s not the case. For example, Xu Fengnian is the son of destiny in his world!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Ahahahaha! I am actually the child of destiny! Ecstasy.JPG!

Seeing the news from the immortal,

Xu Fengnian's mouth was crooked with laughter.

The child of destiny!

They are usually the ultimate winners, destined to reach the pinnacle of the world, okay!

【[Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

A newbie asks for advice, what does the term"child of destiny" mean?

On Peach Blossom Island,

Huang Rong was very nervous.

She only knew that the term"child of destiny" probably meant a lucky person, but she didn't know what it meant specifically.

After joining the chat group, she felt that her knowledge reserve was completely insufficient, and new words appeared every day.

【[Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

The immortal once said that the children of destiny are a group of unreasonable beings. They can turn danger into safety when encountering crises. They can always encounter good things and opportunities, and quickly become stronger. They are the favorites of God!

You can understand that they are the illegitimate children of the God of a world, the kind who feeds food into their mouths!

"There is such a thing?"

Looking at Lian Xing's answer,

Huang Rong's eyes widened.

Everyone was a little moved.

In their chat group, there were actually several people who were the sons of destiny and the villains of destiny.

What about the others?

Would they also have similar identities?

But thinking about it, it was acceptable. The people invited to the chat group should all be people who could make a strong mark in their respective worlds, so it was most likely one of these two identities!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Immortal, can you tell me where that old beggar came from? Thinking about life.JPG! Weak pride.JPG! Helpless.JPG!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor in history]:


【Persimmon in the Snow】:


Many people also sent messages, expressing their curiosity about this powerful person from another world. Why did he choose to be an old beggar when he obviously possessed such powerful strength ?

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

Since everyone is curious about this old beggar, I will talk to you about him!

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Looking forward to it!

【[The Heavenly Immortal of Jiejiao]:

This person's current alias is He Luo. He is actually not a person from the Republic of China period, but a person from the Ming Dynasty. He is more than 500 years old today. His real name is Zheng He!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:


【Persimmon in the Snow]: dumbfounded.JPG!

【Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:


【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook]:


【One Man's Martial Arts World]:


Everyone felt that they had learned something new.

They didn't expect that in addition to the immortal world, in an ordinary world, there was actually a person who lived for 500 years.

"More than 500 years old?!!"

In the Xianyang Palace,

Ying Zheng lost his voice and lost control of his emotions!

He, as an emperor, had been searching for news about immortality for so long but to no avail, and it turned out that such a thing would appear in the world of Fire Cloud Evil God?!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]:

Immortal, is this person an immortal?

Ying Zheng's question also expressed the thoughts of everyone.

Is this person really an immortal?

Or is he just a special case and cannot be considered an immortal?

However, based on what the immortal said about this person's strength, everyone had a rough answer in their minds.

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

Yes, he is indeed an immortal in history!

Without waiting for everyone's reaction,

Lin Ge continued to explain

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

Zheng He was originally a eunuch of the Ming Dynasty. Later, he was ordered to travel to the West and made many achievements. On the way, he accidentally got the blood of the auspicious beast Dang Kang. Later, he was worried about persecution by treacherous officials, so he took Dang Kang's blood and gained immortality. From then on, he changed his name and surname, disguised himself as an old beggar, and played around in the world!


Everyone in the chat group was immersed in the story of this old beggar from the immortals.

What kind of wonderful life is this for an immortal ? No wonder the immortal said that Huoyun Evil God might not be enough for the other party to beat with one hand.

He has lived for 500 years.

Even if he practices casually, he can practice an ordinary martial art.

What's more, it is not known what Zheng He has done in such a long time, whether he has practiced some powerful martial arts to a superb level!

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