In the world of snow,

Xu Fengnian's scalp was numb after hearing this.

An immortal who had lived for more than 500 years did not linger on power, but chose to pretend to be an old beggar to play in the world.

What kind of open-minded mentality is this?

How many twists and turns and excitement are there in this?

Although the immortal did not describe it in detail, through the few words between the lines,

Xu Fengnian has already developed a strong interest in this immortal!

If it weren't for the existence of the immortal, they might never know that there are such interesting secrets in the world!

He couldn't help but send a message to ask

【[Persimmons in the Snow]:

May I ask the immortal, how strong is that immortal now?

No one said anything.

What Xu Fengnian asked was exactly what they were curious about.

Huang Rong, Huoyun Evil God, and Feng Yuxiu also fell silent, but the surge in their hearts could not be calmed for a long time.

They had just joined the group and did not have a clear understanding of the immortal's ability to calculate.

Now they felt that this was not a calculation at all?

It was simply amazing!

It was as if everything in the world had no secrets in the eyes of the immortal. If the immortal wanted to know about a certain person or a certain thing and spy on the future, it would be as easy as looking at the lines in the palm of his hand!

Seeing Xu Fengnian's question,

Lin Ge also pondered slightly.

The current situation was exactly what he wanted to see.

After all,

Lin Ge did not want to rely solely on force to suppress the people in the group.

Explaining some secrets in this way would also be more conducive to establishing prestige in the group.

As for the identity of the old beggar, it was not judged by relying on the memory of the previous life, but Lin Ge actually deduced the secrets and saw it.

In the movie of the previous life, the identity of the old beggar was not explained, but

Lin Ge saw the clues after his calculation.

With his current strength, even if they are not in the same plane, it is still no problem to calculate a mortal!

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

After He Luo hid his identity, he did not abandon his martial arts. During his travels, he collected a lot of unique skills and studied them thoroughly. Due to the limitations of the heaven and earth environment, he stopped at the peak of the Grandmaster Realm! He is also the number one martial artist in the world!

"Grandmaster Peak!! The best person in the world!"

Hearing this,

Huoyun Evil God shuddered all over, and felt as if his crown was opened, and it was cold!

The others also took a breath of cold air, shocked by this result.

The world is indeed not lacking in strange people and strange things, but they are just not aware of it!

It is easy to understand that it is limited by the environment of heaven and earth, just like when the spiritual energy becomes more and more scarce, the height that the strongest person in a world can reach will also become lower and lower.

Just like comparing Huoyun Evil God with Zhu Wushi, his realm is not as high as Zhu Wushi, but this does not mean that if the two are placed in the same world, he will definitely not be as good as Zhu Wushi.

And He Luo was able to achieve the Grandmaster in that session, compared with Huoyun Evil God in the acquired realm, isn't it seven or eight streets behind? If the other party is placed in a plane that is more suitable for cultivation, how far can this person go?

"It turns out that there has always been such a master not far from me?!"

The more he thought about it, the more horrified he became. There had always been such a master of unknown origin living right under his nose. There might have been a pair of eyes watching him coldly in a place he couldn't see. Maybe they had met him occasionally, and that person passed by him like an ordinary old beggar! Huoyun Evil God felt a chill on his back, and cold sweat soaked his vest.

"What was his purpose? Was it really just to play with the world? Why did I lose to his disciples in the end?"

【[Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:

Highlight the key point, number one in the world! And it is also related to the Child of Destiny! @[Ultimate Killer King], why don’t you challenge He Luo? This is a great opportunity to trigger the mission!

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

@【Ultimate Killer King], Evil God, seize the opportunity! If you can't beat me, you can ask me for help!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】:

@【[The Ultimate Killer King], even if you can’t beat me, I can still help you!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

@【Ultimate Killer King], feel free to challenge, don’t forget that we have millions of Qin soldiers behind you!

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook]:

Forget it, I can't beat him..JPG!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

When the evil god challenges you, remember to start a live broadcast. I will give you spiritual support. You can also try to get a gun and attack the grandmaster secretly!

【The Ultimate Killer】:......

Huoyun Evil God's face twitched, and he had the urge to curse.

What do you mean by a good opportunity?

It's easy to talk when you are standing!

I am a post-natal player, how can

I challenge a grandmaster with my head?!

He can see that these people's brains have been occupied by points!

They are eager to die, and then jump out to harvest points.

A bunch of skeptical things, very bad!

Without choosing to pay attention to these people,

Huoyun Evil God calmed down directly.

He had made up his mind to hide and develop quietly.

The former me was too arrogant, and

I never thought that the world was so dangerous.

What he said about wanting to find an opponent to fight to the death was not what he said!

He would not admit it even if he said it!

【One Person's Martial Arts]:

Actually, I am a little surprised, why does this immortal have such powerful strength, but does not contribute to the country?

Feng Yuxiu hesitated for a while, but still asked this question.

This seems to be suspected of moral kidnapping, but Feng Yuxiu knows the history of humiliation and blood and tears of China during the Republic of China!

Although Feng Yuxiu is a martial arts fanatic, if he asks himself, if he was born in that era, he would also use his martial arts to kill the enemy.

And that immortal, with five hundred years of accumulated knowledge and experience, and the strength of a grandmaster, if he stands up and calls for help, hundreds of millions of people will respond, setting off a storm!

However, no one knows what the other party is thinking.

He is just playing around in the world and has no intention of interfering in state affairs.

【[Persimmons in the Snow]:

During the Republic of China period, was there any big trouble in Jiuzhou?

Xu Fengnian heard something strange in Feng Yuxiu's words and asked immediately.

From what Feng Yuxiu said, it seemed that the country was in some kind of crisis at that time! Otherwise, why would the other party ask such a question?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Actually, I am also curious, how could weapons in later generations improve so quickly? When did those guns, cannons and chariots appear?

【Iron-hearted God】:

@【One Person’s Martial Arts World], as a person from later generations, you should know something about these, why don’t you tell us quickly?

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]: What happened in later generations? How did these strange and powerful weapons appear?

Seeing the inquiry, Feng Yuxiu took out a copy of"History of Nine Provinces" from his bookshelf without hesitation and uploaded it directly to the chat group.

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