[Ding! A member of Wulin uploaded a group file!]

Hearing the chat group prompt, everyone clicked to download

【The emperor who swept across six kingdoms downloaded the group file!】

【Snow Persimmon downloaded the group file!】

【The little chef from Peach Blossom Island downloaded the group file!】

【The second palace master of Yihua Palace downloaded the group file!】

【Tiedan Shenhou downloaded the group file!】

【The Ultimate Killer King downloaded the group file! 】

Huoyun Evil God hesitated for a moment and clicked the download button.

He was also curious about the future direction of history.

Would Jiuzhou still exist?

What kind of era would the future be like after experiencing the baptism of war?

【Sweeping across six kingdoms, the first emperor in history]:

??? ??? Southern Song Dynasty sheep-leading ceremony, lease, ceding territory and paying compensation, war of aggression against China......Is this what happened in our Jiuzhou?!!

Looking at the history recorded in the document,

Ying Zheng couldn't believe his eyes, and even thought that he was seeing things.

A wave of coldness rose from his back!!

A strong anger suddenly erupted from his heart!

""What a jerk!!"

Zhu Wusi slammed the table in front of him and smashed it to pieces.

Before he opened the group file, he had never thought that such a humiliating thing would happen in the future!

As for the bloody history of the Southern Song Dynasty, he had always been distressed that the matter had become history and could never be reversed.

However, the existence of the chat group, coupled with the humiliating history of the future that he saw today, made Zhu Wusi begin to have some ideas of killing people!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Feng Yuxiu, I ask you, is every word of the history recorded here true?! @[Ultimate Killer King], is it consistent with what you know?

【Ultimate Killer King]:

It is indeed the same, but in my time, Jiuzhou has not reached that point yet. I didn't expect that the future would develop like this!

Huoyun Evil God also felt a little emotional.

He didn't expect that the era he was in would face such a dark future.

【One Man's Martial World]:

To the First Emperor, the Divine Marquis, and the Immortal in front of me, I dare not lie in the slightest! Every word of the history recorded above is true!

【[Beiliang Persimmon]:

Southern Song Dynasty? The Shame of Jingkang? ? The Ritual of Leading a Sheep? ? ? How could there be such a cowardly dynasty?!!

At this time,

Xu Fengnian, who had been silently reading the historical records, spoke up.

At this moment,

Xu Fengnian's face was shocked to the extreme.

He was from the Northern Song Dynasty, and was undoubtedly more sensitive to the events of the Song Dynasty than others.

But he never expected that there would be such a humiliating and dark period in the near future, and it was even recorded by future generations as a warning and nailed to the pillar of shame!

In Yihua Palace,

Lianxing looked at the historical facts on the document and fell into silence.

Looking at the humiliation of being bullied by foreign countries revealed between the lines, no Kyushu people could remain indifferent.

【[The Little Cook on Peach Blossom Island]:

How could this happen? The Yuan army broke through the capital. Did the Southern Song Dynasty really perish?

On Peach Blossom Island,

Huang Rong's eyes were dim, with helplessness and disappointment in them.

【Jiejiao Celestial Being】:

@【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook], your future is to fight against the Yuan Dynasty and die.

At this time,

Lin Ge felt that he had to speak out.

It would be fine if he didn't have the ability, but since it was easy for him to do something now, he didn't mind taking action to wipe out the cancer of Jiuzhou.

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor in history]:

Immortal, should we take action to destroy the foreign nations? Kill those incompetent and cancerous emperors?

There was expectation in Ying Zheng's eyes.

As early as when he saw those historical events before, he was already furious. He was thinking about destroying several barbarian countries around him to vent his anger, especially the Japanese Kingdom, which turned out to be the root of the evil left by Xu Fu.

This time, he would not let it exist and bring disaster to future generations!

The others also became excited and waited for the immortal's opinion.

They were all holding their breath and urgently needed to kill and bleed to vent their anger!

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

Yes, I will go there in person.

Seeing Lin Ge's response, a simple word"yes", everyone breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't wait to kill those cancers in Kyushu!

At this moment, several reminders sounded in the chat group!

【Ding! Trigger the group mission"Set things right"!】

【Mission requirements: Go to the Southern Song Dynasty, eliminate the hidden dangers in Kyushu, destroy foreign barbarians, and eradicate internal cancers!】

【Maximum number of people: None!】

【Mission reward: 100,000 points! (Distributed according to contribution!)】

【Ding! The little cook from Peach Blossom Island accepted the mission!】

【Ding! The Ultimate Killer King has accepted the mission!】

【Ding! The emperor who swept across the six kingdoms accepted the mission!】......

Without saying anything, everyone accepted the task.

Unexpectedly, the excitement triggered the task.

It was a pleasant surprise.

【[The greatest emperor who swept across the six kingdoms]:

I need a day to prepare the troops. Everyone, you can also prepare in one day. See you tomorrow!

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

I also need some time. After all, we are attacking a country and need to prepare enough combat power!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

It’s settled then, see you tomorrow!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

I'll ask Xu Xiao to lend me some masters. See you tomorrow!

For the old members, this time is different from the previous trip to Zhu Wushi's world.

The mission that time was just to capture one person, but this time they have to fight with the army, or even a war to destroy a country.

Naturally, they have to face it seriously.

One day is already very rushed.

Although there are immortals in charge, they can't rely on immortals for everything, right?

What's more, this time they also hope to vent their anger, so they naturally want to fight!

On this day, in Xianyang, Daqin, a large number of troops were mobilized here at full speed, and some hidden special personnel also gathered from all over the country.

The Golden Fire Cavalry, the Hundred Battles Armored Soldiers, the Gongshu Family Mechanical Beasts, the Shadow Secret Guards led by Zhang Han, Luowang, and the Yinyang Family High-level, all received the order and rushed to Xianyang City.

This made some hidden forces suspicious and didn't know what big move the Qin Emperor wanted to make.

In the Daming Dynasty, in the Hulong Villa,

Zhu Wusi had already selected the candidates for this expedition, all of whom were masters at least at the peak of the post-natal realm.

On this day, the palace was under martial law.

Zhu Houzhao was terrified when he heard the news about the Hulong Villa.

Thinking of the day when the immortal came before, he had no intention of resisting at all.

Why did his uncle suddenly mobilize a large number of masters to come to Beijing?

This movement, is it really not a plan to rebel?

Is it so open and aboveboard!

Is this to follow the will of the immortal?

Or is it his own idea?

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