[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Brother Ba, be careful!

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Oh my, I’m afraid that Brother Ba will be seriously injured if not dead!

【One Man's Martial Arts】: Who is this person? He is too vicious!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

The only martial arts in the world that cannot be defeated is speed! This palm is fierce and fast, Brother Ba is in great danger this time!

【The greatest emperor in history who swept across the six kingdoms]:

I didn’t expect that there would be such a powerful figure in the world of Fengyun!

【[Sun and Moon Sect Leader]:

This man has a fierce and cold look in his eyes. You can tell at a glance that he is not someone you can easily mess with! Xiong Ba, who was fighting with the dragon, watched this palm coming at him and could not dodge it for a moment. There were thousands of horses galloping in his heart!

You guys are just watching the show, don’t you care about my life or death?

Forget it, let’s ask the Immortal Master for help!

Although I originally wanted to capture the dragon alive and present it to the Immortal Master with my own strength, I am now embarrassed.

But compared to life, face is nothing!

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

Master, help me! @【Jiejiao Jinxian】Master, help me! @【Jiejiao Jinxian】@【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】@【

In a flash, the fatal blow was about to fall on Xiongba. Xiongba had closed his eyes in despair, and only kept chanting madly in his heart.

""What the hell are you yelling about? Isn't he coming?"

A figure suddenly appeared beside Xiongba.

Without any movement, Emperor Shitian flew out diagonally, fell to the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Emperor Shitian was horrified.

Where did this person come from?

It was as if he appeared out of thin air, and he was extremely oppressive.

Just standing there, people couldn't resist.

Just now, I didn't even see him make a move, but he had already dissolved all of my strength and seriously injured me.

When did such a powerful person appear and I didn't even know about it?

"You...who are you?"

"Who am I?"

Lin Ge smiled faintly,"Xiongba, tell him who I am!"

Xiongba glanced at the dragon that was also suppressed by the immortal master and walked over with his hands clapping.

"He is someone you can't afford to offend!"

"An existence that I can't afford to offend?"

Emperor Shitian was full of confusion,"Is there any existence in this world that I can't afford to offend?"

"Should I call you Emperor Shitian? Or Xu Fu?"

Lin Ge stared at him,"You are too conceited! Do you really think you are the best in this world?"

"What? You are Emperor Shitian?"

Xiong Ba shouted in disbelief.

As the leader of Tianxiahui, he had naturally heard of what kind of person Emperor Shitian was.

However, the world didn't know much about him. They only knew that he was a mysterious and powerful martial artist.

They didn't expect to see it with their own eyes today!

""You...how do you know I'm Xu Fu?"

Emperor Shitian was horrified.

He used to be Xu Fu, this has been a secret for thousands of years, how did this person know?

"Haha, it's not surprising that I know who you are!

I also know that you killed the dragon to seize the dragon essence to achieve your goal of immortality!"

Lin Ge dropped another bomb.

Emperor Shitian hung his head in frustration.

"It's over!"

This person knows him very well. He is invisible in front of him.

What can he do?

Just let him do whatever he wants!

【[The Great Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms]:

Xu Fu? Could it be the Xu Fu I know?

【Persimmons in the Snow]:

Where did the First Emperor say this?

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

Could this person be related to the First Emperor?

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

The First Emperor had better explain things carefully!

【[The Ultimate Killer]:

The First Emperor actually has acquaintances in another world? He is worthy of being the emperor!


【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]:

No, Xu Fu is my imperial physician. I saw him yesterday! It must be just the same name!

【One Person’s Martial Arts World]:

I’m afraid only the Immortal Master would understand this!

【Jiejiao Jinxian]:

This Emperor Shitian is indeed related to the First Emperor!

But it’s not the First Emperor in the group, but the First Emperor who dominated this world more than a thousand years ago!

【[Red Flame of Blazing Fire]:

I don’t understand! Aren’t this First Emperor and that First Emperor the same First Emperor?

【Wing Chun Master Yip]:

The more I listen, the more confused I become!

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

Is this melon so big? The First Emperor certainly didn’t expect to eat the melon himself!

【Old Taoist Priest of Wudang Mountain]:

Are there two Qin Shi Huangs?

【Jiejiao Jinxian]:

Let me explain it to you! The planes you are in are mostly tiny worlds or small thousand worlds, and a few can be considered middle thousand worlds.

And all worlds have parallel worlds!

For example, the world of the First Emperor and the world of Xiongba can be considered parallel worlds!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I understand! Because it is a parallel world, the First Emperor in our group and the First Emperor of Xiongba World are not the same person, right, Immortal Master!

【[The Greatest Emperor in the History Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms]:

This is really... too hard to imagine! There are actually two"I"s? Can I see the other"I"?

【Jiejiao Jinxian]:

Actually, there are more than two!

For example, Gao Qiqiang's world, Feng Yuxiu's world, and Ip Man's world all have the history of Ying Zheng...

But you will definitely not see the Ying Zheng in their world.

Because in their world, Ying Zheng is already an ancient person from one or two thousand years ago!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

It's hard to imagine!

Lin Ge looked at Emperor Shi Tian on the ground and smiled jokingly,"But you are Emperor Shi Tian now, so I'll call you by your current identity!"

He turned around and looked at the dragon,"Do you want to live or be slaughtered?"


Who doesn't want to live?

The dragon, who has lived for a long time, is of course a connoisseur. Isn't this an immortal?

The dragon immediately prostrated on the ground,"I am willing to recognize you as my master, please grant my wish, master!"

"This guy is quick to react and sensible!"

Lin Ge said with a smile

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Jinxian" and group member"Tianxiahui Gang Leader" completed the multiplayer task, successfully subdued the dragon, and received rewards!

According to the contributions of the two,"Jiejiao Jinxian" was rewarded with 300,000 points, and"Tianxiahui Gang Leader" was rewarded with 200,000 points! 】

Xiongba was stunned, is it that simple?

I fought to the death but couldn't take him down, and the immortal master solved it with just one sentence?

Woo woo! Immortal master, I admire you so much!

Looking at the mysterious and handsome young man in front of him, bathed in a faint golden glow,

Emperor Shitian suddenly seemed to understand something!

The person in front of him is indeed an existence that he can't afford to offend! There is only one kind of existence that can know his secrets from more than a thousand years ago and can subdue the dragon with one sentence

, and that is the immortal!

If you want to be truly immortal, isn't the opportunity right in front of you?

As long as you become an immortal, then immortality is as easy as eating and drinking!

Emperor Shitian turned over with difficulty and knelt on the ground,"Please accept Shitian's worship, immortal!"

"Oh, your reaction is not slow!"

"I would like to worship the immortal as my master, please accept me as your disciple!"

"Well, he is smart and has a good brain!"

Lin Ge nodded and said,"But I don't plan to accept any apprentices!"

"This…" After hearing the first half of the sentence, Emperor Shitian thought that Lin Ge had agreed and was very happy!

But when he heard the second half of the sentence, the smile on his face froze.

"Then I am willing to be your servant, and I only ask the master to give me the secret of cultivating immortality!"

Emperor Shitian did not care about his face of more than a thousand years, and begged again.

Lin Ge came to Xiongba's world this time just to save Xiongba from trouble, and he really didn't think of accepting disciples or servants.

While he was hesitating, he heard a prompt sound from the chat group.


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