[Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Jinxian" triggers a single-player mission!

Mission requirements: accept Emperor Shitian as a disciple!

If the mission is successfully completed, you will receive a 200,000 points reward! ]

Lin Ge laughed, is this the chat group encouraging me to build my own power?

However, Jiejiao originally meant"all immortals come to teach without distinction", leading all living things to seize that ray of hope.

Therefore, it is not wrong for Emperor Shitian to want to live forever.

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Jinxian" triggers a single-player mission!

Mission requirements: accept Xiao Sanxiao, Bu Bai Suzhen (Demon Lord), Changsheng Wudie, and Da Ri Tathagata as disciples! For each successful person, you will receive a 200,000 points reward!】

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Jinxian" triggers a single-player mission!

Mission requirements: refine the Nine Voids without Boundaries in the alien space!

If the mission is successfully completed, you will receive a 5 million points reward! 】

The chat group's prompt sounds rang one after another.

Lin Ge's heart was moved.

Xiao Sanxiao and others can be said to be the top figures in the world of Fengyun.

If they are trained, they must be a very good fighting force.

And the Nine Voids without Boundaries can also be regarded as a very strange alien world.

If you can refine the Nine Voids without Boundaries, there may be unknown surprises.

"In this case, I will accept you as an outer disciple!

I can satisfy your wish for immortality, and now I will teach you a method of cultivating immortality!"

After Lin Ge finished speaking, he pointed his finger and a method entered Emperor Shitian's mind.

Emperor Shitian was overjoyed and knelt on the ground in gratitude.

"Disciple Indra thanks Master for teaching the Dharma!"

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Jinxian" successfully completed the task and was rewarded with 200,000 points! 】

Lin Ge nodded slightly:

"Now that the secret has been passed on to you, how far you can cultivate it depends on your luck!

In addition, I will give you another opportunity!"

Lin Ge took out a magic pill and threw it into Emperor Shi Tian's mouth.

The magic pill melted in his mouth and instantly turned into sufficient spiritual power to repair and nourish Emperor Shi Tian's meridians and blood vessels.

Emperor Shi Tian closed his eyes to feel the changes in himself, and was surprised to find that his flesh and blood body had been transformed.

"I, the disciple, thank Master for giving me a new life!"

"Thank you for saving my life, Master!"

Xiong Ba seized the opportunity and hurried to meet Lin Ge.

"Congratulations, Master, on having a beloved disciple! Please come to my humble abode so that Ba can welcome you!"

When the dragon heard this, he knew that his chance to show off had come, so he ran to Lin Ge and lay down.

Lin Ge flew onto the dragon's back,"Then lead the way!"

Emperor Shitian hurriedly followed behind.

Since he had already become a disciple, he naturally followed the master.

"It’s a bit far, please follow me patiently, Master!"

Xiongba said embarrassedly.

Lin Ge frowned:"I remember your Tianxiahui was built in Tianshan, right?"

"That's right!"

Then Lin Ge waved his hand, and the two men and the dragon felt a flash before their eyes, and they had arrived at Tianshan.

Emperor Shitian and the dragon stood there in a daze. The master's (master's) methods were really amazing.

Xiongba was not surprised at all, as he had seen the immortal master's more powerful methods.

"Come on, I want to prepare a big banquet to welcome the Immortal Master!"

Xiong Ba ordered immediately.

Several disciples stood aside and looked at the young man with a fairy-like aura and a peerless face curiously.

They didn't understand why the master was so respectful to him.

And what the hell was the Immortal Master!

"There's no need to hold a banquet!"

Lin Ge waved his hand.

"Huh? What instructions does the Immortal Master have?"

Xiong Ba froze.

It was a rare visit for the Immortal Master. How could he show his respect to the Immortal Master if he didn't make a big fuss and celebrate?

"I'm waiting for a few people here!"

Lin Ge said indifferently.

"Take this opportunity to find some weapons I need!"

Xiong Ba was obviously very happy to be able to serve the Immortal Master.

"Just follow the Master's orders!"

"Okay, I need the Great Evil King, the Heavenly Fate Sword, and the Yellow Springs Ten Crossings!"

To refine the Nine Heavens Boundless, these magic weapons are indispensable.

"Yes, I will do it right away!"

Xiong Ba bowed and left with his disciples.

Lin Ge sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

"Why don't you come out? When will you come out?"

Four reddish lights shot out from Lin Ge's fingertips and quickly extended to the vast distance.

After an unknown amount of time, the four red lights rolled up four people and retracted from afar.

Xiao Sanxiao, Bu Bai Suzhen (the Demon Lord), the Immortal God, and Da Ri Tathagata were tied up by the red light and stood in place, their faces full of horror!

"You guys are all good!"

Lin Ge said with a smile,"Now I'll give you an opportunity. Are you willing to follow me and be my apprentice?"

Yes, I just had a sudden impulse, as if something big was going to happen.

In order to save time, Lin Ge just grabbed several people from their hiding place in such a simple and rough way.

But he would also respect their wishes.

If they really didn't want to, he wouldn't force them to complete the task.

Xiao Sanxiao, Bu Bai Suzhen (Demon Lord), Changsheng Bushengshen, and Da Ri Tathagata looked at the harmless young man in front of them with fear. He looks only about twenty years old, who knows how many years he has lived?

That peerless face has a natural temperament of immortals.

But under this beautiful face, there are means to reach the sky.

Otherwise, how could they be captured alive from their hiding place.

The four of them are also top-notch figures in the world of Fengyun.

But in front of this man, they can only surrender, and they can't even think of resisting.

Hearing Lin Ge's words, the four looked at each other, and they knelt down to greet Lin Ge in the same way.

"Disciples greet the Master, and we are willing to follow the Master!"

The Immortal God and the Great Sun Tathagata looked the most respectful.

Only the two of them understood that Lin Ge's strength was beyond imagination.

The Immortal God's heart was still beating"thump thump".

Ignoring the existence of the sword world, forcibly pulling himself out of the sword world!

This is probably only something that gods can do!

And the Great Sun Tathagata is the god of the Fengyun World, and everything that happens in the whole world is under his control.

However, even he is like an ant, and can be crushed to death by this person's finger at any time.

If you don't agree, is there any way to survive?

Moreover, although you don't know who this person is, you just need to hold on to his thighs!

Lin Ge didn't expect these people to be so straightforward, and they chose the most correct path without hesitation.

You must know that although he will not force a few people to worship him as a master, for the stability of the Fengyun World, it is still necessary to waste the martial arts of a few people!

"Well, very good! You are a teachable person!"

Lin Ge nodded with satisfaction.

"From today on, you will be my outer disciples. This is Emperor Shitian, your senior brother!"

"Greetings, Senior Brother!"

The four of them stood beside Emperor Shi Tian in an orderly manner, waiting for Lin Ge's instructions.

"Now, give me your best skills!"

The four of them were stunned.

But no one objected or protested, but obediently presented their most proud skills to the master.

Xiao Sanxiao's skills were the Four Wonders of Chaos!

Bu Bai Suzhen (the Demon Lord)'s skills were the Six Great Demonic Crossings, the Earth-level Mahamudra and the Destroying Demon Body!

The Immortal God's skills were the Sky-Moving Divine Art and the Heaven-level Mahamudra!

The Sun Tathagata's skills were the Tathagata Palm!

Lin Ge used the chat group's deduction function to derive the skills of the four people one by one.

Then he enlightened the derived magical powers to the original owners.

Xiao Sanxiao and the other four people felt the magic of the magical powers, and they were all surprised and excited!

"I have passed on the skills to you. As for how far you can reach, it depends on your luck!"

"Thank you Master for the power you bestowed on me!"

The four of them knelt down again to express their gratitude!

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Jinxian" successfully completed the task and was rewarded with 800,000 points! 】

At this moment, Xiongba came back!

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