After Jiang Ziya returned from Xiqi in defeat and dejectedly to Kunlun Mountain, he has been hiding in a cave to practice.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, he actually forgot to return the Investiture of the Gods to his master.

And Yuanshi Tianzun did not mention this matter.

In this way, the Investiture of the Gods has remained in Jiang Ziya's hands.

In order to make himself more focused, Jiang Ziya would open the Investiture of the Gods every day to take a look, so as to encourage himself to practice hard.

On this day, Jiang Ziya opened the Investiture of the Gods habitually, but was shocked to find that the Investiture of the Gods was blank. All the names on the list disappeared!

Jiang Ziya opened his eyes wide in surprise and read the Investiture of the Gods over and over again countless times.

After half a day, he finally realized that something was wrong!

""What's the matter with all the stumbling and clumsy work? How can it be so disgraceful?"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Jiang Ziya who had barged in, with a hint of displeasure on his face.

Yuanshi Tianzun was a little troubled by this dull-witted disciple who had no chance of becoming an immortal.

He was given a chance to be deified, but he messed it up.

The deification project had to be suspended.

Although the eldest brother and the third brother did not say anything, Yuanshi always felt that they must be secretly laughing at him.

If Jiang Ziya was not still of some use, he would never want to see this disciple who was more likely to cause trouble than to do good again!

""Report to the Heavenly Lord, something bad has happened!"

Jiang Ziya said breathlessly.

When he found something unusual in the List of Conferred Gods, he finally realized that something was wrong and rushed straight to Yuxu Palace.

Such a big event must be reported to the Heavenly Lord immediately!

"What's the big deal? Please tell me clearly!"

Yuan Shi concealed his displeasure and asked patiently.

""Tianzun, please look!"

Jiang Ziya presented the Investiture of the Gods with both hands.

Yuanshi Tianzun did not reach out to take it.

Guangchengzi, who was standing beside him, took the Investiture of the Gods and handed it to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun took the Investiture of the Gods and opened it carelessly.

Even though he had been a saint for many years and had long reached a state of mind where nothing could shock him, he was still shocked by what he saw.

There was nothing on the Investiture of the Gods! Something serious had happened!

Yuanshi Tianzun's pupils shrank slightly.

How could this happen?

Clearly, the three brothers had signed their names on the Investiture of the Gods together.

What happened?

Putting the Conferred God List on the table in front of him, Yuanshi began to think carefully about the reason. However

, no matter how Yuanshi Tianzun calculated, he only felt that the heavenly secrets became more chaotic and he could not calculate anything at all.

At this moment, the Conferred God List seemed to be suddenly attracted by some external force, and it flew into the void and disappeared.

This change was so sudden.

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was trying his best to calculate, did not react at once.

He watched the Conferred God List disappear into the void!

"Something terrible is happening!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's face, which had never wavered for ages, finally showed a slight fluctuation!

The Conferred Gods mission was issued by Hongjun Patriarch himself, and entrusted to Yuanshi Tianzun for specific execution.

Now the Conferred Gods List has disappeared, what is the reason?

This matter is beyond Yuanshi Tianzun's control, and it seems that he can only go to the Purple Sky Palace in the chaos outside the Thirty-three!

Yuanshi Tianzun immediately informed Taiqing Laozi and Tongtian Jiaozhu.

Although he was not very willing to see Tongtian Jiaozhu in his heart, he still had to do it on the surface.

When Taiqing Laozi and Tongtian Jiaozhu heard it, they also felt that the matter was of great importance.

The three saints discussed it and hurried to the Purple Sky Palace.

What they didn't expect was that not long after they arrived outside the Purple Sky Palace, the other three saints also came.

The six of them came together, and just as they were about to explain their intentions to the boy, they received the decree of Hongjun Daozu asking them to go in.

"Disciple pays respect to Daozu!"

Daozu Hongjun was sitting on the high platform, his hands on his knees, his eyes closed in meditation.

He slightly opened his eyes and looked at the six people who stood in a row respectfully to pay their respects.

""Everyone, please take a seat!"

There were six cushions under the stage, which were the seats where the Taoist Hongjun had sat when he was listening to the lecture.

The six people sat in their original seats according to the order of the year, all with a respectful look.

Hongjun waved his hand, and something flew into the air and opened.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked closely and found that it was the missing Conferred God List.

It turned out that it had automatically returned to the Taoist Hongjun.

"The Conferred God Calamity has changed now! The Conferred God List originally had disciples from the three religions, but now the rules have been changed. It is not limited to the three religions, but everyone in the prehistoric world can participate!"

When the Three Pure Ones heard this, they were all delighted.

By expanding the scope of the calamity in this way, the chance of the disciples being on the list would be much smaller.

Unlike before, it was either the Orthodox Sect or the Demonic Sect, and the two sects became enemies. No matter how deep the brotherhood is, it can't stand it!

Taiqing Laozi breathed a sigh of relief.

The Human Sect has only one disciple, Xuandu, and this calamity is said to be in the three sects, but in fact there are only the Orthodox Sect of the second brother and the Demonic Sect of the third brother.

As the eldest brother, he really can't bear to see the disciples of the two brothers fighting.

That would be so hurtful!

Although Taiqing Laozi specializes in the way of inaction, if the second and third brothers really make trouble in front of him, he would be in trouble and he would have a headache about how to deal with it!

The two Western saints, Jie Yin and Zhunti, were a little stunned.

Everyone in the prehistoric world has a part, and it won't be that the West is involved again!

The two of them stared at Hongjun in unison.

Hongjun added slowly:"The West is not in this calamity!"

Jie Yin and Zhunti finally felt relieved.

They thought: I told you, the Heavenly Dao is still one cause and effect away from the West! It turned out that Daozu Hongjun hadn't finished speaking.

Oh Daozu, your way of speaking, half-and-half, is very scary, you know?

As for Nuwa, she had no expression on her face.

Back then, the witch and demon calamity was so powerful, but Nuwa, as a saint, just watched from the sidelines, allowing the demons to eventually decline.

Now that Daozu Hongjun has announced that the Conferred God Calamity will be expanded from the Three Religions to half of the prehistoric world (the West is not included), how can it touch Nuwa's heart!

"Yuanshi will announce this to the entire prehistoric world on my behalf! Everyone please disperse!"

Hongjun waved his hand, and several people were already outside the Zixiao Palace.

Jieyin and Zhunti bowed to the other saints,"Everyone, please!"

Tongtian returned the greeting lightly, glanced at Nuwa, and left with his two brothers without saying a word.

Nuwa glanced at the two saints in the West, nodded, and then flew away.

Jieyin and Zhunti looked at each other, and both saw the light of joy in each other's eyes.

Originally thought that the suspension of the Conferred God Calamity would take a long time.

As a result, because the calamity of heaven and earth became more intense, the way of heaven would not tolerate it, and the ancestor Hongjun could not wait.

Now, the scope of the calamity has expanded to half of the prehistoric world, and only the West is a pure land.

This is undoubtedly a great opportunity for the revitalization of the West!

As the announcement of the saint Yuanshi Tianzun spread throughout the prehistoric world.

The prehistoric land was in a panic

"What? The Conferred God Tribulation affected the entire prehistoric world?"

"No, no, and Western religion is not among them!"

"How could this happen? What happened?"

It was clearly said before that it would only be carried out among the three religions, but now it has been expanded to the entire prehistoric world. Something must have happened!

As for saying that the Western religion is not included, in the eyes of the various people in the prehistoric world, there is only the East in the prehistoric world!

"Can anyone come out and explain this? What did we, the scattered immortals, do to deserve to be dragged into the catastrophe?"

"Hush! Keep your voice down. You are so scared of your life. How dare you question the decision of a saint?"


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