Lin Ge was a little surprised when he heard the news when he returned to the prehistoric world.

Could it be that the sudden impulse he felt in the Fengyun world just now was because of this?

Didn't they say that the Conferred God Calamity was suspended?

How come it started again and expanded its scope?

However, after careful thought, Lin Ge was relieved.

The calamity of heaven and earth was getting stronger and stronger, and it had begun to slowly affect the creatures of the entire prehistoric world.

The Conferred God Mission, which should have been carried out smoothly, was delayed because of his own manipulation.

But no matter what, small trends can be changed, but big trends cannot be violated!

No one can change the big trend of Conferred Gods!

However, Lin Ge did not expect that he only wanted to change the small trend in the original plot where Jiejiao lost so badly, but actually involved the entire prehistoric world.

Does this count as a ray of hope for the Jiejiao immortals!

However, the expansion of the calamity from the three religions to the entire prehistoric world indicates that the specifications of this calamity have also been raised.

What kind of turmoil it will cause is unknown.

What worries Lin Ge is that it has now deviated from the development of the original plot.

How the future will develop, Lin Ge can only take it one step at a time.


The Three Pure Ones returned to the wild world.

When Yuanshi and Tongtian were about to return to their respective dojos, Taiqing Laozi stopped them.

"Big brother, what else do you want?"

Tongtian bowed.

Yuanshi also looked at Laozi, waiting for the next words.

"We are both the essence of the Father God Pangu, and we are of the same bloodline and body!"

Laozi looked at Yuanshi, then at Tongtian, and then said,

"Now the Conferred God Tribulation is no longer limited to our three religions, but has expanded to the entire prehistoric world.

I hope that the three of us brothers will uphold the spirit of unity and friendship and teach our disciples well so that they can safely survive this great tribulation!"

Tongtian Sect Master was straightforward, so he naturally nodded and agreed.

Yuanshi Tianzun hesitated for a moment and also nodded in agreement.

After the two left, Laozi looked at their backs as they left, thinking about the love between the three brothers tens of thousands of yuan before the meeting, and was filled with emotion.

"The second brother has too deep a prejudice against the third brother, but the third brother is too stubborn. I wonder when the two of them will be able to truly have no grudges against each other!"


"God is really helping me!"

When Randeng learned that the Conferred God Tribulation was sweeping across the entire prehistoric world, but the Western Religion was not among them, he could not help but be ecstatic.

He was just worrying about finding a good reason to trick a few of his fellow disciples into going to the Western Religion with him!

After making up his mind, Randeng was the first to go to Yunxiao Cave in Wulong Mountain to chat with Manjusri Bodhisattva.

"Teacher Ran Deng, what brings you here today?"

Manjusri is calm, modest and polite. He treats Ran Deng differently from other brothers who say one thing and mean another.

He is one of the few among the Twelve Golden Immortals who can get along well with Ran Deng.

""Fellow Daoist Manjusri, I came here today to discuss the current situation with you.

Now the Conferred God Tribulation has expanded from the three religions to the entire prehistoric world, but the Western religion is not included. What do you think, fellow Daoist?"

After the two sat down, Ran Deng asked directly

"I am a little confused about this matter, too!"

Manjusri said.

"This Conferred God Calamity was originally an internal matter of our three religions, but because Junior Brother Ziya failed to promote it, the Conferred God was once at a standstill.

Somehow, the Conferred God List disappeared, and the Heavenly Venerable consulted with Patriarch Hongjun, only to learn that the Conferred God Mission had changed.

In my opinion, this should be the will of Heaven issued through Patriarch Hongjun!"

"Taoist Manjusri is right! However, as the scope of the catastrophe increases, the danger of the catastrophe is expected to increase accordingly!

I am afraid that blood and rain will break out in all parts of the prehistoric world and all lives will be destroyed!"

Manjusri sighed helplessly:"What Teacher Randeng said is true!

You and I are in the prehistoric world, and we have to face these!"

Randeng said:"You and I are not the kind of people who are afraid of death.

It's just that we are in the Chan Sect, and what we fear most is being treated unfairly!

Take Taoist Manjusri for example, as a disciple of the same Tianzun, the treatment is not the same.

I believe that Taoist you also feel it deeply!"

Manjusri was silent for a while.

The whole prehistoric world knew about Yuanshi Tianzun's partiality. He showed extreme partiality to his favorite disciples.

He gave his favorite disciples first if he had any good spiritual treasures or good cultivation resources, and considered them first if he had anything that was beneficial to cultivation.

It was precisely because Yuanshi did not treat his disciples equally that the Twelve Golden Immortals were not a monolithic group, but were divided into several small groups.

Those who were particularly favored by Yuanshi, such as Guangchengzi and Chijingzi, were naturally very close to each other and were considered a faction.

Other less favored disciples were divided into several small circles according to their different personalities.

Usually, everyone was on the surface senior brothers and junior brothers, but secretly they were intentionally or unintentionally competing for superiority in order to gain the attention and love of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although Manjusri did not like to fight or grab, he was still upset!

Ran Deng stopped talking and did not continue.

Some things cannot be rushed and must be done slowly.

Let's talk a little with him today, and we will have a chance to have a deeper exchange tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Ran Deng deliberately pretended to be out of turn.

"Look at my mouth, I shouldn’t talk about the matters between the leader and the fellow Taoists, please don’t blame me, fellow Taoist Manjusri!"

"No way, what Master Ran Deng said is true! Everyone knows that Master is partial, so I don't blame you!"If you say that Ran Deng is trying to incite rebellion, he really knows how to pick people.

Manjusri has great magical powers and high comprehension, but he is not very favored by Yuanshi Tianzun.

As a disciple, how could Manjusri not have some ideas!

He just endured it all the time!

Now Ran Deng has planted a thorn in Manjusri's heart. It will be natural to persuade Manjusri to join the Western Religion when the time is right.


After leaving Yunxiao Cave in Wulong Mountain, Randeng came to Luojia Cave in Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea.

That's right, Randeng's second target of rebellion was Taoist Cihang.

Relatively speaking, Cihang was easier to rebellion than Manjusri. This was because Cihang's personality was rather awkward.

He was obviously timid, but he had mismatched ambitions.

This kind of personality often could not be restrained when tempted by outsiders with ulterior motives.

Sure enough!

After Randeng's sweet talk, he used Yuanshi's partiality to sow discord among his disciples, and then tempted them with the wonderful prospects of Western religion.

Taoist Cihang was really moved.

He had long been dissatisfied with Yuanshi Tianzun's different treatment of his disciples.

Among the Twelve Golden Immortals, although he was not at the bottom, he was not the kind of person who was at the front and was very much loved by Yuanshi.

"Fellow Daoist Cihang, I actually have no other intention in saying these things. I just want to remind you to take a long-term view.

Leave yourself a way out so that you can safely survive the catastrophe!"

Randeng looked like I was doing this for your own good,"Please think about it!"

After saying this, Ran Deng said goodbye and left.

Then he hurried to Baihe Cave in Jiugong Mountain.

Samantabhadra was also one of Ran Deng's goals.

At the beginning, Zhunti also hinted to Ran Deng in a tactful and obscure way that there were several people in the Chan Sect who were more predestined with the Western Sect.

He mentioned the names of these people.

Of course, the most predestined one must be Ran Deng himself.

It was precisely because of Zhunti's hint that Ran Deng had the idea of pulling people into the Western Sect.

With the experience of the first two people pulling people, Ran Deng's ability to fool people became more and more proficient.

With Ran Deng's eloquent tongue, he painted a beautiful future for Samantabhadra in a few words.

It was effortless to persuade Samantabhadra to be moved.

Ran Deng said considerately:

"Fellow Taoist Puxian, you don't have to make a decision right away. We can wait and see, but it's always a good idea to leave a way out!"

Following the same method, Randeng convinced Wei Hu again.

Things went so smoothly, and Randeng was very happy.

It seemed that the day of joining the Western Religion was not far away.

On the way back to the cave, Randeng unexpectedly met someone!


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