"Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

Randeng called out loudly.

The man turned around and was afraid to stay.

"Teacher Ran Deng?"

"Fellow Daoist Ji Liusun is in a hurry, but why?"

Ran Deng asked with concern.

Ji Liusun stopped and saluted, then said ashamedly:

"It was my unworthy disciple Tu Xingsun who stole the immortal rope and went down the mountain to enjoy the wealth of the human world.

I will go and get him back now!"

Ran Deng said with a smile:

"Everyone has their own aspirations!

You are Tu Xingsun's master, don't you know his temper and character?

Since he is greedy for the world, why not help him?"

Ji Liusun smiled bitterly:"Teacher is right.

I have taught almost everything I should teach.

He is unwilling to concentrate on cultivation because of his low luck.

But that evil beast shouldn't have taken my immortal rope.……"

Juliusun only had a few magic weapons, and the Immortal Binding Rope was one of his most valuable treasures.

Tuxingsun was a man who knew what was good, and he took away his master's best magic weapon.

Randeng nodded,"That's Tuxingsun's fault!

But since he has taken the Immortal Binding Rope and left the sect, why don't you give him the magic weapon to show your generosity as a master?

If he uses the Immortal Binding Rope to do something unacceptable to the heaven in the future, you can just take it back!"

Juliusun pondered for a while and said with a smile:

"It seems that this is the only way to do it. Teacher Randeng is very thoughtful. Thank you for your guidance!"

After saying this, he was about to say goodbye and return to the cave.

Randeng stopped him and said,"Since we have the fate to meet on the way today, why don't you come to my place, have a cup of tea and talk about Taoism?"

Ju Liusun nodded in agreement and followed Randeng.


While Randeng was running around to improve his status in the Western Religion in the future, Zhunti was not idle either.

Senior Brother Jieyin once said that there were people in the Jie Religion who had a great affinity with the Western Religion.

Therefore, after fooling Randeng, Zhunti came to the vicinity of Jin'ao Island in the North Sea to see if there was an opportunity to make a move.

Zhunti did not have the courage to go to Jin'ao Island.

Not to mention that there was a formation covering it, Zhunti could not find the exact location of Jin'ao Island.

Even if people closed the formation and showed that Jin'ao Island was open, Zhunti did not have the courage to go to the island to make trouble.

Master Tongtian was in charge on Jin'ao Island. How desperate did Zhunti have to be to think of going to the island.

However, after the rules of the self-calamity changed, Zhunti's luck seemed to have improved.

Not long after staying on an unknown island in the North Sea, he actually met the long-eared Dingguangxian who was out alone

"Daoist friend, I see that you are a person with great enlightenment and great fortune.

You and my Western Sect have a great opportunity!

Why don't I follow you to the West to practice?!"

Zunti looked at the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal with a smile.

As one of the seven immortals who accompanied Tongtian Sect Master, the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal was born timid and afraid of things.

Feeling the other party's quasi-saint aura (Zunti often suppressed his own strength at the level of a quasi-saint when he was traveling outside), the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, who knew he was no match for him, asked tremblingly,

""Excuse me... who are you?"

Although he asked this, the other party claimed to be from the Western Sect. In fact, Chang Er Ding Guang Xian had already guessed who the person in front of him was.

Everyone knows the famous two saints of the West.

However, one of them always looks miserable, while the other smiles all day long, which is easy to tell apart.

This person looks so kind with a smile on his face, who else could it be but the Saint Zhunti?

But what confused Chang Er Ding Guang Xian was that if he was a saint, why did he have the aura of a quasi-saint?

Chang Er Ding Guang Xian did not ask, but only dared to complain in his heart.

Of course, even if he asked this question, Zhunti would not tell him that he liked to play the pig and eat the tiger.

"I am your destined person!"

Zhunti liked the other person's timid and frightened look.

"What do you think of my proposal, fellow Taoist?"

Long-eared Dingguang Immortal wanted to say it was not very good.

He was not a fool.

Why would he give up being a disciple of Jiejiao and go to the barren and desolate West?

But he did not dare to say it out loud.

"You know, now the whole prehistoric world is in the range of the calamity, only the western pure land!

If you don't want to die in the calamity and be on the list of the annihilated, the best way is to join my Western religion!"

Zhunti said with a smile:

"With your understanding and good fortune, I will reserve a good fruit position for you.

What are you still worried about?"

The immortal Dingguang was fooled and was at a loss. Zhunti took out a Bodhi fruit from his arms.

The red fruit exuded an attractive fragrance.

"This is……?"

The long-eared Dingguang Immortal looked at the Bodhi fruit greedily and swallowed his saliva.

"This is my Bodhi fruit from the west. Eating one will increase your aptitude and understanding, and improve your magical power by 5,000 years!"

Zhunti spread out the Bodhi fruit in his palm for Chang Er Ding Guang Xian to take a good look at.

"There are still a lot of spiritual fruits like this in my Western Religion. As long as you join my Western Religion, you can enjoy them freely!"

"Is it...really?"

It seems that I can't escape from the other party's palm today, so I might as well try to gain more benefits.

The long-eared Dingguangxian thought very clearly.

"Of course it's true! You'll know as long as you follow me to the West!

How about it, follow me!

As long as you follow me, this Bodhi fruit will be yours!"

Zunti made the suggestion with a smile, but his whole body exuded the aura that if you don't obey, you can die. Using both soft and hard tactics!

Zhunti is getting more and more adept at playing.

Chang'er Dingguangxian looked at the Bodhi fruit with shining eyes.


It's not that I, Chang'er, want to betray the leader, but because the opponent is too strong and I can't resist at all.


The news that the long-eared Dingguang immortal of Jiejiao betrayed the leader and joined the Western Sect quickly spread throughout the prehistoric world.

The other six immortals of the Seven Followers, Wuyun Immortal, Jinhoop Immortal Ma Sui, Bilu Immortal, Lingya Immortal, Qiushou Immortal, and Jinguang Immortal were all shocked when they heard the news.

Usually, they had a very good relationship and believed in each other and loved each other.

They refused to believe that the long-eared Dingguang immortal would betray the leader.

"It must be Zhunti who forced the long-eared one!"

The Wuyun Immortal is the eldest, so he is naturally very calm.

The other immortals also echoed.

However, the tolerance and understanding within Jiejiao does not represent the voices outside.

Yuanshi Tianzun specially invited Taiqing Laozi to visit Tongtian Jiaozhu on Jinao Island.

He said he was here to comfort his third brother, but in fact he was here to laugh at him.

Fortunately, Tongtian was very open-minded about this matter and did not care about such a small matter.

Otherwise, he would really be hit.

"Third brother, I have long told you that those who are covered in fur and horns and lay eggs and are wet are not good, but you refused to listen.

Now, the long-eared apostasy has made you a joke!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was gloating in his heart, but he looked indignant on the surface.

Taiqing Laozi was stunned and complained in his heart,

"Second brother, are you sure you are here to comfort third brother? Why do I feel like you are rubbing salt into his wounds?"

Tongtian said frankly:"Chang'er left because he was not blessed enough, and I also believe he had no choice!

Zhunti has been doing those sneaky things in the East for a long time!

Chang'er can only say that he is unlucky to meet him!"

Yuanshi Tianzun sneered,

"You are the only one who is stubborn!

With this beginning, let's see how you will deal with it in the future!"

"Don't worry about it, brother! You should worry more about your disciples!"

Tongtian was a little unhappy.

No one would be in a good temper if they were repeatedly criticized.

"Hahaha, you made me worry?

Don't worry, all of my disciples are orthodox and have a deep affinity, so this kind of thing will never happen!"

Yuanshi Tianzun exuded a conceited aura!


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