Lin Ge was really surprised when he heard that Chang Er Ding Guang Xian betrayed Jie Jiao and joined the Western Sect.

Although he had known for a long time that Chang Er had indeed betrayed the sect.

But in the original plot, everyone knew it at the end!

It seems that the plot has indeed changed.

Is it because he changed the time when Emperor Xin went to Nuwa Temple to worship, which caused the butterfly effect?

I just don't know if Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun and others from the Xian Jiao will also join the Western Sect in advance.

The plot has obviously changed. How will the plot go? Lin Ge is now in the dark.

Lin Ge sighed and decided to improve his strength first.

Looking at the personal account in the chat group, the points can only break through a small level. After setting up the defense formation at the entrance of the cave, Lin Ge turned on the chat group's function of concealing the secrets.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the middle of the cave, Lin Ge closed his eyes and crossed his hands on his legs.

He began to use the points to break through his cultivation.

The rich and substantial spiritual energy that came from nowhere gushed out from the air above Lin Ge's head and was absorbed by Lin Ge in a whale-like manner.


The immortal caves in Kunlun Mountain.

The disciples of the Chan Sect frowned.

Why did they feel that the spiritual energy of Kunlun Mountain suddenly became a little thinner?

They opened their eyes and looked at the spiritual mist floating beside them, and then shook their heads.

What were they thinking?

How could the spiritual energy of Kunlun Mountain become thinner!

It must be an illusion!

So they all closed their eyes and entered the state of meditation again.


After an unknown amount of time, everything was finally calm.

Lin Ge opened his eyes and checked his own cultivation with satisfaction.

Not bad, he had reached the Great Perfection of Golden Immortal.

It was a pity that the remaining points were not enough.

Otherwise, it would be perfect to break through to Quasi-Sage in one go.

But even if he had only broken through a small level, Lin Ge was very satisfied.

His terrifying and amazing breakthrough speed was unimaginable to many people. If he was not satisfied, he would be a bit greedy.

After feeling his own strength, Lin Ge truly realized that the higher the realm, the greater the difference in strength.

Even if it was only a small level, the Great Perfection of Golden Immortal was not comparable to the peak of Golden Immortal.

And the higher you go, the more unreachable the difference is.

There is still one chance to draw a lottery, so let's use it this time!

Under the current circumstances, it is better to improve your strength as soon as possible.

"Use the lucky draw opportunity!"

Lin Ge thought to himself

【Ding! Congratulations to the group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" for obtaining 10 strands of Hongmeng purple energy!】

"Hongmeng Purple Qi?"

Lin Ge was a little stunned.

This is a must-have for becoming a saint!

And isn't it said that there are only seven Hongmeng Purple Qis in the entire prehistoric world? Then where did the Hongmeng Purple Qi that was drawn in the lottery come from?

In fact, what Lin Ge was more curious about was, in addition to helping to become a saint, does Hongmeng Purple Qi have other functions?

"Check out the prize description!"

【Hongmeng Purple Qi: A supreme energy in the endless void! It can be analyzed, and its own mana or energy can be transformed into Hongmeng Purple Qi, which can improve its status. After all the transformations are completed, it can reach the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! 】


Is it so awesome?

With this thing, I can easily reach Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and my strength is comparable to that of a saint?

Lin Ge didn't expect that he would have such good luck in this lottery.

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms and Was the Greatest in History]:

Haha, my mission to unify the world has finally been successfully completed! Everyone, congratulate me! Throw flowers!

【Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Congratulations to the First Emperor! Congratulations to the First Emperor!

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

The First Emperor is mighty! The First Emperor is domineering!

【Persimmons in the Snow]:

As expected of the First Emperor! Only the First Emperor could accomplish such a feat! [The Immortal Master is not among them】

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Haha, is Persimmon so serious in his words? The First Emperor is awesome! Should he send a red envelope?

【[Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Congratulations to the First Emperor for unifying the world! Will the First Emperor send a red envelope to celebrate?

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Congratulations! Red envelopes are launched!

【Wing Chun Master Yip]:

The First Emperor is so powerful! Not only did he unify the world in Gao Qiqiang's world, he also unified the world in his own world!


The screen was full of compliments, and Ying Zheng was very happy.

After all, there are only a few people who can accomplish the feat of unifying the world.

【The greatest emperor who swept across the six kingdoms]:

Red envelope @ everyone, congratulations!

【Ding! Group member"Taohua Island Little Cook" received 78 points!】

【Group member"Red Flame of Fire" received 62 points!】

【Group member"Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace" received 99 points!】

【Group member"Snow Persimmon" received 108 points!】


Huoyun Evil God watched the group members scramble for red envelopes one after another, and when he saw that there was no sign of his disciples outside the door, he couldn't help but get anxious.

"Hey, why didn't I ask my disciple to go get some wine earlier or later, but asked him to leave just a few minutes before others gave out red envelopes?"

Fire Cloud Evil God muttered to himself.

Grabbing red envelopes is all about being quick, and waiting like this is really not the style of the Evil God.

It's time to take a gamble!

【Ding! Group member"Ultimate Killer King" received 2 points!】

"Hey! I lost the bet again!"

Fire Cloud Evil God's eyes were filled with tears!


【Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian】:

@【[The greatest emperor of all time who swept across the six kingdoms] Just waiting for you to complete the task!

@How is everyone's cultivation now?

The immortal master asked everyone online about their cultivation, and the group members rushed to report their cultivation to Lin Ge.

As expected, except for Xiong Ba who had reached the peak of the Refining Void Realm and Xu Fengnian who had reached the peak of the Transformation of the Spirit, the others were still below the late stage of the Transformation of the Spirit.

But it's normal to think about it.

The worlds of the group members are basically the world of comprehensive martial arts, and the lack of spiritual energy is not enough to support them to practice further.

If it weren't for the enlightenment pills and enlightenment tea provided by Lin Ge, I'm afraid everyone would still be struggling in the Qi training stage.

Although there are points, it's okay to improve the ordinary martial arts realm. It's useless to use it to break through the immortal realm.

Not only does it consume a lot of points, it's also very time-consuming, and it's not much faster than normal practice. It's better to exchange some elixirs from Lin Ge.

In response to this, the chat group said that a good cook can't cook without rice.

You lack spiritual energy, and there's nothing I can do about it!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

I really miss the abundant spiritual energy in the immortal master’s primitive world!

【Leader of the Tianxiahui Gang]:

Indeed, the Immortal Master’s world is the best place for cultivation!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Immortal Master, could you also give us a chance to practice in your world?

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I am looking forward to going to the Immortal Master’s world one day!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Isn’t the world of the Immortal Master the Immortal Realm? If we go to the Immortal Realm, will we also become immortals?


Lin Ge pondered.

If they were in the prehistoric world, with sufficient spiritual energy, enough cultivation resources and the use of chat group points, I believe that these top figures in each world would make rapid progress in cultivation. The prehistoric world is so big that it is no problem to find a place to accommodate these 10 or 20 group members.

The only problem is that the Conferred God Tribulation has now involved the entire prehistoric world.

If they come to the prehistoric world to cultivate, they will inevitably be affected by the tribulation.

Obviously, the advantages and disadvantages of letting everyone come to the prehistoric world at this time are very obvious.

But maybe we can ask them what they think.

At this moment, a prompt sound rang!

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