[Ding! Friendly reminder: The group leader’s idea is good!

However, those who come directly from other worlds to the prehistoric world will be more likely to be rejected by the Heavenly Dao as their cultivation level increases in the later stages!]

Lin Ge was stunned. He didn’t expect there was such a saying.

"Is there any solution?"

【Two ways: 1. Spend 10 million points to immigrate through the chat group! 2. Survive the tribulation and ascend to the sky! 】

Well, spending 10 million points to immigrate, I guess few group members have such a rich fortune.

Then the only realistic way is to let them break through to the tribulation period as soon as possible, and successfully survive the thunder tribulation and ascend to the prehistoric world.

【Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian]:

It is not impossible to cultivate in the prehistoric world!

However, you must ascend from this world to the prehistoric world so that you will not be rejected by the heaven!

Or you can spend 10 million points to immigrate through the chat group

【[The Little Cook from Peach Blossom Island]:

Haha, the Immortal Master said that we can go to his world to practice!

Huang Rong was so excited that she completely ignored Lin Ge's last two sentences.

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader]:

Xiao Taohua, have you always only listened to half of what was said?

【Master Yip of Wing Chun]:

The Immortal Master said that we have to practice in our own world until we ascend to heaven, and then we can go to the Immortal Master’s world!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms and Became the Greatest Emperor in the World]:

Is it to transcend the calamity and ascend to heaven? That's not bad!

Once you reach the immortal world, you should be able to truly live forever!

Ying Zheng was full of ambition.

Having just completed the great cause of global unification, he felt that nothing was impossible to achieve.

Nothing is impossible to do, as long as you can think of it!

【[The leader of the Tianxiahui]:

Overcoming the tribulation and ascending to heaven? Let me see, it's still a long way off!

Because Lin Ge had already popularized the realm system of cultivating immortals, Xiong Ba just counted on his fingers and knew where he was at the moment.

【[Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

Okay, I have to admit, I'm still three big steps away! It's still... quite far!

【Lotus Boss]:

Fortunately, I just completed a big task and earned a million points.

Master, can you help me see which cultivation resources are suitable for me?

【[Boss Qiao]:

Master, do you have any spirit stones left? I have used up all the ones I bought last time, can you sell me some more?

Everyone chose not to mention the path of consuming points to immigrate.

After all, with 10 million points, you can buy cultivation resources, improve your cultivation, and do anything!

Besides, it seems that no one has such a fortune at the moment.

【Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian]:

Don't panic!

This time I will upload a more effective enlightenment pill, and each person can only buy one!

In addition, each person will provide a bottle of spiritual liquid, which can be used with the enlightenment pill. It is enough for everyone to break through to the tribulation period!

I hope everyone will succeed in tribulation! I am waiting for you in the prehistoric world!

【Ding! Group owner"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" uploaded two batches of new products!】

【Enlightenment Pill (Advanced Edition): 100,000 points! Seller: Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian!】

【Spiritual liquid: 10W points! Seller: Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian! 】

Just one bottle per person

【The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages】:

Is there nothing more? I also want my beloved concubine to ascend with me!

【[Little Cook from Peach Blossom Island]:

Who can give me a set? My dad wants to ascend to heaven with me too!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Don't be too greedy! Although I also want to buy a set for my apprentice……

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Ah! I can actually go to the Immortal Master's world right now! I'm so excited just thinking about it!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Don’t get too excited too soon! You have to successfully survive the thunder tribulation!

After everyone bought the Enlightenment Pill and Spiritual Liquid, the group became quiet and silent!


Primordial world!

As the calamity of heaven and earth deepened, the atmosphere became more and more tense.

All creatures began to become irritable.

Fighting started at the slightest disagreement!

The friction between practitioners became more and more frequent.

Deep in the Ten Thousand Mountains.

Bai Ze said to the demon general beside him:"Keep a close watch on your men and tell them not to go out in the near future.

We won't get involved in the Conferred God Calamity!"

The demon general responded and went down to make arrangements.

Bai Ze put his hands behind his back and stared at the direction of the Sun for a long time, silent.……


The world of Journey to the West. Sun Wukong , who went to heaven and earth and left the whole heaven helpless, was plotted by Tathagata and was finally pressed under the Five Elements Mountain.

"Alas! I never expected that I, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, would end up like this! When will it end?"

An oriole tirelessly brought hay and built a beautiful bird's nest on Sun Wukong's head.

Sun Wukong had no magical power and his hands were held down tightly.

He had no way to stop the oriole, who was so enthusiastic about building a nest.

"Hey, do you know who I am?

How dare you act wild on your grandpa Sun's head? When I come out, I will roast you and eat you!"

The oriole chirped non-stop, as if answering what he said.

But this bird is also interesting. It built a nest on Sun Wukong's head and another nest next to him. It usually lives in the nest next to it.

From time to time, it brings him some food.

When he is bored, it will chirp and chat with him.

When the sun is scorching, the nest on his head helps him block the sun.

In the cold winter, the nest on his head helps him keep out the cold.

""It turns out that you are helping me, little bird!"

Sun Wukong has been lonely for hundreds of years.

Now that he has a little bird to accompany him, his life is not so difficult!


The prehistoric world is becoming increasingly unstable.

There are fights everywhere, and even a small matter can lead to a big fight.

Everyone knows that this is the influence of the calamity of heaven and earth. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, everyone tries to stay in their own caves to practice. However,

Lin Ge suppressed his cultivation to the Golden Immortal Stage at this time, and rode King Ghidorah to the prehistoric world.

King Ghidorah did not quite understand his master's behavior.

"The master's cultivation is obviously so high, so why is it suppressed so low?"

��What do you know? This is called being low-key!"

Besides, after being transformed by elixirs and magical medicines, King Ghidorah has now reached the middle stage of Xuanxian cultivation.

He didn't understand what being low-key meant, but he was very excited that his master finally took him around.

Lin Ge had traveled to the prehistoric world for thousands of years, but because of his low cultivation, he had never been around.

Now that he has reached the great perfection of the Golden Immortal, he has the confidence to stroll around.

First, to appreciate the prehistoric scenery.

Second, he wanted to find a treasure land so that the group members would have a place to stay when they ascended to the prehistoric world.

I don't know how long he has been walking.

""Master, there seems to be a sound of fighting down there!"

Ghidorah suddenly said excitedly.

This guy has a strange temper. He gets very excited when he hears there is a fight.

He definitely loves to watch the excitement!

Lin Ge parted the clouds and saw clearly with his eyes.

It turned out that three beautiful female demons were besieged by a group of about 20 to 30 ugly wolf demons.

""Master, there are beauties!"

Lin Ge held his forehead.

This guy has been particularly interested since he heard the word"beauties" in his mouth one day.

Whenever he sees a good-looking woman, he will happily shout"beauties"! King

Ghidorah doesn't know, but its master Lin Ge knows it best.

In fact, these three banshees are not ordinary.

The strongest one in the middle with the most beautiful face is the nine-tailed fox spirit.

In the original plot of Fengshen, this woman played a very important role.

The one on the left wearing a gorgeous colorful dress is the nine-headed pheasant spirit. The one on the right holding a pipa as a weapon is undoubtedly the jade pipa spirit.

It seems that the two sides have been fighting for a long time.

The nine-tailed fox spirit has fallen behind.

Lin Ge admired the peerless style of the banshees for a while, and then wanted to leave.

King Ghidorah said blankly:"Master, don't you want to save the beauties?"

Lin Ge slapped it on the head,

"You only know about beauties! Can you just meddle in the affairs of the prehistoric world? You better go.……"

He was telling King Ghidorah to leave, but before he could finish his words he froze.

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