I only heard a notification sound from the chat group about issuing a task.

"Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" triggers a single-player mission!

Mission requirements: accept the three female demons from Xuanyuan Tomb as apprentices!

Successful completion of the mission will reward 3 million points and a chance to draw a lottery!"

Haha, now I have to mind my own business.

At this time, the three female demons were in danger and had no power to resist.

The leading wolf demon laughed and said,"I think you should obey me! Otherwise, you will die!"

The nine-tailed fox spirit covered the wound on his shoulder and gritted his teeth and said,"You are dreaming!"

King Ghidorah was so anxious that he kept urging,"Master, if you don't take action, they will die!"

Lin Ge asked King Ghidorah to descend from the clouds


A light shout.

The two warring parties stopped and looked at Lin Ge, and then at his mount.

The nine-tailed fox demon's eyes first lit up, then dimmed.

The young Taoist looked handsome, but his cultivation level did not seem to be very high.

It is not so easy for him to wade into this muddy water!

The wolf demon was stunned, and was a little unhappy to see Lin Ge's handsome face.

Seeing that the other party's aura was not very strong, he said with a cold face:"What's the matter? Boy, do you want to meddle in other people's business?"

The other wolf demons laughed mockingly.

Lin Ge did not get angry but laughed:"I don't want to meddle in other people's business, I just want you to die!"

After that, he stretched out a hand and gently pinched the wolf demons.

Those wolf demons turned into a blood mist without even a hum.

The nine-tailed fox demon and the other two female demons were shocked.

This Taoist is powerful!

"Thank you for saving my life!"

The nine-tailed fox stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

The two demon girls also came over to thank you for saving their lives.

"Oh? How should I thank you?"

Lin Ge said with a smile.

The three female demons' faces changed drastically after hearing this.

Could it be that they had just escaped from the wolf demon's entanglement, but fell into this person's hands again?

As soon as Lin Ge saw the expressions of the three demons, he knew that they were thinking wrongly.

What a joke with demons!

"Ahem! I am Lin Ge, a second-generation disciple of Jiejiao. Seeing that you and I have a destiny, I want to accept you three as my disciples. What do you think?"When the three female demons heard this, there was such a good thing?

What a great fortune!

The three female demons practiced in Xuanyuan Tomb for thousands of years before they could transform into human form.

Without the guidance of a master, they had to rely on themselves to explore.

The hardships of practicing were not worth mentioning.

Now a saint's disciple took the initiative to accept them as disciples. What a great fortune! The three demons were surprised and said,"How can we not listen to the words of the benefactor?"

They bowed together and said,"Disciples Xiaohu (Xiaoxi) (Xiaoyu) greet the master!""

【Ding! The group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" successfully completed the task and received a reward of 3 million points and a chance to draw a lottery! 】

This is the advantage of the chat group.

As long as the task is completed, the reward will never be delayed.

Lin Ge nodded:"Although there is enough spiritual energy here, it is not the best place for cultivation. You all come with me!"

The nine-tailed fox spirit Xiaohu replied obediently:"Of course, we will follow the master. Wherever the master goes, we will go!"

It is worthy of being a fox spirit, look at this sweet little mouth.

I have been around in the prehistoric world for a long time, and I haven’t found any good dojo for the time being.

The main reason is that the good places are occupied by others.

Lin Ge had to take the three female demons back to Sanxian Island first.

Bixiao heard that Lin Ge had accepted three beautiful female apprentices, so he came to watch

"Wow! Little Lin Ge has made progress! He has even accepted disciples!"

Bi Xiao said with a sour tone that he himself did not realize.

Lin Ge hurriedly asked the three female demons to come forward and salute.

"This is Lady Bixiao! My master, your great master!"

The three demon girls knelt on the ground obediently:"Greetings to the great master!"


Bixiao's face turned green.

Am I that old? I'm already the grandmaster's man!

He slowly took out three elixirs from his arms and forced a smile.

"You are all very good! This is a gift from the master to you!"

Bi Xiao stuffed one into each person's pocket and left in a hurry.

When he met Yun Xiao on the road, he ignored him and just walked forward with a gloomy face.

Yun Xiao was puzzled and grabbed Bi Xiao.

"You have become successful, little sister. You don't even say hello to your elder sister when you see her? Huh?"

Bixiao rolled her eyes.

""Big sister, I advise you to be polite to me. I am the master's grandmaster, please give me some face!"

After saying that, he fled leisurely, leaving Yunxiao behind in the wind.


What grandmaster?

Whose grandmaster?



Now the Shang Dynasty is prosperous and the world is peaceful.

Emperor Xin is indescribably happy! He has no idea that Hongjun Laozu and Yuanshi Tianzun have taken great pains to complete the task of conferring the gods.

But even if he knew, he would not care.

What is the Conferring the Gods? The calamity is the business of the immortals, what does it have to do with the emperor?

The New Year is coming soon.

The four great princes and the princes of the world are already on their way to the court.

Because Chaoge is unprecedentedly prosperous and powerful, the four great princes are more submissive and come to congratulate the audience with rich gifts.

After a bumpy journey, the princes from all over the country gradually arrived in Chaoge.

Dongbo Hou Jiang Hengchu, Nanbo Hou E Chongyu, Beibo Hou Chonghouhu, and Xibo Hou Jichang have all been here for several days, and most of the other princes have arrived long ago.

Wen Zhong arranged for everyone to rest at the post station.

The date of the audience is getting closer and closer, but there is no sign of Jizhong Hou Su Hu!

Finally, Su Hu came to the post station with a team of people on this day.

The princes all surrounded him.

Some of them really care.

Some wanted to find out what was going on.

It turned out that Su Hu and his party were robbed halfway through their journey.

All the gifts prepared for the king were looted.

Su Hu had no choice but to return the same way, prepare new gifts and hurry back.

So that's what happened!

The other princes understood, comforted him and left.

On the date when Emperor Xin summoned them, the princes filed into the court.

But they were blocked by Fei Zhong and You Hun outside the palace gate.

The two stood at the door on the left and right with a grin, not letting everyone in.

The princes were not fools, and they saw that time was about to be delayed.

They took out gifts and gave them to the two.

The two then stepped aside to let everyone pass.

When it came to Su Hu, he touched his empty pocket, and quickly followed the people in front of him to pass between Fei Zhong and You Hun.

Fei Zhong and You Hun were stunned by Su Hu's ignorance.

Looking at Su Hu who had already walked past, the two looked at each other hatefully.

In the court.

Emperor Xin was delighted when he heard the princes of the world come forward one by one to sing praises and present gifts.

When all the princes had finished paying their respects, Emperor Xin was about to say a few words to praise them.

Fei Zhong and You Hun came out one after another and slandered Su Hu.

The two did their best to make Su Hu worthless.

Su Hu lowered his head and listened in the crowd, his face turning pale.

Are these two people that serious?

Didn't they just not give him a gift when he entered the palace?

Emperor Xin lowered his head slightly, said nothing, and his expression could not be seen!

Fei Zhong and You Hun thought that Emperor Xin had heard it, so they spoke more excitedly.

As soon as one finished speaking, the other jumped out and said, and in the end, Su Hu was already a big traitor in the mouths of the two.

Little did they know that Emperor Xin's face was already very ugly!

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