
A sudden angry shout startled Fei Zhong and You Hun, who were making slanderous remarks.

Emperor Xin, who was sitting on the high throne, glared at the two men who were making such outrageous remarks.

"Such a traitor must not be allowed to stay! Come, drag him away and behead him!"

Fei Zhong and You Hun were so frightened that they knelt down and begged the king for mercy.

Emperor Xin was unmoved and allowed the guards to take the two away and execute them.

"My dear ministers, you have come all the way to Chaoge, you have done a great job! I cannot let a villain destroy the friendship between you and me!"

"The king is wise!"

The civil and military ministers and the princes all praised him.

"You have come all the way here and you must have worked hard! You can rest in Chaoge and return after the Spring Festival!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Poor Fei Zhong and You Hun, the two treacherous ministers, lost their lives just like that.

The two wisps of true spirits floated towards the List of Gods!


Chang Er Ding Guang Xian followed Zhunti to Mount Xumi.

In the middle of the mountain, there stood a lush Bodhi tree. Jie Yin was very happy to meet Chang Er and praised him for his vision and for being a predestined person in the West with great enlightenment and great fortune.

He also gave Chang Er a Bodhi fruit.

"This is the most precious treasure of our Western Religion. Since you have joined the Western Religion, you should enjoy it!

If you make more contributions to our Western Religion in the future, there will be more good things for you!"

Chang'er's eyes lit up.

He had heard of the good reputation of the Western Bodhi Fruit for a long time, but he had never had the chance to taste it.

Now that he has been abducted to the West, he might as well make the best of it!

Thanking Jieyin, Chang'er used a magic trick to wash the Bodhi Fruit.

He took a bite,"Hiss! It's really delicious!"

The Bodhi Fruit's good reputation is not deceiving me!

After settling Chang'er, Jieyin praised Zhunti for his good business development.

He encouraged his junior brother to keep up the good work and continue to go to the prehistoric world to do those cheating things!


In the endless chaos, there are countless heavens and myriad worlds hidden.

There are also some supreme planes that are the same as the prehistoric world.

All the tribes in the prehistoric world, including Hongjun, don’t know that because the Conferred Gods have been blocked, the calamity that the Heavenly Dao has been trying to suppress has begun to spread everywhere. The

Takamagahara Amaterasu plane, which is closest to the prehistoric world, was actually attracted by the calamity and kept approaching the prehistoric world.

At the same time, Lin Ge’s previous strange dream has been dreamed more frequently recently.

"I haven't heard of the eight-headed snake in the prehistoric world!" Lin

Ge frowned after waking up from his sleep.

I have heard of the Yamata no Orochi in my previous life!

But the Yamata no Orochi is a character in the mythological world of Sakura Country!

Lin Ge's heart moved.

His eyes fell on the name of the chat group.

The name of the chat group has been changed from the previous Zongwu chat group to the upgraded Zhutian Wanjie chat group.

Could it be...

what I think? Then, in the same chaos, the place I am in is the prehistoric world.

If this eight-headed snake is really the Yamata no Orochi, it should obviously be the ancient mythological world of Sakura Country - Takamagahara Amaterasu world!

"Chat group, can I go to the Takamagahara Amaterasu plane?"

【Ding! The group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" has activated the hidden authority and can travel to any plane in the universe at will. 】

Can I go to any plane?

""To the Takamagahara Amaterasu plane!"

Lin Ge muttered in his heart, and then disappeared on the spot.

After a dizzy moment, Lin Ge appeared in a new world.

Is this the Takamagahara Amaterasu plane?

Lin Ge expanded his divine sense to feel the surroundings.

Rich spiritual energy, blessed lands everywhere.

However, Lin Ge had a feeling that the level of this plane was much lower than that of the prehistoric world, and its strength was obviously weaker than that of the prehistoric world.

Following the guidance of his intuition, Lin Ge came to a vast seashore.

Looking at the calm and waveless sea like a mirror, Lin Ge found something wrong.

This sea is too calm!

Quietly... Not a sound could be heard.

Suddenly, Lin Ge stretched out a hand and pointed at the sea surface, and the water splashed apart.

Lin Ge jumped to the bottom of the sea and looked around.

There is a barrier!

That's it.

After breaking the barrier, Lin Ge's eyes suddenly became clear.

A huge palace appeared in front of him.

In the middle of the palace, a huge monster was tied with several chains, and its eight heads drooped weakly, dying.

Isn't this the eight-headed snake in the dream?

One of the snake's heads raised up, and when it saw Lin Ge, it seemed very excited.

He spoke in human language,"You, are here!"

"You know me?"

Lin Ge was a little surprised.

He was sure that he had never had any contact with this big snake.

Except... in his dream.……

"I dreamed of you! In my dream, you were my savior! Sir, have you come to save me?"

All the heads of the snakes raised up, one after another, as if to express their inner joy.

"Me? Help?"

Lin Ge was stunned.

He came here just to check the situation out of curiosity. He didn't know who sealed the snake here and why.

And looking at the chain tied to him, it was not made of ordinary materials.

Obviously, there was a big cause and effect on this snake.

Would it cause any trouble if he rashly rescued it?

While he was thinking about it, the chat group reminded him in time.

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" triggers a single-player mission!】

【Mission requirements: Rescue the trapped Yamata no Orochi! Successful completion will reward 2 million points!】

"Judging from the points, this task is still a bit difficult!"

But if you don't earn the points, you're a fool!

Lin Ge took out the Tianwangquan ring refined by the Great Evil King, the Heavenly Fate Sword and the Yellow Spring Ten Crossings.

After the evolution of the chat group, this ring was successfully promoted to a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Lin Ge took the Tianwangquan ring and gently scratched it, and the chain on the Yamata no Orochi broke like a piece of tofu.

The Yamata no Orochi was shocked!

The chain was made of innate spiritual materials.

No matter how he struggled, he couldn't do anything.

The man in front of him just scratched it so easily, and the chain broke?

And this person simply ignored the seal on his body.

How great a magical power does it take to do this?

The Yamata no Orochi quickly prostrated himself on the ground, kowtowed respectfully, and thanked him repeatedly.

"Thank you for saving my life! Yaqi's life now belongs to the benefactor!"

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" successfully completed the task and received a 2 million points reward! 】

Listening to the wonderful notification sound of the chat group, Lin Ge was in a very good mood

"This is not a place to stay for long, let's get out first!"

The two of them came out of the seabed and came to a flat ground.

Yamata no Orochi told Lin Ge about his situation.

"So, you have been sealed here for thousands of years?"

"Yes, if you hadn’t come here to rescue me, I don’t know how long I would have been trapped!"

"Are you willing to recognize me as your master?"

Lin Ge smiled.

Yamata no Orochi thought seriously for two seconds, and then decisively agreed.

"I am willing to acknowledge you as my master! It is my luck to be your loyal servant!"

Just kidding, if I don't hold such a big thigh, who will come to save me next time I am in trouble!

Lin Ge didn't know what was going on in this guy's mind.

If he knew, he would definitely scold this guy for being cunning!

【Ding! This chat group has detected that the Takamagahara Amaterasu plane is slowly approaching the prehistoric world! 】

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