King Kong's huge body is very flexible.

He walked quickly on Skull Island while helplessly looking at the content in the chat group.

As the guardian of Skull Island, he has only one goal, which is to protect Skull Island.

Do not let the monsters on Skull Island come out, and refuse all creatures outside the island to invade Skull Island.

What kind of chat group is this? He just feels that he is incompatible with it.

Unfortunately, he wants to quit the group but can't.

【Ding! Group member"Master Yip of Wing Chun" has opened the live broadcast room! 】

Group members entered Ip Man's live broadcast room one after another.

King Kong wanted to ignore it, but he couldn't hold back his curiosity. Anyway

, Skull Island is safe now, and he has nothing to do.

So he followed into Ip Man's live broadcast room.

The same action was also taken by Song Jiang from the Water Margin and the Bodhidharma from the Legend of Bodhidharma.

Rainbow Cat had already come to Ip Man's world through the chat group to witness the great moment when he completed the advanced task.

In Ip Man's world, the warriors of Sakura Country lost in the competition and lost 18 games in a row.

Senior officials in the army were also assassinated one after another and died violently on the streets. The senior commanders in various war zones died one by one, and in the end no one dared to take office.

Under such circumstances, the domestic command of Sakura Country decided to withdraw from the Chinese battlefield.

When Rainbow Cat arrived, those Sakura people who were afraid of death had already withdrawn completely.

China has high energy, which they cannot afford to offend.

They thought they would be safe if they withdrew from China.

Unfortunately, Ip Man wanted them to not only withdraw, but to occupy Sakura and make all the Sakura people submit to China.

Ip Man led a group of Wing Chun disciples and came to the Sakura Country.


Military Command Post

"What? You want me, Sakura, to bow down to you, the Chinese?"

A senior officer of the Sakura military looked at Ye Wen in disbelief.

"Mr. Ye, although you are very strong, you have to understand.

Now we are in my Sakura Country!

I can kill you at any time, understand?"

With a wave of his hand, a team of soldiers with live ammunition surrounded Ye Wen and his disciples.

Ye Wen's disciples looked tense and surrounded their master.

Ye Wen calmly pushed away the disciples' protective circle and walked towards the senior officer.

The senior officer knew how powerful Ye Wen was and retreated again and again.

""Catch this Chinese man!" the senior officer shouted.

Ye Wen put one hand behind his back, shouted softly, stretched out his other hand and gently scratched.

All the soldiers fell to the ground.

After a while, blood gushed out of their bodies.

The senior officer saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to run.

Ye Wen gently squeezed his hand behind his back, and the senior officer involuntarily retreated to Ye Wen's side.

""What, you're not running away?"

Ye Wen taunted.

The senior officer was frightened, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground begging Ye Wen for mercy.

"Master, please spare my life! As long as you spare me, I will do anything for you!"

Yep Man said calmly,"Gather all the people in Sakura and tell them that I want to challenge the entire Sakura martial arts world!"

The senior officer flattered,"I'll do it right away!"

After that, he ordered his men to call the Sakura Martial Arts Association and ask them to come over immediately.

Rainbow Cat stood beside Ye Wen, watching this scene quietly.

In the live broadcast room

【Mr. Gao, General Manager of Construction Engineering:

Haha! Master Ye, this is really gratifying!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Tsk tsk, Master Ye, you are already a person of the Spiritual Transformation Stage, and you are still fighting with the Sakura Martial Arts World, what's the point?

If it were me, I would just chop them to death!

【One Man’s Martial Arts]:

This reminds me of the great feat I did when I went to the Sakura Country to cause trouble that year!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

It’s a pity that someone finally had to ask the immortal master for help before he could leave safely!


Soon, all the military, political, and martial arts people from Sakura Country arrived. They surrounded Ip Man and his group with nervous faces.

A burly middle-aged man in samurai clothes asked Ip Man arrogantly,

"You are the one who wants to challenge the entire martial arts world of Sakura Country? You are really overestimating yourself!"

Ye Wen was too lazy to say more, and directly slapped the man against the wall!

Everyone was shocked!

This is the ceiling of the current martial arts world in Sakura Country, the Grandmaster level!

He was slapped against the wall with just a slap?



Two shrill shouts came from the crowd.

Two figures quickly ran to the wall and looked at their father (master) embedded in the wall without a sound.

The two looked at each other, turned slowly, and then suddenly took out their pistols and shot at Ye Wen.

At the same time, they shot at Ye Wen mercilessly, and their resentful eyes.

Ye Wen did not move.

The two looked happy, and then despair.

The bullet seemed to encounter some obstacles when it was ten feet in front of Ye Wen. It stopped in the air for a second and then fell to the ground.

All the Sakura people's eyes turned green!

""Let's go together!"

Someone shouted, and dozens of elites from the Sakura martial arts world surrounded them.

Ye Wen slapped the air.

Left slap, right slap!

Then those people fell to the ground like dumplings, without a sound, without even a struggle.

At this time, a team of fully armed special forces came in from outside.

These people are all elites of the army, no worse than those in the martial arts world.

The most important thing is that they still have the most advanced weapons in their hands.

At this time, all the others have withdrawn.

A leader gave an order:"Kill these Chinese for me!" For a while, there was continuous artillery fire and the sound of gunfire.

After a long time, the special forces stopped firing and quickly dispersed the smoke, but found that Ye Wen and others were gone.

"Where are the people?"

At this time, they suddenly heard some movement outside.

The special forces reacted and ran out to see.


All dead!

All the important military and political figures who had just arrived were dead!

However, Ip Man and others were standing aside intact.

Seeing them come out, Ip Man patted them gently with his hand,"You go down and protect them too!"

Not a single special forces soldier was left, they were all killed by Ip Man's light slap!

……………… straight���In the room, all the group members were stunned!

【The Ultimate Killer】:

@【Wing Chun Master Yip] You could have just slapped them all to death, but you insisted on doing it one slap at a time.

What kind of weird hobby is this?

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

I agree! Isn't this just a waste of time?

【Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:

Is it necessary to attack such a small island nation? Just stomp the island and sink it!

【General Manager Gao of Construction Engineering:

You don’t understand Master Ye! Those people in Sakura Country are too hateful. It’s satisfying to slap them to death like this!

【Wing Chun Master Ye: Mr.

Gao still understands me! And my advanced mission is to occupy the Sakura Country, not to destroy it!

This will cause them psychological trauma, so that they will not easily rebel when I rule them in the future!

【Demon Saint]:

Wow! Master Ye is so powerful! This is the correct way to kill people and destroy their hearts!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Kill some people and destroy the hearts of others?

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader]:

It turns out that Master Ye is the real tough guy!


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