All the important figures in Tokyo and even in Sakura Country were slapped to death by Ye Wen!

Ye Wen asked his disciples to notify the Chinese authorities to send people to take over.

Sakura Emperor's Palace!

Ye Wen narrowed his eyes.

Is it necessary to keep such an outdated thing?

No need.

It just makes the people of Sakura Country have outdated and stubborn ideas.

In order to better reform the Sakura people, Ye Wen kindly raised his hand and gently pressed down on the Emperor's Palace.

"With a"boom", the Sakura Emperor's residence, which had stood for hundreds of years, turned to ashes!

Ip Man clapped his hands lightly and led his disciples to the next target.

Sakura Fushimi Inari Taisha!

Sakura Ise Jingu!

Sakura Izumo Taisha!

Several famous shrines in the Sakura Country turned to dust under Ip Man's friendly"greetings"!

Then there was that unruly person who jumped out to say something.

Very good!

Ip Man slapped him in the face!

After a few days, no one stood up to give a righteous speech!

"Why, no one wants to be slapped so soon?"

Ye Wen asked with a disappointed look on his face.

"There is no one left! Master, the remaining Sakura people are all very respectful when they see us Chinese people!"

What a pity!

Ye Wen felt that he had not slapped enough!

"Are you sure?"

""I'm sure!"

The disciple said with certainty:"Five out of ten Sakura people are still alive. No one dares to look down on us Chinese people anymore.

Now all the important departments are controlled by us Chinese people, and the Sakura people are very obedient!"

"All right! I'll stay for a few more days! If anyone disobeys, come find me immediately!"

【Ding! Group member"Master Ye of Wing Chun" successfully completed the task! Received 1 million points reward!】

【Ding! Group member"Rainbow Cat Warrior" successfully completed the witness mission! Received 100,000 points reward!】


King Kong was lying on a huge rock, watching with interest the live broadcast of Ip Man beating the Sakura Country.

Due to the huge disparity in power between Ip Man and the Sakura Country, the scene was not exciting at all.

However, for King Kong, who had been guarding Skull Island alone for many years, this melon was very interesting to eat!

"How is it? Does it look good?"

"Well, it looks good!"

Jin Gang answered smoothly and then realized something was wrong. He quickly got up and looked around.

Who was talking to me just now?

"Stop looking around, I'm above you!"

King Kong looked up and saw a man hanging in the air not far above his head.

""You... who are you?"

King Kong was horrified.

Who could come to Skull Island quietly under his nose?

Those people who ignored his warnings and insisted on breaking in last time had already turned into nutrients to nourish the plants on the island.

But when did this person come, and he was hanging over his head, but King Kong had no idea.

"Can you fly? Are you a bird?"

In King Kong's understanding, only birds can fly.

Humans can also fly, but they must rely on tools such as airplanes.

He has never seen anyone flying in the air just by themselves.

Lin Ge laughed:"Have you ever seen a bird look like this?"

King Kong took two steps back and stared at the other party vigilantly.

"I'm very curious about why you joined the chat group, didn't know much about the relevant situation in the chat group, but kept watching the live broadcast!"

Lin Ge chuckled:"You have stayed on Skull Island for too long and are lonely!"

"You... you know the chat group?"

King Kong was suddenly shocked."You are also a member of the chat group? How did you come to my dimension without my consent?"

"It seems that you have done your homework! You even know that group members need your consent to come to your world!"

Lin Ge shook his head,"Unfortunately, I am not an ordinary group member! I am... the group owner!"


King Kong looked at Lin Ge in confusion.

It was a pity that no matter how smart he was, he was not a human being.

He only learned from the group announcement that group members needed to agree to go to each other's world.

For King Kong, this was enough.

His mission was to protect Skull Island, as long as other group members could not come casually.

It just so happened that Ye Wen's live broadcast attracted King Kong's attention.

Everything that happened in the live broadcast room made King Kong feel very novel.

So he concentrated on being a qualified spectator.

"It seems that you only know one side of the story!"

Lin Ge shook his head,"The group owner has privileges and can go to other worlds at will!

But I have no ill will towards you. After all, we are all in this chat group, which means we are destined to be together!"

King Kong said nothing.

He didn't believe that this group owner with a kind smile came here just to chat.

"I am here to invite you to develop in my world. How about it? Are you interested?"

Lin Ge finally said his purpose.

"Not interested!"

King Kong shook his head.

He just wanted to fulfill his duties.

As for the rest, sorry!

Not interested means not interested!

"Then we have no choice but to do it again!"

Lin Ge shook his head regretfully.

"I don't like to force others, I will wait until they are willing.

If you don't want to do it now, then we can only fight first.

Maybe you will change your mind then!"

Lin Ge's words successfully aroused King Kong's ferocity.

"I will never change my mind!"

King Kong said fiercely, and with a strong kick, he actually jumped into the air and attacked Lin Ge with a hook.

If Lin Ge did not move, he would definitely be hit.

Unfortunately, no matter how high King Kong jumped or how fast he was, the distance between him and Lin Ge would never change.

"You... you cheated!"

King Kong has all the power but nowhere to use it.

"If you have the guts, don't hide, let's fight face to face!"

Lin Ge's superior speed gave King Kong inexplicable confidence!

"That's what you said!"

Lin Ge nodded,"Then let's fight face to face!"

King Kong was delighted, jumped high, and punched hard.

The punch seemed to have a thousand pounds of power, accompanied by a huge sound of wind.

King Kong had a triumphant smile on his face.

In his opinion, this punch would definitely smash this ignorant group leader into a meat pie.

King Kong even had a secret fantasy.

Unknown���If I beat him to death, can I still be the group leader?

What a pity!

Imagination is always beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Lin Ge did not move at all.

But King Kong's punch could not hit Lin Ge at all.

Halfway through, King Kong's fist was blocked by an invisible wall!

King Kong showed a look of surprise, and"dong dong dong" several punches came again.

However, looking at the fierce fists, Lin Ge was still not hurt at all.

Lin Ge smiled and said,"Are you done with your moves? It's my turn now!"

The invisible wall just bounced lightly, but King Kong was hit hard, flew back dozens of feet, and then fell heavily to the ground.

" come you are so strong?"

King Kong raised his head with difficulty, looking at Lin Ge in disbelief.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth!

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