"After all, it's just an ordinary beast, it's still too weak!"

Lin Ge shook his head.

"How about it? Are you willing to follow me to my world now?"

King Kong was unwilling to give up, and struggled to get up, but failed.

The previous blow had already left him seriously injured and dying.

Of course, this was because Lin Ge deliberately saved his life.

If King Kong died, the mission would be ruined.

In Lin Ge's eyes, everything on Skull Island was just an insignificant ant.

King Kong was not King Kong, but a 1 million points

"But...if I leave...there will be no one to protect Skull Island!"

No matter how unwilling he was, King Kong knew that if he didn't agree, he would probably die.

But how could he give up the Skull Island that he had protected for generations!

"It's okay! Why don't we just move to Skull Island together?"

Lin Ge said lightly.

The Tianwangquan ring on his finger flashed a light, and King Kong and the entire Skull Island disappeared.

Then Lin Ge also disappeared on the spot.


Sanxian Island

, Lin Ge's cave.

Sitting cross-legged, Lin Ge opened his eyes.

The divine consciousness that went to the King Kong World has returned.

Lin Ge spread out his palm, looked at the increasingly simple ring and smiled.

With a flash of his body, he had already arrived near Jin'ao Island.

The Tianwangquan ring flashed a ray of light again.

There was an island near Jin'ao Island.

This island was surrounded by storms, shrouded in thick fog, with lightning and thunder, and there was a huge boundless lake in the center.

It looked like a skeleton, and it was the Skull Island that Lin Ge moved from the King Kong World.

【Ding! The group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" successfully completed the task and received a reward of 1 million points! And also obtained an innate spiritual vein!】

【May I ask the group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian", does it need to place the spiritual vein on Skull Island?】


"With a"boom", an innate spiritual vein fell on Skull Island and merged with it.

Skull Island immediately underwent earth-shaking changes.

The spiritual energy was so dense that it was visible to the naked eye, forming strips of fog surrounding the island.

All the creatures on the island also underwent a qualitative change, becoming native creatures of the prehistoric world, with a three-point immortal spirit.

The bodies of those monsters were nourished and transformed by the spiritual energy, and they actually evolved from ordinary monsters to prehistoric spiritual beasts.

Skull Island also evolved from an ordinary island into a blessed land equivalent to Jin'ao Island.

The island was full of birdsong and flowers, and spiritual fruits were everywhere.

【Ding! The group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" has created a paradise equal to Jinao Island, and won a chance to draw a lottery! 】

Lin Ge looked at his personal account in the chat group. Together with the last chance to draw a lottery, there are now two chances to draw a lottery.

Points are good, and chances to draw a lottery are rare.

I wonder what unexpected surprises I can get from these two chances to draw a lottery!



Although his senior brother Jiang Ziya was driven away by Xibohou, Shen Gongbao became more cautious and calm because he followed Lin Ge's advice.

As a result, he gained the trust of Xibohou and gradually gained a firm foothold.

During this period, Shen Gongbao secretly contacted Lin Ge and wanted to go to Jin'ao Island to meet Tongtian Jiaozhu.

Lin Ge asked him to continue lurking in Xiqi, and told him that if he could do something beneficial to Jiejiao, Tongtian Jiaozhu would look at him more highly.

Shen Gongbao thought about it and it made sense.

After all, with the relationship between Tongtian Jiaozhu and Yuanshi Tianzun, it would be very difficult to accept Shen Gongbao.

If you still want to be valued, why should you do something without doing something first!

So Shen Gongbao calmed down and lurked quietly, waiting for the opportunity to make achievements.

One day, Shen Gongbao suddenly received a message.

It turned out that Xibohou Jichang was in his twilight years and his health was getting worse day by day.

Bo Yikao had been chosen as the successor, but the second son Ji Fa was unwilling to accept it and secretly developed his power.

When Ji Chang was ill, Ji Fa finally exposed his ambition and officially launched a campaign to seize power.

Xiqi was divided into two, and it was a mess.

When Ji Chang learned about this on his sickbed, the conflict between Ji Fa and Bo Yikao was irreconcilable.

Seeing his two sons fighting like enemies, Ji Chang was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of old blood and died.

Without Ji Chang's restraint, the two fought even more happily.

Bo Yikao had the upper hand, but because he always took into account the brotherhood, he did not act ruthlessly.

As a result, he missed the opportunity.

Now the two are evenly matched and evenly matched.

Shen Gongbao is in a difficult position in the middle.

Speaking of it, he should be regarded as the eldest son Bo Yikao's man, because it was Ji Chang who kept him, and Bo Yikao was Ji Chang's designated heir!

Although Shen Gongbao was on Bo Yikao's side, he kept Lin Ge's instructions in mind, acted cautiously, and kept a low profile.

He stood aside and watched the two brothers coldly. You want to kill me, and I want to kill you.

As a result, Ji Fa, this kid, suddenly contacted Shen Gongbao secretly and asked him to help him deal with his brother Bo Yikao.

And promised to make him prime minister after the success.

Shen Gongbao was moved!

He sent a letter to Lin Ge and expressed his intention.

Lin Ge just wanted to plant a spy in Xiqi, and it didn't matter whether Shen Gongbao could be prime minister.

So with Lin Ge's tacit consent, Shen Gongbao chose to stand with Ji Fa.

As Bo Yikao and Ji Fa became more and more hostile to each other, the internal conflicts in Xiqi finally made all the major forces in the prehistoric world know about it.

Of course, Chaoge was the first to know.

After all, it was under the jurisdiction of the Shang Dynasty.

Emperor Xin laughed:"I didn't expect that Ji Chang, a hero for a lifetime, would be ruined by his two sons! Fight, the more fierce the better!"

Jin'ao Island Biyou Palace.

Tongtian frowned. Civil strife in Xiqi was not necessarily a good thing.

He had also heard about Ji Fa.

This man was ambitious and determined, and even more courageous than his father Ji Chang.

If this man was in power, he would confront Chaoge sooner or later.

However, even though he knew the possible direction of things, Tongtian could only watch.

Immortals cannot interfere in mortal affairs.

Once they intervene, the cause and effect will be great.

And with Tongtian's character, it is impossible for him to let his disciples do this.

"If it is God's will, then let him go!"

Tongtian looked in the direction of Xiqi and muttered to himself.

Xuandu Bajing Palace.

Taiqing Laozi sighed,

"It is indeed a trend that cannot be violated!

In order to complete the Conferred God Tribulation mission, Xiqi first had internal strife!

The battle with Chaoge is not far away after all!"

Yuxu Palace on Kunlun Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun ordered someone to summon Jiang Ziya

"Ziya, the burden of conferring the gods still falls on you.

Now the opportunity has come, you can go down the mountain again with the Conferring the Gods List.

I hope you will not let me down this time!"

After that, he gave the Conferring the Gods List that Hongjun Patriarch had given him again to Jiang Ziya!

Jiang Ziya took the Conferring the Gods List with a confused look on his face.

He didn't expect that after the last defeat, he could carry the Conferring the Gods List again.

"Master, rest assured! Ziya will definitely go all out this time and live up to your orders!"


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