
Jin'ao Island.

Looking at the calamity clouds and lightning gradually dissipating in the sky in the direction of Skull Island, the disciples of Jiejiao looked at each other in bewilderment.

Lingya Fairy murmured to himself:"Is this a demon tribe transforming?"

Qiushou Fairy shook his head:"If it was just an ordinary transformation, there wouldn't be such a big commotion!"

Zhao Tianjun Zhao Jiang came to his senses and laughed:"This Lin Ge actually made such a big commotion, he really deserves to be the disciple of Junior Sister Bixiao!"

Dong Tianjun Dong Quan also laughed:"Yeah! He has the style of Junior Sister Bixiao!"

Qin Wan and others also laughed.

Biyou Palace.

Tongtian Sect Master was still meditating quietly with his eyes closed.

Duobao Taoist hurried in and was about to speak

"It's okay!"

Tongtian opened his eyes and said lightly.

Duobao breathed a sigh of relief.

As the eldest brother, Duobao saw more deeply and carefully than other disciples.

The level of this thunder tribulation is very high, and it looks very strange and unusual.

I don't know what kind of monster was born.

After all, it is next to Jin'ao Island.

Although it is Lin Ge's dojo, this island appeared suddenly and the details are unknown.

Duobao wanted to go and check it out, but when he came back from Skull Island last time, Tongtian told them not to disturb Lin Ge.

After thinking about it, Duobao decided to come and ask his master.

As a result, before he opened his mouth, he was comforted by Tongtian's words"It's okay".

Obviously Tongtian knew the purpose of his disciples' visit very well.

"Don’t pay any attention to any unusual movements on Skull Island!"

"Yes, Master!"

Duobao understood Tongtian's attitude, bowed and left.

"Lin Ge, I wonder what kind of surprise you will bring me!"

Tong Tian raised his eyes and glanced in the direction of Skull Island, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.


"Great fortune?"

The Holy Tiger King tried his best to remain calm.

The calmer the other party was, the greater the pressure he felt.

Lin Ge looked at the Holy Tiger King who was pretending to be calm, and did not urge him.

He needed the other party to make the most correct choice.

The blood of the sacred beast white tiger is very precious, and not everyone has this opportunity.

The Holy Tiger King in front of him was a cruel person at first glance.

His face was blood red, and his fur was black and white stripes.

The lines on his fur were like sawtooth leaves.

At first glance, he looked similar to the white tiger of the four sacred beasts, but he had a pair of horns.

The Holy Tiger King was moved.

The person in front of him was very strong, but he had no ill intentions, and there was no need to deceive himself.

The great fortune this person talked about might really be his good fortune.

"Thank you, sir. I am very willing!"

The Holy Tiger King is not a simple person to be the Holy Tiger King.

After some consideration, he immediately made a choice!

"Well then! I will give you great fortune! Relax your mind and don't resist!"

Lin Ge said, and dripped the blood of the four sacred beasts, the white tiger, on the forehead of the Holy Tiger King.

The drop of blood was quickly absorbed by the Holy Tiger King.

The Holy Tiger King was transformed by the blood of the sacred beast white tiger, and instantly felt unbearable pain.

Looking at the Holy Tiger King's distorted expression in pain, King Kong felt relieved. It turned out that he was not the only one who suffered this kind of pain.

"If you can't stand it, just shout it out! There's nothing to be ashamed of!"

King Kong said with a smile.

So the other person was King Kong?

The Holy Tiger King was shocked. No wonder he always felt that there was a familiar feeling about this person.

But how did King Kong become a human form?

When I saw him two days ago, he was still a huge gorilla.

Could it be that such a big commotion in the past two days was caused by King Kong?


The strong tiger king finally couldn't hold back and roared.

He wanted to hold back and leave a good impression in front of the adults.

But the pain was too much for the tiger.

"Awooo! Awooo! Awooo!……!"

After a heart-wrenching experience, the Holy Tiger King finally completed his evolution.

A pair of white wings grew on his back, allowing him to fly through the clouds.

His body was huge, several feet tall.

He also possessed the White Tiger's abilities to kill, suppress evil, avoid evil, ward off disasters, and pray for a good harvest.

Feeling the changes in his body, the Holy Tiger King was pleasantly surprised.

"Thank you for the great fortune and opportunity you have given me! I am willing to sacrifice my life for you and will never betray you!"

As the Holy Tiger King uttered the oath, two rays of light enveloped Lin Ge and the Holy Tiger King at the same time.

The oath was completed.

This oath was the same as the oath made by King Kong, and was bound by the laws of heaven.

If the person who swore the oath betrayed, he would be punished by the laws of heaven.

Lin Ge nodded and looked at the sky.

"Get ready to survive the catastrophe!"

King Kong looked up at the sky sensitively, after all, he had just experienced the baptism of top-level lightning.

Just like before, the sky was filled with rolling clouds, lightning and thunder, but the scale was smaller.

After brewing, the lightning began to strike one by one.

Looking at the lightning in the sky, they lined up to strike one by one, probably because they thought that the one struck by lightning was easier to bully!

Unfortunately, the Holy Tiger King, who had the magical power of the mythical beast White Tiger, was not afraid of lightning like King Kong.

Although he could not absorb lightning, he could... But he can control lightning, and even play with it as a toy.

This time, the Heavenly Dao was not angry!

After two consecutive blows, it seems that the Heavenly Dao doesn't care anymore.

The thunder tribulation is still going on, but I always feel that those thunders are not so serious, as if they are just going through the motions.

What can I do?

They are not afraid at all, and they treat it as a game.

After the thunder has roughly struck enough times, the Holy Tiger King's thunder tribulation is considered to have been successfully passed.

With a flash of light in front of his eyes, a middle-aged man with an imposing and elegant demeanor appeared in front of Lin Ge.

"Sheng Fengyun greets you, my Lord!"

The Holy Tiger King kneels down to pay homage.

"So your name is Sheng Fengyun, what a good name!"

Singer Lin lifted him up lightly, and the Holy Tiger King was lifted up by an invisible force.

""Sir, please wait a moment. I will call my tribesmen to pay respect to you!"

After saying that, the Holy Tiger King roared. After a while, hundreds of holy tigers, big and small, gathered together.

At the command of the Holy Tiger King, all the white tigers prostrated themselves before Lin Ge.

This is the highest etiquette of beasts.

Lin Ge checked the physique of these holy tigers. Although they had been nourished by the primitive spiritual energy, it was still a short time, so the changes were not great.

"Well! Meeting you today is also a fate with you!

Since I have given your clan king a great fortune, I will give your entire clan a small fortune!"

Lin Ge said as he shot out a beam of light, which turned into stars in the air and scattered on each holy tiger.

"This is the White Tiger Divine Art suitable for your clan to practice! If you practice diligently, you will soon transform and achieve something in the future!"

The Holy Tiger King was overjoyed and immediately took the lead and knelt on the ground to thank Lin Ge loudly.

"The Holy Tiger Clan is extremely grateful for the Lord's kindness. We, the Holy Tiger Clan, are willing to swear allegiance to the Lord until death!"The Holy Tigers behind the Holy Tiger King also roared at the same time, expressing their loyalty to Lin Ge!

Two rays of light, one large and one small, fell from the sky.

The small one enveloped Lin Ge, and the large one enveloped all the Holy Tigers.

When the Holy Tigers were enveloped by the light, they knew the weight of this oath.

Swearing allegiance until death is not an empty talk.

If you can't do it, the way of heaven will uphold justice and let those who violate the oath die.


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