
When the Holy Tiger King was going through the tribulation, the people of Jin'ao Island had just had some peace and quiet.

Unexpectedly, another wave of thunder and lightning came from the neighboring Skull Island.

"What on earth is this little nephew doing? The successive thunder tribulations are no joke!"

"Lin Ge is really good at this! I guess the previous wave of robbery clouds is still on the way back, and it was called back again, haha!"

"I'm just curious about what's on Skull Island? There are so many of them, it's pretty cool!"


Other places in the prehistoric world.

Thanks to the fact that Skull Island is located next to Jin'ao Island, other powerful people in many places in the prehistoric world only thought that the noise came from Jin'ao Island.

Taiqing Laozi had a calm expression. He glanced at the direction of Jin'ao Island and then lowered his eyes, as if he didn't care at all.

Nuwa was very curious about the successive thunder tribulations on Jin'ao Island. She wanted to know if it was the disciples of Tongtian who were going through the tribulations.

But as a saint, she would not make herself appear too gossipy.

So she just took another look!

Yuanshi Tianzun said to Guangchengzi beside him:

"Your Third Uncle likes to make some noise! Flashy but not practical!"

"Yes, Master! Uncle Tongtian is just like this, Master, please don't take it personally!"

Tongtian is Guangchengzi's uncle after all.

But in Guangchengzi's mouth, he didn't have much respect for Tongtian.

Guangchengzi alone would definitely not dare to evaluate a saint like this.

But he was too deeply influenced by Yuanshi, and in order to please his master, Guangchengzi was so bold.

Deep in the Ten Thousand Mountains.

Bai Ze looked towards the direction of Jin'ao Island thoughtfully.

Master Tongtian implemented"teaching without distinction" and did not despise the monster race, for which Bai Ze and others were grateful.

At least the monster race had one more place to go.

There were two sounds of transcending tribulation from Jin'ao Island. It was obvious that some monsters had transcended tribulation and transformed, and they succeeded.


"Brother, I am about to set off to the East again. Do you have any instructions for me?

Zhunti humbly asked for advice from his brother.

"Junior brother, you can go to fellow Daoist Randeng again, you can lure him with magical treasures, and then promise him an important task, you must bewitch fellow Daoist Randeng to come to our West."

"Okay, brother, just wait for my good news!"

Zhunti put his hands together, bowed, and went straight to the east.


【Tian Gang Di Sha Star Lord】:

@【Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian] Master, are you online? I have a question and want to ask you! Waiting online, it's urgent!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

What's the problem that makes the above person so anxious? Tell us so that everyone can relax!

【One man's martial arts】:

@【[Star Lord of Heaven and Earth] Don't pay attention to [Ultimate Killer King], he has this personality, he is mean but kind.

But you can really tell the story and let everyone explore it.���Maybe I can help you think of a solution.

After all, the immortal master is often not online!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms]:

Yes, we should work together!

Although we are far from catching up with the Immortal Master, at least we have followed him for so long.

Even if we can't think of any good ideas, at least we can have a taste of the melon!

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Haha, Emperor Qin Shi Huang, you’ve become greasy!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Maybe he really has some difficulties. You guys are spamming here, which will make the Immortal Master miss the information!

But I am also very curious about what exactly can stump [Star Master of Heaven and Earth].

Just by listening to the name, you know that this group member is awesome, right?

【Sun Moon Master】:

@【[Star Lord of Heaven and Earth] If you really have any difficulties, just tag the Immortal Master a few more times! Otherwise, if everyone says something, the Immortal Master will not have the leisure to slowly climb the stairs.

【Tian Gang Di Sha Star Lord】:

@【Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian] Master, are you online? I have a question and want to ask you! Waiting online, it's urgent!

【Tian Gang Di Sha Star Lord】:

@【Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian] Master, are you online? I have a question and want to ask you! Waiting online, it's urgent!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】:

@【[Star Lord of Heaven and Earth] The Immortal Master is very busy and should not be online at this time.

If you have anything to say, you can talk to everyone in the group first.

If the group talks too much, and the Immortal Master sees it all at once, who knows!

【[Star Lord of Heaven and Earth]:

Okay! If you insist on me telling you, I am not afraid to tell you.

Do you remember last time I told you that my world is a merger of the Water Margin world and the Outlaws of the Marsh world?

【[Devil’s Saint]:

I remember you saying this at the time. It left a deep impression on me.

【[Star Lord of the Heavenly Gang and the Earthly Evils]:

Guess what I encountered?

【[Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Who can guess this? We are not gods!

【Grand Master of Yihua Palace]:

Let me guess! Did you meet a fairy?

【Lotus OP]:

I'm afraid the OP didn't meet a deity. After all, there is a deity in our group.

So if he met a deity, he wouldn't be so anxious!

【Boss Qiao:

I can’t guess that either!

【[Red Flame of Blazing Fire]:

Or maybe he encountered some opponent and his life was in danger? Am I right?

【Star Lord of Tiangang and Disha]:

It’s both right and wrong!

【Shushan Sect Disciple]:

Then stop playing tricks, okay? Just tell everyone directly

【The founder of Zen Buddhism]:

Amitabha! The donor is in trouble, but he doesn't say it clearly. How can everyone help you?

【[Star Lord of Heaven and Earth]:

I met another me! Is it scary?

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

What do you mean you met another you? I looked at it for a long time, and the more I looked, the more confused I became!

【[The Great Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms]:

Are you saying that you met yourself in another world?

Which world are you from?

I mean, which world were you in before the fusion?

【Taohua Island Little Cook]:

The First Emperor is worthy of being the First Emperor, he found the problem right away.

I am also curious, @【Heavenly Gang Disha Star Lord】You used to be a water���The world or the world of Gossip Girl?

【[Star Lord of Heaven and Earth]:

Thank God, you understood it so easily. I thought it would take a lot of effort to explain it clearly.

I am Song Jiang in the Water Margin world.

I thought the two worlds merged and it would not affect me.

But today I accidentally learned that there is another Song Jiang, who looks and has the same identity as me.

He has everything I have!

It's just like another me!

Don't you think this makes me panic?

【Wing Chun Master Yip]:

I’m not panicking, it’s just very scary!

【[Rainbow Cat Warrior]:

Is there such a thing? It sounds a bit creepy!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

It’s terrifying just to think about it! Doesn’t that Song Jiang have the ability to replace you at any time?

【[Star Lord of Tiangang and Disha]:

So, what should I do?

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