Song Jiang couldn't help but think, how powerful is this immortal master's ability!

Is this the legendary turning of the hand to make clouds and turning of the hand to make rain?

If he doesn't hug such a thigh now, when will he wait?

"Thank you for the grace of the Immortal Master for giving me a new life! The Immortal Master is my reborn parent!

Today, Song Jiang swears here that he will be loyal to the Immortal Master until death and will never rebel!"

Song Jiang knelt on one leg on the ground, saluted with his hands, and swore to Lin Ge.

The 108 generals behind him also knelt on one leg on the ground, saluted with their hands clasped together, and said:

"I, Wu Yong (Lu Junyi) (Gongsun Sheng) (Chai Jin)... swear here to be loyal to the Immortal Master until death and never rebel!"

Lin Ge smiled faintly and said,"Since you are willing to swear, you should be bound by it!"

As he spoke, he waved a beam of light, which turned into numerous stars and landed on the heads of Song Jiang and the 108 generals.

This was Lin Ge's statement on behalf of the Heavenly Dao of this world to constrain the rules of the oath that everyone had just made.

Of course, Lin Ge could do nothing.

Just because Song Jiang was a member of the chat group, he and the people related to him could not escape the constraints of the group owner.

But Lin Ge did not want to rely too much on the chat group.

Chat groups can also be unreliable.

Just like the last upgrade, when the chat group interface was closed, Lin Ge felt his own weakness.

Therefore, only himself is the most reliable.

When the light spots merged into everyone's bodies, Song Jiang and his brothers felt the existence of a rule.

This rule will strangle them when they break their oath.

But Song Jiang and others were very calm, because they had never thought of betraying Lin Ge at all.

Since you have chosen to rely on such a powerful existence, wouldn't it be courting death to betray again?

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" completed a single-player mission and received 2 million points and a chance to win a prize! 】

Well, this is considered a completed mission.

Lin Ge couldn't help but hold his forehead.

This world of Water Margin is really not simple. There are so many single-player missions alone.

But it doesn't matter, as long as there is money (points) to be earned, it doesn't matter if it's a little hard and tiring


Lin Ge's expression was calm, but the group members in Song Jiang's live broadcast room were not calm.

When Lin Ge said that he would personally go to the Water Margin world, the group members strongly requested that"Tian Gang Di Sha Star Lord" open a live broadcast room to broadcast the entire process.

(No one dared to ask the immortal master this!)

Then Song Jiang was really not a simple person, and he actually saw a business opportunity.

So he charged one hundred points per person and opened a live broadcast room.

For the current group members, one hundred points is really a small matter.

Sign in every day and you can earn another one hundred points!

Moreover, Song Jiang collected their live broadcast fees this time. Next time Song Jiang watches everyone's live broadcast, do you think it will be free?

Song Jiang never expected that the group members had a strong revenge mentality.

Later, the live broadcasts of the group members were free for all other group members, but Song Jiang was charged.

Until he spit out all the fees this time.

But that's a story for later.

At this time, there was already a quarrel in Song Jiang's live broadcast room.

【[The Great Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms]:

This is really eye-opening! Two identical people in two worlds, one devouring the other!

If it weren't for the Immortal Master, how could he have done this!

I don't know if I have the chance to devour another me!

Ying Zheng is itching!

Everyone wants to be unique!

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain!

Who wants to have two of themselves at the same time!

Especially for an emperor like Ying Zheng, how could he tolerate the existence of another self (and that person might try his best to replace him)!

【Iron-hearted God】:

@【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the first emperor of all ages] What is the mindset of the First Emperor? Do you really want to meet another self and devour him?

However, devouring another self can quickly improve me, which makes me a little tempted!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

I think you two are overthinking it!

"The reason why the"Star Lord of Heaven and Earth" met his other self is because the world he lives in is a fusion of two worlds.

So I think the probability of us encountering such a thing is almost zero!

【Mr. Gao, General Manager of Construction Engineering:

I agree with Persimmon. This kind of thing is something you can only encounter by chance.

【[Red Flame of Blazing Fire]:

I think it’s better not to encounter such a thing!

If everyone encounters it, if the Immortal Master gets annoyed and doesn’t come, it’s hard to say who will devour whom!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Why do I feel a chill on my back when I hear the word"fiery"?

Last time, I heard the old Taoist priest say that there seems to be a Huang Rong in his world, but the age is different.

That Huang Rong is married and has children, so she should not be another me!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Master, the Water Margin world and Outlaws of the Marsh world are parallel worlds.

We also have parallel worlds, but the fusion of parallel worlds like in Water Margin is rare and generally does not happen.

Unless something special changes the trajectory of the original world!

Master, am I right? Proud!

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader]:

I didn’t realize that the Second Palace Master is such a knowledgeable person!

【[Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Immortal Master is busy right now, how can he care about you? Stop showing off!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Oh my God, are you really my sister? Look at the attitude you have when you talk! Heartbroken!

Lin Ge was indeed very busy at this time.

Having just completed a task, he was ready to continue to work hard to complete the remaining tasks.

After all, there are not many opportunities to earn a large number of points like this.

I wonder what level my cultivation can be improved to after completing all the tasks and earning a wave of points this time!

But in his busy schedule, he still took the time to reply to Lian Xing's words.

Because Lian Xing was right (she had specifically consulted him on the issue of the fusion of parallel worlds).

Moreover, through Lian Xing's words, everyone can have a clear understanding of today's events.

【Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian]:

Lianxing is right!

The so-called parallel worlds are two worlds that should not intersect.

If parallel worlds intersect, it means that some big world has changed its trajectory, thus forcing the two worlds to intersect and merge.

As for swallowing, we really have to let nature take its course.

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Haha! Thank you for the answer, Master!

Master is really considerate, taking the time out of his busy schedule to answer our questions!

Unlike some people! Tsundere!

【[The Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

You are so good, Lianxing! You always insult your sister whenever you get the chance! Is there any sister like you?

Lianxing and Yaoyue actually quarreled in the group.

Everyone was stunned.

【Lotus OP]:

Why did the style change? Aren't you talking about devouring another self?

I find it interesting and want to study it carefully!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Stop arguing, you two! We paid 100 points to enter the live broadcast room, don't waste it!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

That’s right! We are here to see the Immortal Master go to another world to help the group members. How can we see you guys making noises?

Yao Yue:…………

Lian Xing:…………


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