Song Jiang and his soldiers became stronger because they devoured another self in a parallel world.

They were all overjoyed and extremely satisfied.

And all this was given to them by the immortal.

Everyone looked at Lin Ge eagerly, waiting for his instructions.

""I have something important to do. You can go back for now and help me collect the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams, the Taiyi Chaotic Array, the Six Flowers Array, the Taiyi Three Talents Array, the Heluo Four Symbols Array, the Circular Eight Diagrams Array, and the Eight Arrays Diagram!"

Lin Ge said to Song Jiang,"Upload them to the trading mall in the chat group after you have collected them!"

Song Jiang took the order and left with the 108 generals.

He wanted to complete the task that the Immortal Master had asked him to do as soon as possible, in order to leave a good impression on the Immortal Master.


Zhang Shuye from the original Outlaws of the Marsh was practicing his arrows in the training ground, holding his beloved iron-framed birch-bark carved bow and aiming at the bull's eye.

Without warning, a man suddenly appeared beside him.

Zhang Shuye's hand trembled, and the carved-feather wolf-tooth arrow that had just been put on the bow fell to the ground.

This man was silent, and he didn't notice it at all.

If this man wanted to take his life, it would be so easy!

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions!"

Lin Ge said calmly.

"Then... then... Your Excellency is…?"

How could he not be nervous?

Zhang Shuye was so nervous that his tongue was spinning and he couldn't speak clearly.

"I am here to help you! I believe you have also felt that your luck has inexplicably turned bad recently, right?"

"You are truly a god!"

Zhang Shuye said in surprise:

"That's true! Ever since the great upheaval in the world, I have been encountering bad things.

And I always have a chill in my spine, as if something is staring at me in the dark!"

Last time, Zhang Shuye was riding his horse on flat ground, but the horse lost its front hoof for no reason, and Zhang Shuye fell off, almost dying.

Looking at Lin Ge who was smiling but not saying anything, Zhang Shuye seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw,

"Please save me, sir!"

"Don't panic! I'm here to save you!"

Lin Ge said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed at the air.

In Zhang Shuye's stunned eyes, a man who looked exactly like him appeared on the training ground.

"This... Sir, what's going on here?"

Zhang Shuye was confused and felt like looking into a bronze mirror when facing this person.

"This is the root of your bad luck!"

Lin Ge pointed at Zhang Shuye from the original Water Margin world.

"Your worlds were originally parallel worlds, but they merged together unexpectedly, resulting in two identical you in the world today!

And the good fortune that originally belonged to you was intercepted by another Zhang Shuye!"

"So that's it!"

Zhang Shuye suddenly realized.

"So what should I do? Please give me some advice!"

"For now, only……"

Lin Ge looked at Zhang Shuye who was coming from behind with sympathy. The latter was looking at the two of them with a confused look on his face.

"Kill him?"

The eyes of Zhang Shuye lit up.

A friend would rather die than let me die!

Even if the two look exactly the same, even if this person is myself from another world, it would be better for the other person to die!

"Not killing!"

Lin Ge���Shake your head,

"It is devouring! As long as you devour him, then his strength, spirit and will will belong to you!"

The later Zhang Shuye listened more and more frightened, and in the end his legs trembled, and he wanted to run but couldn't run.


After hearing Lin Ge's words, Zhang Shuye was excited.

It turned out that there was such a solution!

Swallow the other party, and then everything of the other party will belong to you.

It sounds good.

But how to do it?

Zhang Shuye racked his brains but couldn't think of how to swallow himself.

But since this gentleman proposed this solution, I think there must be a good way.

"Sir, please help me! I will agree to any conditions you offer!"

Zhang Shuye was so sharp-minded that he immediately took the initiative to ask Lin Ge for help.

He was afraid that if he was a step too late, Lin Ge would change his mind and help the later Zhang Shuye. Then he would be helpless!

The opportunity was in front of him, but there was only one chance.

If he missed it, it might be the difference between life and death.


Lin Ge pointed his finger, and before he could say the word"spare my life", Zhang Shuye turned into a blood mist.

The blood mist flew towards Zhang Shuye as if it recognized its master and enveloped him.

After a moment, Zhang Shuye absorbed the blood mist that enveloped his whole body.

His whole spirit was different!

Closing his eyes and quietly feeling the changes in himself, Zhang Shuye was surprised to find that his physical strength, mental strength and willpower had doubled.

His strength was not just a little bit stronger!

And he seemed to feel that his good luck had returned.

Is this the benefit of swallowing!

Zhang Shuye looked at Lin Ge again with a completely different look in his eyes

"You must be a god! Please accept my greetings!"

Zhang Shuye knelt on the ground and bowed.

【Ding! The group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" successfully completed the task and received 2 million points as a reward and a chance to win a prize! 】

The chat group's notification sounded in time.

Lin Ge put one hand behind his back and raised his hand gently.

"Get up!"

Zhang Shuye was lifted up by an invisible force.

"Did you just say that you would agree to any condition I asked?"

Zhang Shuye was terrified.

"Yes, immortal, you are my savior! My life is yours, you can ask me to do anything you want!"

Lin Ge looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle,"Okay! I want you to bring your two sons Zhang Bofen and Zhang Zhongxiong, summon the thirty-six generals of the Thunder Department including Yun Tianbiao, Chen Xizhen, Deng Zongbi, Xin Congzhong, Zhang Yinglei, Tao Zhenting, Pang Yi, Liu Guang, Gou Huan, Bi Yingyuan, Zhu Yongqing, Chen Liqing, Yunlong, Liu Huiniang, Feng Hui, and the eighteen scattered immortals including Chen Nianyi

, Xu He, Xu Huai, Zhao Xin, Liu Yongxi, Ren Sen, Yan Shude, and Zhang Mingke, and follow me to the prehistoric world!"

Prehistoric world?

Zhang Shuye was shocked, thinking that the man in front of him was indeed an immortal.

What prehistoric world? It must be the place where immortals live.

""Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Zhang Shuye answered without hesitation.

Although he was a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty and very loyal to the emperor, the emperor had more than one loyal minister, but he only had one life.

He promised the immortal but couldn't do it. He estimated that he would die more miserably than Zhang Shuye at the beginning.

Zhang Shuye sent a signal directly at the training ground and summoned all his subordinates.

As expected of their well-trained troops, everyone came one after another within a few moments after the signal was sent.

Zhang Bofen and Zhang Zhongxiong came first.

Then came the 36 generals of the Thunder Department, and then the 18 scattered immortals.


Everyone bowed to Zhang Shuye.

Zhang Shuye exempted everyone from the ceremony and explained the situation to them.

Since it was the first time they heard about this, Zhang Bofen and others were stunned at first.

But they soon reacted.

The 36 generals of the Thunder Department and the 18 scattered immortals who came to their senses said in unison:

"We are willing to follow the general and the immortal until death!"

Zhang Shuye said to Lin Ge flatteringly.

"Immortal, do you think this is okay?"

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