"Very good! In order to help them improve their strength as quickly as possible, I will give them cultivation techniques and elixirs!"

Lin Ge did not waste time and gave everyone a suitable cultivation technique and a Soul Gathering Pill.

The technique automatically merged into the body, and combined with the Soul Gathering Pill, everyone felt that their strength had reached an unprecedented height.

Zhang Bofen, Zhang Zhongxiong, the thirty-six generals of the Thunder Department, and the eighteen scattered immortals were so shocked that their mouths opened wide. It was one thing to hear the general talk about the immortal's methods just now, and it was another thing to see it with their own eyes now.

Then these people knelt on the ground and begged Lin Ge,

"Thank you, Immortal, for giving us the skills and elixirs. We will always be loyal to you! Please allow us to follow you!"

No matter what, it's right to show loyalty!

Zhang Shuye once again witnessed the great magical power of the immortal and was very excited.

Being able to embark on the path of cultivating immortals is the dream of everyone.

There was no chance before, but now the opportunity is in front of us, of course we have to seize it.

He immediately took the lead and knelt down to thank Lin Ge,

""We, the subordinates, thank the immortal for his kindness in rebirth!"

This puts one's position in the right place.

Lin Ge is very satisfied with the attitude of Zhang Shuye and others.

He likes to deal with smart people.

He raised his hand slightly upwards, and everyone could not kneel down.

"You can go back and take care of some mundane matters first. I still have something to do. Just wait for me here in three days!"As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Ge disappeared.

"The immortal is so thoughtful. He gave us time to deal with the affairs of the world!"

Zhang Shuye told everyone to do as the immortal said quickly and not to delay.

After all, to follow the immortal to another world, there are some things and people in this world that need to be explained.

Lin Ge came to a deserted mountain and sat cross-legged on a boulder.

There are so many tasks left. If we don't speed up the progress, we may not be able to complete them in a short time.

So Lin Ge used his magical powers to capture Fang La, Tian Hu, Wang Qing and all the generals under the three men, as well as Shi Wengong, Tie Fangliang, Ji Anbang, Li Tiancheng, Lu Bin, Yu Dajiang, Sa Tou Tuo, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu, Shao Longjun, Luo Zhenren and others.

Everyone was in doubt and didn't know why they came to a strange place inexplicably.

Then they saw Lin Ge in a very empty place.

Two or three hundred people looked at each other, and then looked at Lin Ge.

It took a long time to figure out what was going on!

"I invited you here!"

Lin Ge said with a smile.

Invite you here?

Everyone felt uncomfortable!

Is this how you invite people?

But everyone was smart and kept silent.

This matter was obviously strange!

This person must be extraordinary!

"I know you are all heroes, but your ending here is not good!

I have only one purpose, I want you to follow me to the prehistoric world.

The stage there is very big, which can provide you with space to display your talents!

I wonder what you think!"

Lin Ge said calmly.

It was as if he was saying that the weather was good today.

Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing each discussed with their generals for a while.

Shi Wengong, Tie Fangliang, Ji Anbang and others were calculating the true and false gains and losses in their hearts.

Lin Ge did not urge him.

At this time, Wang Qing walked up carefully and asked:

"May I ask the master, where is the prehistoric world?

How did the master find us and bring us here?"

"Good question!"

Lin Ge laughed:"The prehistoric world is a world that you can't imagine how big it is!

As for finding you and bringing you here, it's just a trivial matter!"

Lin Ge waved his hand after he finished speaking, and those people all returned to their original places.

Then, before Fang La, Tian Hu and others had time to be happy, they were brought in front of Lin Ge again.

Jiu Tian Xuan Nu came over:"Excuse me, which immortal you are?"

Lin Ge smiled:"I'm not a god, just an immortal!

As for which one, I might as well tell you, I am Lin Ge, the third-generation disciple of Jiejiao under the seat of Tongtian Jiaozhu!"

Jiu Tian Xuan Nu was knowledgeable. Although she had never heard of Lin Ge, she had heard of the name of Tongtian Jiaozhu.

And because the magical powers displayed by the other party were incomparable, she immediately knelt down and saluted.

"The Lady of the Nine Heavens meets the Immortal!"

Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing also have many talented people under their command who follow the path of Qi Refining.

They have also heard of Tongtian Jiaozhu, one of the famous Three Pure Ones.

So Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing, together with their generals, stepped forward to kneel and pay their respects.

The rest of Shi Wengong, Tie Fangliang, Ji Anbang, Li Tiancheng and others were impressed by Lin Ge's methods.

Seeing that others had already expressed their attitudes to Lin Ge, they also stepped forward to kneel and pay their respects.

At this moment, no matter what you really think in your heart, just follow the crowd and act behind their backs.

If you are maverick and insist on doing it yourself, you will be regarded as a typical example of killing a chicken to scare the monkey.

What's more, the prospects described by Lin Ge to them are quite good.

If what he said is true, then it would be nice to go there.

"So are you all willing to follow me?"

Lin Ge said,"But what my Jiejiao needs is loyal people!

The consequences of betraying Jiejiao will be terrible!

So I will give you another chance.

If you don't really want to follow me, you can quit, and I will send him back immediately!

And I mean what I say, and I will never regret it!"

There was silence at the scene!

After a moment, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing stepped forward and bowed, saying,"Your Majesty, we are willing to follow you!"

The generals behind them also took a big step forward to express their intentions!

None of the remaining people withdrew.

Since there is a new world and a new stage, why not give it a try!

It's better than becoming a bandit!


Zhunti once again (I don't know how many times) went to the East to carry out his and his senior brother's plan to revitalize the West.

With the sweet taste of the last time Chang'er Dingguangxian, Zhunti came to the vicinity of Jin'ao Island again to see if he could convert one or two Jiejiao disciples to the West again.

After wandering around for many times, he still couldn't find the entrance to Jin'ao Island.

One day, he accidentally discovered Skull Island next to Jin'ao Island.

Zhunti had never seen Skull Island before, so out of curiosity, he went to the island to check it out.

In the swamp wetlands east of Skull Island, Zhunti discovered a group of giant beasts in the swamp, the evil water soapberry (extremely evil and humble insects), and thought it was pretty good.

He happily converted all the evil water soapberries (extremely evil and humble insects).

But what Zhunti never expected was that since converting Chang'er Dingguangxian to the Western Sect, he had been targeted by Tongtian Jiaozhu.

Just when Zhunti was happy that he had made a contribution to the prosperity of the West, Tongtian Jiaozhu on Jin'ao Island suddenly made a move.

Zhunti was caught off guard and was hit by Tongtian Jiaozhu.

Knowing that he was no match for the enemy, Zhunti hurriedly took all the evil water locusts (extremely evil insectivorous creatures) he had converted and fled.

The injured Zhunti left Skull Island and fled back to the West overnight, leaving the evil water locusts (extremely evil insectivorous creatures) in the care of Brother Jie Yin.

Jie Yin frowned and glanced at the evil water locusts (extremely evil insectivorous creatures), and randomly placed them in a swamp wetland.

Then he comforted Zhunti and helped him recover from his injuries.


At the same time, the calamity energy in the prehistoric world became stronger and stronger, and began to spread everywhere in the chaos!

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