
After Jie Yin helped Zhunti to quickly recover from his injuries, the two brothers made some plans for the great cause of revitalizing the West.

Jie Yin:"Junior brother, you have worked hard during this period! Our West is gradually prospering due to your efforts!

But junior brother, you still have to work hard on fellow Taoist Randeng and convert him to the West."

Zhunti:"Brother, you are right! But although fellow Taoist Randeng has a connection with the West, there has been no movement. Is it because what we promised is not enough?"

Empty promises are called empty promises. Jie Yin thought about it and said,"Just tell him that we are going to change our ways and leave the Xuanmen in the future, and change the Western religion to the Buddhist sect and establish Buddhism.

Tell him that as long as he comes to our West, we will reserve a position for him as the Buddha, how about it?"

Zhunti was surprised.

"Brother, this is a secret that you and I have been planning for many years. Wouldn’t it be bad to tell Randeng just like that?

What if he doesn’t come and leaks the secret to us?"

Jie Yin said,"There is nothing we can do about it! You can’t catch a wolf without sacrificing a lamb.

We don’t have any good magic treasures to give to others to build good relationships, so we can only show our sincerity!"

Zhunti thought about it and felt that brother’s idea was actually quite good.

Explain the details to the other party and show our sincerity, which should be able to impress the other party!

Of course, if this doesn’t move them, then we can only kidnap them by force.

Otherwise, are you waiting for you to tell the secret?

So Zhunti set off excitedly and headed for Yuanjue Cave on Lingjiu Mountain.

"How are you, fellow Daoist Randeng?

Zhunti arrived just in time.

Randeng was about to leave when he ran into Zhunti at the entrance of the cave.

""Fellow Taoist Zhunti, please come in!"

When Ran Deng saw Zhunti coming again, he remained calm, but was secretly happy in his heart.

The ideological work of Manjusri and others had been done almost, and they were just waiting for an opportunity. He couldn't just drag a group of people to join the Western Religion, which always felt a bit cheap.

Now that Zhunti came to invite him again, it would be a piece of cake to go with the flow and get a good future for himself.

The two sat down opposite each other, and Ran Deng poured a pot of spiritual tea for Zhunti to drink.

Zhunti was not polite, he was indeed thirsty after a long journey.

"Good tea!"

Zhunti praised politely, then put down the teacup.

"Fellow Daoist Randeng, let's not beat around the bush. I treat you as one of my own.

We in the Western Church have been waiting for you to join us. I hope you can make a decision soon!"

Randeng pondered, thinking about how to start the conversation without appearing too greedy and expressing his meaning well.

Zhunti's words were just a topic to start a conversation. Seeing that Randeng was slow to speak, he simply said:

"Brother Jieyin and I have worked hard and everything we have done is just to revitalize the West!

However, the vast West is beyond the reach of just the two of us.

And because fellow Daoist Randeng is indeed the destined person for the West, I sincerely invite you to join the great cause of building the West again and again.

Let me give you a brief summary here.

My brother and I have discussed that we are going to change our ways, break away from the Xuanmen, and change the Western religion to the Buddhist sect and establish Buddhism. We will use the twelve-grade golden lotus to suppress the fortune of Buddhism, and establish the fruit positions of Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, etc.

If fellow Daoist is willing to come, you can be named the Buddha of the past of Buddhism, called the Ancient Buddha Randeng, and take the position of Buddha!"

Randeng was directly shocked by these words.

It takes a huge effort to break away from the Xuanmen and establish the Buddhist sect!

It turns out that fellow Taoist Jie Yin and fellow Taoist Zhunti have such great ambitions.

Compared with them, I am so insignificant!

Thinking of this, Ran Deng couldn't help but get excited. His

Taoist heart of many years was actually moved.

At this time Zhunti spoke again:"Fellow Taoist Ran Deng, I am speaking from the bottom of my heart to you!

This will be a major event that will shake the entire prehistoric world, you must not miss it!"

Ran Deng did not care about the implicit threat in Zhunti's words, he stood up excitedly, and saluted Zhunti with his hands clasped together.

"I am grateful to you two Taoist friends for thinking highly of me, Ran Deng. I will not let you down!" Seeing that Ran Deng had finally made his position clear, Zhunti also stood up from his seat with joy, shook his hand, and

"Then, from now on, we are family!

I wonder when you will join us in the West!"

Randeng said with a conceited smile:

"Since I have decided to join the West, I will show my sincerity.

Don't worry! I will appear on time at Mount Xumi in seven days!"

After the two agreed, Zhunti did not stay in the East any longer, but happily returned to Mount Xumi.

After all, he had just been hit by Tongtian Jiaozhu a while ago.

What if he still didn't get rid of his hatred and caught him to make trouble?

The difference in strength was too big, and Zhunti said that he would not be able to bear it.


Lin Ge easily subdued Fang La, Tian Hu, Wang Qing and many of their generals, but he was not in a hurry to leave.

He asked everyone to wait and watch him subdue the mythical beasts, the Brocade Patterned One-Horned Leopard, Shenxian, Zhupo Dragon, and Chilong.

This was also a deterrent to these people.

"Why don't you show up yet?"

Lin Ge shouted coldly, grabbing outwards casually with his hands.

Several extremely thin rays of light flashed by.

Then the Brocade Pattern One-Horned Leopard, the Ginseng Immortal, the Pig Dragon, and the Red Dragon were tied up by these rays of light and fell to the ground.

Lin Ge released his coercion, and directly made these strange beasts surrender with his momentum.

Sure enough, under Lin Ge's powerful coercion, the powerful and extremely cunning Brocade Pattern One-Horned Leopard, the untouchable Ginseng Immortal, the brave Pig Dragon, and the Red Dragon all huddled up obediently, without their former spirit.

Lin Ge stretched out his palm and gently stroked the foreheads of several strange beasts.

A few rays of light flashed for a moment, and the master-servant contract was established.

The strange beasts immediately turned into little good cats.

Fang La, Tian Hu, Wang Qing and others and their many generals were all staring.

Is this possible?

He is worthy of being an immortal!

But it's not over yet!

Lin Ge stretched out his hand to the depths of the void again,"Come out!"

A transparent jade jar and a golden rope appeared on Lin Ge's body.

The transparent jade jar naturally contained Lingxiao Jiuzhuan Qiongli, and the rope was the soul-binding golden rope.

Fang La, Tian Hu, Wang Qing and others were already numb.

In their opinion, it was simply impossible to do it, but for the immortals, it was a matter of waving their hands.

At this point, the mission was almost completed.

Just wait for Song Jiang to collect those formations, and then forcibly abduct the Liao emperor Yelu Hui and the Liao generals and bring them to the prehistoric world.


Song Jiang sent all his people to collect the formations mentioned by the immortal.

Everyone was in high spirits and worked very efficiently.

Soon, they collected the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Formation, Taiyi Hun Tian Xiang Formation, Six Flowers Formation, Taiyi Three Talents Formation, Heluo Four Symbols Formation, Circular Eight Diagrams Formation, and Eight Formation Diagrams.

Not only that, Song Jiang was also preparing to present a large formation of their own to the immortal.

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