This formation is the magic weapon for Song Jiang and others to win, the Tian Gang Di Sha formation.

This formation is really powerful.

It is composed of 108 fierce generals who are reincarnated from Tian Gang Di Sha demon stars.

These fierce generals have the star destiny of their previous lives.

When the formation was activated, Song Jiang, the timely rain from Tiankui star, entered the demon cloud and turned into a heavy rain,

Lin Chong, the leopard head from Tianxiong star, turned into a man with a leopard head and a human body,

Qin Ming, the thunderbolt from Tianmeng star, turned into the fire of a divine dragon,

Chai Jin, the little whirlwind from Tiangui star, turned into a small whirlwind,

Li Kui, the black whirlwind from Tiansha star, turned into a black whirlwind,

Lu Junyi, the jade unicorn from Tiangang star, rolled on the ground, turned into a jade unicorn, roared to the sky, and flew into the demon cloud,

Wu Yong, the wise star from Tianji star, had his linen clothes fluttering on his body, and he climbed higher and higher with a calm demeanor and merged into the demon cloud, Gongsun Sheng, the dragon from Tianxian star, turned into a dragon, flew into the demon cloud with dragon power, and the figures of the others also rose up one by one, the demon light on their bodies bloomed, and they turned into the images of gods and demons, and finally merged into the demon cloud of the gray star in the air.

Wherever the formation passes, the river freezes, the ground cracks, thunder and lightning surge in the demon cloud, and the earth, fire, water and wind burst out together.

The demon cloud spews out cold currents and enchanting lightning and fire.

The demon cloud is condensed by the heavenly Gang and the earthly evil.

It can attack or defend, retreat or flee.

Starlight flashes inside, thunder and fire are hidden inside, and the power of the demon's magic is connected with the power of the heavenly Gang and the earthly evil.

However, this formation also has weaknesses.

That is, although the formation is composed of 108 people, each person's strength is different, and the demon's power is also very impure.

Therefore, as long as you find its weakness, it is easy to break the formation.


With many formations in hand, Song Jiang was full of joy in looking for the trace of the immortal.

He had forgotten what the immortal said about uploading to the trading mall in the chat group.

But even if he remembered, he wanted to hand the things to the immortal in person.

This would deepen the immortal's impression of himself, right?

But he found that he had no way to find it.

Just when Song Jiang didn't know where to find the immortal, Lin Ge's voice suddenly came into his mind.

According to the instructions of the immortal, Song Jiang led 108 generals to the mountain where Lin Ge was.

When they arrived at the place, Song Jiang and others were stunned.

It turned out that Fang La, Tian Hu, Wang Qing and others and their many generals were also here.

It turned out that they were not the only ones who surrendered to the immortal.

Could it be that the immortal said that there was another important matter, which was to recruit Fang La and others?

Song Jiang instantly felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Immortal, everything you want is here!"

Song Jiang held a scroll in his hand, which recorded several formations that Lin Ge needed.

The Tiangang Disha formation?

The formation he listed did not have this name!

Lin Ge glanced at Song Jiang and understood that Song Jiang was trying to please him by giving him their finale formation.

"Well done, thank you for your hard work!"

Lin Ge nodded in appreciation.

"But you can upload the formation to the trading mall in the chat group, and I will pay you the points!"

Song Jiang was overjoyed when he heard Lin Ge's praise, and he quickly said:

"It is my honor to share the worries of the immortal! How could I possibly collect points from the immortal?"

"You are a member of the chat group, and I am the group leader. I will not treat anyone in the chat group unfairly!"

Lin Ge knew that Song Jiang was trying to please him, and secondly, he had an instinctive fear of him as an immortal.

Therefore, he patiently explained:

"This is the rule in the group. If you want something good, go to the group's trading mall and use your points to buy it!

This is the rule I set, and no one should violate it, including myself!"

Song Jiang saw Lin Ge said this, and he knew that if he didn't do what the immortal said, he might anger the immortal.

That would be counterproductive!

【Ding! Group member"Tian Gang Di Sha Xing Zhu" uploaded a batch of new products!】

【Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Formation: 1.1w points, seller: Tiangang Disha Star Master】

【Taiyi Mixed Heaven Array: 1w points, seller: Tiangang Disha Star Master】

【Six Flower Formation: 10,000 points, seller: Tian Gang Di Sha Xing Zhu】

【Taiyi Sancai Formation: 1w points, seller: Tiangang Disha Star Master】

【Heluo Four Symbols Formation: 1w points, seller: Tiangang Disha Star Master】

【Circular Bagua Formation: 1.2w points, seller: Tiangang Disha Star Master】

【Eight Array Diagram: 10,000 points, seller: Tian Gang Di Sha Xing Zhu】

【Tian Gang Di Sha Great Array: 20,000 points, seller: Tian Gang Di Sha Star Master]

The chat group members were attracted by this series of prompt sounds.

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

What's up! Did the master of the Heavenly Gang and Earthly Evil Stars get rich? He collected so many formations!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the first emperor of all ages]:

I guess it should be the task given to him by the immortal master!

These things are not very useful to us mortals!

It takes a lot of effort and energy to train soldiers.

But it is different in the hands of the immortal master!

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Of course!

The Immortal Master is an existence that can turn decay into magic!

Even though his cultivation has reached the Mahayana stage and he is a rampant existence in the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Huang Rong is still the little fangirl of that year!

【[Leader of Tianxiahui]:

I am looking forward to the level of these formations that the Immortal Master will deduce!

I wonder if we can still afford the price at that time!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

I really envy your worlds that are worthy of a visit by an immortal master!

My world is so barren, it is impossible for an immortal master to come!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

This"Star Lord of Heaven and Earth" is really lucky!

He won the favor of the Immortal Master not long after joining the group!

【Red Flame: Blazing Fire]:

Is this what is often called chance?

If chance comes, it cannot be stopped; if there is no chance, it cannot be obtained even if you ask for it!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I think there are many good things in my world!

It’s a pity that the Immortal Master pretends not to see them! Oh, I’m so upset!

Group members:…………

The Second Palace Master always speaks so shockingly that no one knows how to respond.

As a mortal, is it appropriate to always covet the high and mighty Immortal Master?

The Immortal Master is broad-minded and generous and doesn't care about her.

But she has always been so ignorant that everyone can't help but worry about what will happen to Lianxing in the future!


Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Ge waved his hand, and all the people and animals present entered the Nine Skyless Boundaries.

A good subspace was used by Lin Ge as a means of transportation.

When Lin Ge appeared at Zhang Shuye's training ground, Zhang Shuye and his two sons, led the thirty-six generals of the Thunder Department and the eighteen scattered immortals, were already waiting there.

Lin Ge released Song Jiang, Fang La and others from the Nine Skyless Boundaries.

Even though the training ground was large enough, it took up a small half of the land.

Looking at the huge crowd, Zhang Shuye was speechless to find that those people were actually his old enemies.

The four great bandits, they didn't run away, they were all present!

What's going on?

Immortal, what do you mean by this?

You won't let me go to the emperor to ask for credit before I leave!

For a moment, Zhang Shuye was confused!

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