"My lord, you are...?"

Zhang Shuye asked in confusion

"Oh, I have accepted all of these and plan to take them to the prehistoric world. You can practice together then!"

Lin Ge looked at Zhang Shuye and laughed when he thought of their relationship in this world.

Song Jiang, Fang La, Tian Hu and Wang Qing smiled awkwardly at Zhang Shuye and nodded.

No matter what, they would never have thought that they would meet in such a situation.

And they would have to get along with each other in the future.

But by then, they had already arrived in the prehistoric world, and everyone was a fairy, and there would no longer be any enemy or us camps.

Zhang Shuye was very open-minded.

He took the initiative to show goodwill to Song Jiang and others, and called his two sons over to meet his uncles.

Lin Ge was satisfied with Zhang Shuye's approach.

Although everyone used to be hostile, now that they were their own people, they must put aside their prejudices and get along again.

"Are you all ready?"

Lin Ge asked

""Husband, wait for me!"

Zhang Shuye was about to answer when a call suddenly came from the entrance of the training ground.

Everyone looked over and saw a fair-skinned and beautiful woman appearing there.

Isn't this Gao Liangshi, the wife of Zhao Xin, one of the Eighteen Loose Immortals?

Although she is just a woman, she has outstanding swordsmanship, and her pair of sun and moon swords are exquisitely skilled and highly skilled in martial arts.

Her unique flying knife skills are even more famous. She carries sixteen flying knives with her, which are sinister, vicious, and frightening. She is indeed a heroine.

Zhang Shuye looked at Zhao Xin in confusion.

Why did he call his wife here?

Zhao Xin embarrassedly went up to him in front of everyone and asked in a low voice:

"How did you come?"

"Humph! If you want to leave me behind and run away, you have to see if I agree or not!"

Gao Liang rolled her eyes at her husband, then walked towards Zhang Shuye, knelt down and said

"General, I am also a capable person to fight on the battlefield. No matter where you go, please allow me to accompany you!"

Zhang Shuye looked at Zhao Xin, who was also looking at him expectantly.

Well, it seems that the two of them don't want to separate at all, so let's make it happen!

"Immortal, this girl is extremely brave and can be called a great general. I wonder if we can take her with us?"

Lin Ge took a look at Gao Liang and found that this girl had a boldness that most people did not have.

Moreover, she has spiritual roots and seems to be a good candidate for cultivation. If her cultivation level is improved in the future and she is favored by the master, it will be this girl's fortune to be the master's maid.

So he nodded and said,"Take her with us!""

"Thank you, Immortal!"

Zhang Shuye quickly signaled Zhao Xin and his wife to come forward and thank him.

""Let's go! I'll take you somewhere!"

Lin Ge said with a smile, and then he waved his sleeves and led hundreds of people to the Liao Kingdom.

In front of the tent of Yelu Hui, the king of the Liao Kingdom, teams of Liao soldiers were as if they were facing a great enemy.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"It's the Northern Song people! The Northern Song people actually came here!"

""Hurry, hurry and protect the king!"

The soldiers ran back and forth in panic, surrounding Lin Ge and the others.

Soon, cavalry came running from a distance, surrounding them layer by layer, making it impossible to get through.

Yelu Hui walked out of the big tent with a dignified look, looking coldly at the hundreds of people in the encirclement.

""Surrender! I don't know how you got in.

But you are only a few hundred people, and there are tens of thousands of eagles on my grassland!

It's not too late to surrender now, and I can consider leaving you with an intact body!

Otherwise, hehe, I'm afraid the eagles will tear you to pieces!"

Yelu Hui raised his head proudly and confidently, said this, and then quietly waited for the other party to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Behind him, Bojin Xianggong, Aliqi, Yaoer Weikang, Chu Mingyu, Cao Mingji, Yelu Guozhen, Yelu Guobao, Yelu Zongyun, Yelu Zongdian, Yelu Zonglei and other important officials laughed triumphantly, laughing at the Northern Song people in front of them for overestimating their own abilities and running to their territory to die.

【[The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

Oh my God! How dare they do this? Who gave them the courage? My heart is beating so fast!

Song Jiang continued to live broadcast as usual.

The group members were enjoying the melon, but they didn't expect to see such a bold person!

For a while, the live broadcast room was boiling!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Finally, a more daring person appears! It doesn't matter, the immortal will definitely like this kind of person who doesn't know how to live or die! Haha, gloating!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Who is this? You are so unruly, I hope you can always maintain this character!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]:

This man is so arrogant and conceited that he keeps testing the edge of death.

I am curious, what will be his expression when he finally finds out that he is showing off in front of an immortal?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I haven’t seen this kind of face for a long time! He is totally looking for death! It makes me so angry!

How can a person like this be worthy of the Immortal Master’s help!

@【[Star Lord of Heaven and Earth] You can handle these people by yourself, why don't you take action? Show off in front of the Immortal Master!

Song Jiang was embarrassed!

The Immortal Master didn't say anything, would he steal the Immortal Master's limelight if he rushed forward like this?

【[Star Lord of Heaven and Earth]: I dare not act rashly in front of the immortal!

Before, Song Jiang had only seen Lin Ge's majestic image in the group video, which was far less profound than what he saw with his own eyes now.

Now Song Jiang admired Lin Ge with all his heart and eyes full of awe.

How dare he rush to show off?

【[Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

Maybe his arrogance comes from the cavalry that keeps coming!

That's right, Yelu Hui is not a brainless person.

When he knew that the enemy was coming, he immediately ordered people to send a signal to the generals of the twenty-eight constellations.

Let Jiaomu Jiao Sun Zhong, Kangjinlong Zhang Qi, Shi Tuhe Liu Ren, Fangri Rabbit Xie Wu, Xinyue Fox Pei Zhi, Weihuohu Gu Yongxing and others immediately���Come to rescue the emperor.

At this time, the twenty-eight generals were leading their troops from their respective garrisons to the location of the king's tent.

Lin Ge and others have been surrounded by thousands of troops.

Even Zhang Shuye, Song Jiang, Fang La and other brave and skilled generals were secretly frightened.

Each of them silently evaluated in their hearts that with the strength of a few hundred people on their side, it would be difficult to escape today.

However, they have seen the methods of the immortals, but they don’t understand why the immortals brought them to the Liao Kingdom!

Could it be that the immortals also took a fancy to these generals of the Liao Kingdom and wanted to recruit them as their subordinates?

Just when Song Jiang and others didn’t understand Lin Ge’s intention, Lin Ge spoke.

"Song Jiang, go tell them that numbers mean nothing, an eagle with broken wings is nothing!"

Lin Ge sneered at the arrogant Yelu Hui.

Yelu Hui and the people behind him were stunned.

Is this guy mentally ill?

He actually asked one person to deal with so many grassland warriors?

"Hahaha! Did you hear what he said?"

"Hey, I heard it! He sent a man named Song Jiang to die!"

"I have never seen such a fearless person!

He probably hasn't heard of the reputation of our grassland warriors yet!"

These people laughed so hard that tears were about to flow out.

They were like a group of hunters, laughing and playing with the prey in front of them.

"Song Jiang got the order!"

Song Jiang bowed his hands, then drew out the sharp knife he carried with him and rushed into the enemy army.

Yelu Hui opened his mouth in surprise:"Oh my God, is there really someone who is not afraid of death?"

In his imagination, Song Jiang should be trembling with fear, kneeling and begging for mercy.

Unexpectedly, he really started fighting without saying a word?

Song Jiang at this time is far from the same as before.

Although he has been in the group for a short time, he has practiced for a period of time after all.

What's more, Lin Ge helped him devour another Song Jiang in the world of Going Out of the Marsh, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Song Jiang rushed into the Liao army as if he was in an empty land, rushing left and right, chopping people's heads like chopping watermelons.

Those Liao soldiers never expected such a powerful person to appear, and they couldn't resist and retreated layer by layer.

Song Jiang quickly broke through two or three layers of siege

"Forget it, come back!"

Lin Ge frowned. Although Song Jiang was brave, his method of killing the enemy was too slow.

It was hard to wait!

Lin Ge didn't have so much time to waste here watching him kill the enemy slowly.

Song Jiang was killing vigorously. Being able to show off in front of the immortal, he felt like he was injected with chicken blood and had endless energy.

However, the immortal called him back, and he dared not disobey.

"Too slow!"

Looking at Song Jiang who came back, Lin Ge said lazily.

Yelu Hui, who was so shocked by the sudden change, almost vomited blood.

"What did you say? This killing speed is too slow? Is this what people say?"

But he didn't dare to say it out loud, he only dared to complain in his heart.

But Lin Ge's next move almost made him drop his eyeballs.

Lin Ge raised his hand slightly, without any big movements, just pressed lightly.

The Liao troops surrounding Lin Ge and others fell to the ground in unison, bursting with blood and dying, turning into blood mist.

Just like that!

All the surrounding Liao soldiers died!

His grassland eagle turned into a dead chicken.

At that moment, Yelu Hui and the followers behind him were chilled to the bone!

A chill rose from the soles of his feet, and his whole body was cold and stiff.

The generals of the 28 constellations were still on the way with their teams.

But even if they brought more people, they were obviously no match for the man in front of them.

"Ah… You… You are a god, right?"

Yelu Hui trembled and stammered,"Please spare my life, god! Spare my life!"

He knelt on the ground while speaking.

The people behind him also knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

"What? I heard that grassland warriors would never kneel down and beg for mercy. Could it be that what I saw was fake?"

Zhang Shuye laughed!

As a famous general of the Northern Song Dynasty, he naturally knew the Liao Kingdom very well.

Yelu Hui knelt on the ground awkwardly, his face flushed.

They were not afraid of death.

Unfortunately, this man's means were too powerful. With one move, tens of thousands of people died, and even their bodies could not be intact. Even the determined Yelu Hui and his generals were frightened.

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Hahaha! How arrogant you were just now, how embarrassed you are now!

【Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

If I had known this earlier, why did I do this in the first place!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms]:

Tsk tsk! Are these eagles who claim to be the eagles of the grasslands going to have their wings clipped so quickly?

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Hahaha! The Immortal Master still likes your unruly faces, recover quickly!


Yelu Hui and Yelu Guozhen, Yelu Guobao, Yelu Zongyun and others behind him knelt down and dared not move or breathe.

They were afraid that any movement would anger the immortal and they would end up like the soldiers who turned into blood mist.

Just as Yelu Hui was regretting that his words and actions had offended the immortal, the generals of the 28 constellations came with their troops from afar.

"My king, I, Jiaomu Jiao Sun Zhong, am here! Who is so blind as to dare to come to the grassland to die? I will make sure he never returns!"

"My king, Kang Jinlong Zhangqi is here too! Let that fearless Northern Song man have a taste of my power, I will make him live a life worse than death!"

"Your Majesty, I, Tuhu Liu Ren, am here.……!"


The loud reports one after another were the pride of Yelu Hui's Liao Dynasty in the past. But today they sounded like a death warrant!

Yelu Hui almost buried his head in the ground, complaining in his heart,"Are these people blind?

Can't they understand the situation?

They are roasting me on the fire by shouting so loudly!"

Jiaomu Jiao Sun Zhong, Kangjinlong Zhang Qi, Shi Tuhe Liu Ren, Fangri Tu Xie Wu, Xinyue Fox Pei Zhi, Weihuohu Gu Yongxing and others made a lot of noise from a distance.

This is also a tactic, to scare the enemy with momentum.

But soon they found something wrong.

There was a strong smell of blood in the wind.

As they galloped, they found that blood mist appeared in front of them. Although it gradually faded, it became a blood lake when it fell to the ground.

Going further ahead, hundreds of corpses fell in all directions. Looking at their clothes, they were all Liao people.

Finally, Jiaomu Jiao and Sun Zhong, who were walking in the front, saw their most beloved king, Yelu Hui, kneeling on the ground with a group of important officials. The hundreds of Han people standing there surrounded a young man who was extraordinary.

The young man just stood there casually, giving people an aura that could not be offended.

"How is this going?"

"Everyone be careful, our king is in their hands!"

"Those who died were our own people. Look, these Han people seem to be unharmed!"

"When did the Han people become so strong? A few hundred people could move freely among our tens of thousands of cavalrymen!"

The twenty-eight generals gathered together, but did not dare to move forward.

"These are probably the only elite troops on the grassland!"

Lin Ge looked at the other side and smiled:

"Why, you came from a far distance, but now you are at the arena, you don't come up to see the real thing?"

The general of the twenty-eight constellations is a brave and good fighter. He must have his own strengths to be a general.

The scene in front of him, anyone who is not a fool can see!

Speaking of elites, the personal soldiers around the king are the real elite.

Those personal soldiers are vulnerable, then if we go forward, wouldn't it be a death wish!

Lin Ge no longer waited, and grabbed the general of the twenty-eight constellations in the air

"Stay with your king!"

The generals of the 28 Constellations ran to the king's back and knelt down.

"Immortal, how do we deal with the remaining people?"

Zhang Shuye stepped forward to ask for instructions.

"Ask them if they are willing to surrender to the Song Dynasty. Those who surrender will be given a chance to live, and those who do not surrender will be killed without mercy!"

Lin Ge said. He was not a bloodthirsty person, and if possible, he would try to give these people a chance to live.

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