Some people surrendered and survived, while some stubborn people were killed.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Lin Ge took everyone to ascend to heaven.

On that day, auspicious signs were seen from the sky, with fairy air lingering and flowers falling!

"Ah, look, a natural phenomenon!"

"Ah! It’s a god! It’s a god ascending to heaven!"

Some people in the Song Dynasty looked at the sky in amazement.

""Your Majesty, Your Majesty, great joy!"

Song Huizong sat on the throne, but heard ministers coming to congratulate him.

"Your Majesty, this is an auspicious sign from heaven. This is a great blessing for our Great Song Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty, the four great bandits Song Jiang, Fang La, Tian Hu and Wang Qing and their generals are all missing!"

""Your Majesty, eight hundred miles away, the Liao Kingdom has been destroyed!"

Ahhhh, is there such a good news?

Song Huizong didn't expect to hear these good news one after another, and his mouth almost smiled crookedly!


Primordial world! Skull


Lin Ge called King Kong and the Nine-tailed Fox to give Song Jiang, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing shelters and explained the rules.

Skull Island is very large, and King Kong asked Zhang Shuye and his party to choose their favorite places. The

Nine-tailed Fox also gave everyone the cultivation methods and asked them to practice on their own. If they didn't understand anything, they could ask her.

"This is the Shangqing Immortal Method created by Master Tongtian himself. If you practice it well, you will benefit a lot!"

The nine-tailed fox reminded everyone before leaving.

As for the Liao Kingdom group, under Lin Ge's instruction, they were thrown into an inconspicuous corner of Skull Island.

The method they were given was also the most basic method of cultivation. How far they could reach depended on their own luck.

At the moment they returned to Skull Island, a series of prompts sounded in the chat group.

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" completed a single-player mission and received 2 million points and a chance to win a prize!】

【Ding! The group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" completed a single-player mission and received 2 million points and a memory spell!】

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" completed a single-player mission and received 2 million points and a chance to win a prize!】

【Ding! Group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" completed a single-player mission and received 2 million points and a chance to win a prize!】

【May I ask the group leader"Jiejiao Daluo Jinxian" whether he can use memory magic to erase the other party's memory and implant the memory he wants the other party to know? 】

Lin Ge nodded without hesitation,

"Erasing the original memories of the Liao ruler Yelu Hui and all his generals, giving them new memories, making them think that they are natives of the prehistoric world, and voluntarily protecting the disciples of Jiejiao from disasters, and being included in the list of gods!"


After returning to Sanxiao Island, Lin Ge counted his gains from this trip to the Water Margin world.

Wow, what a great harvest!

There are 12 million points alone.

There are also five chances to draw a lottery. Together with the remaining points from before, Lin Ge has a total of more than 15 million points and six chances to draw a lottery in his personal account in the chat group.

But what Lin Ge didn't expect was that it would take 10 million points to upgrade from the Great Perfection of Daluo Jinxian to the Early Stage of Hunyuan Jinxian. He couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

However, the cultivation level still needs to be improved, and you can't be reluctant to use it just because it costs too many points.

Fortunately, the points reward for triggering tasks is also quite high now.

Besides, almost all group members are big points holders.

When the time comes, I can sell the skills and weapons I have collected after evolving them, and I guess I can get another wave of points.

"Turn on the chat group's secret concealment function!"

"Consume points to break through the realm!"

Lin Ge made a decisive choice

【Consume 10 million points and a wisp of Hongmeng purple air! Congratulations on your realm being upgraded from Daluo Jinxian Great Perfection to Hunyuan Jinxian Early Stage! 】

Then the liquefied spiritual energy visible to the naked eye poured down from the void, forming an ocean vortex above Lin Ge's head.

When the breakthrough was completed, Lin Ge's Hunyuan Jinxian Early Stage realm was stable, and his strength was unprecedentedly improved.

Lin Ge felt his own changes with satisfaction.

Hunyuan Jinxian!

This is the existence second only to the saint!

Who dares to compete with me?

From this moment on, it means that he has truly entered the top of the cultivators.

He is no longer a cannon fodder that can be trampled on at will!

Kunlun Mountain, Shouyang Mountain, Buzhou Mountain and other half of the prehistoric land suddenly felt that the spiritual energy was weak for a moment.

Then the spiritual energy of the other half of the prehistoric land dried up for a moment!

"What happened? Am I dizzy?"

"What did that just now mean?"

"Am I dreaming?"

The practitioners in the prehistoric world were all stunned.

This had never happened before!

There was a moment when they felt that their spiritual energy was exhausted. Could it be that something went wrong in their practice and they had hallucinations?

At this moment, all the practitioners except Jiejiao began to doubt their lives.

On Mount Shouyang, Taiqing Laozi opened his eyes that had been calm for eternity, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes! On

Mount Kunlun, Yuanshi Tianzun was shocked.

Something was wrong!

Very wrong!

No matter how he calculated, Yuanshi could not figure out the source of this abnormality.

Nuwa opened her unfathomable eyes and looked at the prehistoric world in disbelief.

"Who was it? Although the time was extremely short, it was indeed a vision! Unfortunately, the heavenly way is flawed and the secrets are in chaos, and I can't see through it!"


Taiqing Laozi thought about it and sent a message to Yuanshi and Tongtian, hoping to find some clues from them.

Yuanshi Tianzun followed Taiqing Laozi to Jin'ao Island, and the three of them began to discuss the sudden depletion of spiritual energy last time.

To their surprise, Tongtian was at a loss for words.

"What are you talking about? How come I don't know anything about it?"

Tongtian Jiaozhu felt a little embarrassed.

After all, his elder brother brought his second brother here in person to discuss important matters with him, but he didn't know anything.

"Don't you feel anything at all?���"Yes?"

Taiqing Laozi asked.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Tongtian suspiciously.

"I really don’t know what vision you are talking about! Maybe I was practicing seriously just now and didn’t notice it!"

Tongtian explained.

It would have been fine if he didn’t explain. As soon as he explained, Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun’s faces turned black.

You are practicing seriously, how could you not know that the spiritual energy suddenly disappeared in an instant?

Although it was just a moment, perhaps ordinary creatures didn’t notice it, but who are they?

They are saints!

As long as they want, even an ant will not escape their eyes.

"Could it be that Third Brother knows something but is unwilling to tell us?"

Yuanshi said in a somewhat unfriendly tone.

Tongtian looked at Laozi in embarrassment:

"Brother, what exactly is this vision? Please explain it clearly!"

"Just a while ago, there was a moment when the spiritual energy was exhausted!

Third brother, do you really not know about this?"

Taiqing Laozi also looked at Tongtian Jiaozhu with some doubt.


Thanks to my dear readers for the tip. Let’s upgrade to Hunyuan Jinxian first!

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