If this is not man-made, then it is a natural phenomenon. If it is man-made, it is fine!

If it is a natural phenomenon, at this critical moment of the Conferred God Tribulation, whether this matter is a blessing or a disaster, it is related to the entire prehistoric world!

Therefore, Laozi has to pay attention!

"How could the spiritual energy suddenly dry up in an instant? I really didn't feel it at all!"

Tongtian Patriarch was surprised.

"Or is it that only the eldest brother and the second brother felt it?"

Taiqing Laozi was stunned. That's right, it's possible that only he and Yuanshi felt it.

After all, they didn't go to verify other people.

At this time, Guangchengzi asked for an audience outside the island. He had something urgent to report to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Tongtian Jiaozhu took away the island protection formation and asked Guangchengzi to come to the island.

Guangchengzi was Yuanshi's most beloved disciple, and he usually paid the most attention to his image. But today he was a little flustered.


Guangchengzi hesitated.

""Master, how about we go back to Kunlun Mountain first?"

This is not a good place to talk. Some things are best said in private.

""Second brother, is there something going on with your disciples? Then second brother should go and do it first!"

Tongtian said with a smile.

Great, someone finally came to change the subject.

It is not a pleasant topic to not know something that the eldest brother and the second brother know.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Taiqing Laozi and Tongtian beside him, and said to Guangchengzi with a pleasant face,

"If you have anything to say, just talk about it here. We are not outsiders!"

Guangchengzi hesitated.

""Speak now, it's okay. There is nothing in my Chan Sect that cannot be known to my elder brother and third brother!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said conceitedly.

""Master, I just got the news that Master Randeng, no, it was Randeng who brought fellow disciples Manjusri, Cihang, Puxian and Juliusun to join the Western Religion."

Guangchengzi had no choice but to tell the truth.

"What? What did you say?"

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't believe his ears.

His deputy leader of the Chan Sect had pulled four of the twelve golden immortals he was proud of to join the Western Sect?

Isn't this a huge joke?

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun's face change, Guangchengzi was so scared that he stood aside and dared not breathe.

People like Yuanshi Tianzun care about their reputation the most.

How can Yuanshi save face when such a family scandal is told in front of outsiders?

Maybe he will be implicated in his anger.

Yuanshi Tianzun was also a little embarrassed.

If he had known, he would not have let Guangchengzi say it here.

"Second brother, I didn't expect that those orthodox disciples of your Chan sect would be so desperate.

They abandoned the Kunlun Mountain with abundant spiritual energy and went to join the barren Western sect. How could they not understand this!" said Tongtian Patriarch with a smile.

When Chang'er Dingguangxian joined the Western sect a while ago, Yuanshi criticized him a lot.

He also boasted that such a thing would never happen in his Chan sect.

Now that the opportunity has come, it is time to fight back.

Yuanshi Tianzun was speechless, glared at Tongtian Patriarch fiercely, turned to Taiqing Laozi and said,

""Brother, I have some matters to deal with, so I will take my leave now!"

Tongtian Sect Master said with a smug smile,"Why, second brother, we haven't finished discussing things yet, why are you leaving early?"

Yuanshi ignored him and left angrily.

Guangchengzi followed Yuanshi in fear and trepidation.

After leaving Jin'ao Island, Guangchengzi spoke:

"I'm sorry, Master. I shouldn't have said this in front of Master Uncle and Third Uncle!"

"I don't blame you!"

Yuanshi, who had regained his normal mood, shook his head.

"I can only blame those short-sighted people with shallow fortunes. Don't let me catch them, or I will make them regret their choice today!"The news that Randeng had brought four golden immortals to join the Western Religion quickly spread throughout the prehistoric world.

For a time, all the gossip among the practitioners was about this matter.

Wherever the people of the Chan Religion went, they would be curiously asked why the five people betrayed the religion.

Randeng's five people betrayed the Chan Religion and joined the Western Religion, successfully diverting everyone's attention.

No one cared about the one or two seconds of spiritual energy exhaustion.

After all, time is the least valuable in the prehistoric world. Compared with tens of thousands of years, one or two seconds can be regarded as nothing.


After Lin Ge successfully broke through to the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, he did not rush to draw the lottery.

He already had a lot of good stuff.

Moreover, he could also use the chat group to evolve the good stuff collected from other mortal worlds into good stuff from the prehistoric world.

This time, he collected a lot of formations from the world of Water Margin. I remember that the chat group gave a hint that the formations could be evolved into innate formations.

Jiejiao was famous for its formations.

Tongtian Jiaozhu himself was very good at creating formations.

But as far as Lin Ge knew, the formations mastered by Jiejiao were good, but not many.

There were only a few.

"Consume points to evolve the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Formation, Taiyi Mixed Heaven Formation, Six Flowers Formation, Taiyi Three Talents Formation, Heluo Four Symbols Formation, Circular Eight Diagrams Formation, and Eight Formation Diagrams!"

Lin Ge confirmed on the chat group interface.

【Ding! The Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Formation, Taiyi Hun Tian Xiang Formation, Six Flowers Formation, Taiyi Three Talents Formation, Heluo Four Symbols Formation, Circular Eight Diagrams Formation, and Eight Formation Diagrams have been successfully evolved into innate formations! 】

Seven days later, the chat group gave a prompt that the evolution was successful

"Consume points to evolve the Tian Gang Di Sha formation!"

One day later, the evolution was successful.

【Ding! The Tiangang Disha formation has been successfully evolved! 】

Lin Ge checked his personal account and found that evolving one formation actually consumed 10,000 points.

These eight formations consumed Lin Ge's 80,000 points.

It seems that the later the game progresses, the more points are consumed.

At this moment, the chat group suddenly sent a group notification sound.

【Chat group is upgrading...1%...2%...3%……10%……20%……80%……90%……95%…98%…100%!】

【Ding! The chat group has been upgraded successfully!

Receive 1,000 points for daily sign-in success!

The group owner"Jiejiao Hunyuan Jinxian" is also the administrator!

The group owner can freely select people from all the heavens and worlds to join the chat group!】

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Congratulations, Master! Congratulations, Master! The Master's management authority has been upgraded. I beg the Master to protect me!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

Immortal Master is mighty! Immortal Master is powerful! Immortal Master is my eternal idol!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

The chat group has been upgraded again, which is great news!

The stronger the chat group, the stronger the immortal master, and the greater the help to us!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Wow, daily sign-in has become 1,000 points!

I love you so much, chat group!

This time Lianxing did not dare to express her love for the Immortal Master.

Somehow, as her cultivation gradually improved, she actually felt the gap between her and the Immortal Master more and more clearly.

The unbridled and ostentatious display of love in the past can only be said to be due to ignorance!

Who hasn't been young and frivolous?

I just hope that the Immortal Master has forgotten what I said in the past.

Otherwise, it will be so embarrassing after ascending to the Immortal Master's world!

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