After Lin Ge completed all the formation deductions, he planned to go to Jin'ao Island.

After the evolution of the chat group, these formations are as powerful as the protective formations of Jiejiao.

In order to enhance the strength of the entire Jiejiao, Lin Ge decided to dedicate these formations to Master Tongtian.

Standing in front of the cave, Lin Ge unexpectedly discovered that the small ginseng fruit tree seemed to have grown taller.

The Wudao tea tree moved without wind, as if it was very happy that the owner finally noticed it.

Lin Ge gently stroked the branches of the Wudao tea tree,

"Xiao Wu, you did a good job and took good care of the little ginseng!"

After receiving the master's praise, the branches of the Wudao tea tree danced more happily.

Lin Ge thought that if the little ginseng tree bore fruit in the future, it would be very convenient for the master to eat ginseng.

The master who was missed was eating the fairy fruit in the cave at this time, while gesturing. The trick she had researched last time to defeat the elder sister was quickly cracked by Yunxiao.

Unconvinced, Bixiao held back her energy and began her research again.


Lin Ge used the free and easy movement to quickly fly to Jin'ao Island.

This movement was exchanged for points from the chat group's trading mall, and then evolved by the chat group.

Not only is it fast, but it is also very free and elegant, very suitable for posing and showing off.

As soon as he arrived at Jin'ao Island, someone came up to him and said with a smile:

"The leader said that someone would come to the island to look for him today, and asked me to welcome him here. I wondered who it was, but it turned out to be my junior nephew!"

Lin Ge looked closely and found that it was the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit.

In the original plot, the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit was a straightforward and quick-talking person, but her ending was the most tragic in Jiejiao.

Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh.

With this change in this life, the ending of the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit should be better!

"Thank you for your hard work, Master. Please come in!"

Lin Ge bowed and handed a jade box to the Turtle Spirit Mother.

"This little bit of tea is a small token of my appreciation. I hope you won’t despise me!"

The Turtle Spirit Mother’s favorability towards this humble and polite nephew increased rapidly.

Where can you find such a sensible and polite child?

"No wonder Yunxiao kept praising you when we met last time!"

The Turtle Spirit Mother took it with a smile.

"Come on, I'll take you to see the leader!"

After taking Lin Ge to the gate of Biyou Palace, the Turtle Spirit Mother left.

"Come in!"

A deep voice came

"" Meet the Master!"

Lin Ge bowed after entering, but secretly thought in his heart that Master Tongtian was indeed powerful.

He only decided to come on a whim, but he knew about it in advance and arranged for someone to wait for him at the entrance.

Master Tongtian stared at him for a long time before saying,"Why do you call me Master? It's so strange!"

"Disciple Lin Ge pays homage to the master!"

"Hahaha! Great, Bixiao has found a good disciple!"

Tongtian laughed heartily.

Somehow, he felt that Lin Ge was very much to his liking.

""Tell me, why did you come to see me?""

Is this true?"

Lin Ge thought, you knew I was coming, but you didn't know why?

But he looked respectful,"My disciple accidentally got a few formations, and I thought they were very good, so I came here to present them to the master!"

After saying that, Lin Ge took out two jade slips.

One piece recorded the evolved Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Formation, Taiyi Hun Tian Xiang Formation, Six Flowers Formation, Taiyi Three Talents Formation, Heluo Four Symbols Formation, Circulating Eight Diagrams Formation, and Eight Formation Diagram. The other piece recorded the evolved Tiangang Disha Formation.

Tongtian Patriarch took the jade slip, injected his divine sense into it, and was suddenly shocked.

Even the extremely wise Tongtian Patriarch was shocked by the wonder and perfection of these formations.

Especially the Tiangang Disha Formation, which was flawless and incredibly powerful.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Tongtian Patriarch exclaimed.

"Lin Ge, you have made a great contribution to Jiejiao. If you want any reward, just ask!"

"This is what I should do as a disciple of Jiejiao!"

Lin Ge shook his head.

"I just hope that all the disciples of Jiejiao can safely survive this great catastrophe of Conferred Gods!"

When Lin Ge saw the original plot of Conferred Gods in his previous life, he felt indignant for the fate of Jiejiao.

Moreover, the idea of "teaching without distinction" by Patriarch Tongtian made Lin Ge admire his broad-mindedness.

Patriarch Tongtian smiled and said,"Okay, I owe you one!"

Lin Ge no longer refused.

A promise from a saint is very important.

At this moment, Lin Ge's face became strange.

Because just now, the chat group suddenly sent a reminder sound.

【Ding! Warm reminder, the world of Takamagahara Amaterasu is still seven days away from the world of prehistoric times! 】

What kind of sparks will be produced when these two worlds meet?

In fact, there is no need to think about it. It must be that the will of heaven in the prehistoric world will devour the world of Takamagahara Amaterasu.

After all, the strength of the two worlds is too different.

Unlike the world of Water Margin and the world of Outlaws of the Bandits, the strength is equal, and the result is that the will of heaven in the two worlds merged.

The change in Lin Ge's face did not escape the eyes of Tongtian Jiaozhu.

He looked at the other party in confusion, thinking that even if I made a promise to you, I wouldn't be so excited to have this expression!

""Master, I have a question for you! What would happen if... I mean, if two worlds collided?"

Lin Ge asked.

"Two worlds collide? Do you mean there is another world outside the prehistoric world?"

Tongtian Jiaozhu became serious, but he looked at Lin Ge with more appreciation.

Being able to jump out of the prehistoric world, it is obvious that Lin Ge's future achievements will not be inferior to his own.

"Then the will of heaven in the two worlds will fight each other until one side devours the other! Or, the two wills of heaven will merge!"

Tongtian Sect Master pondered for a moment and said.

After all, he is a saint, and his cognition is far higher than that of ordinary people.

Lin Ge couldn't help but admire him. He is indeed a saint. He is right.

"Of course, this is just my guess. After all, I have���I have never encountered two worlds colliding before!"

Tongtian Jiaozhu added.

Well! You are really amazing!

Lin Ge gave Tongtian Jiaozhu a thumbs up in his heart.

"What will happen to the people in these two worlds?"

"They may live in peace, but more likely they will fight each other!"

"Thank you for your guidance, Master!"

Lin Ge said.

"Last night I had a strange dream. I dreamed that there was another world outside the prehistoric world, and it was moving towards the prehistoric world! I was confused! So I came here today to ask Master for advice!"

In order to prevent Master from wondering why he asked such a question, Lin Ge explained.

So that's it!

Master Tongtian thought to himself.

I said, no matter how wise and enlightened a person is, if he has not reached the realm of a saint and cannot touch the rules of the great way, how can he realize the truth that there is a world outside the world!


After returning to Sanxiao Island, Lin Ge tried to communicate with Yamata no Orochi with his spiritual thoughts. He was actually able to get in touch with Yamata no Orochi. Before, due to the distance, he could not communicate except for spiritual perception.

"Master! I finally heard your voice, Xiaoqi is so happy!"

Lin Ge's face turned black, why is this guy like this, too childish!

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