"Don't talk about useless things, report the situation over there!"

Lin Ge needs to know the news of the major forces in the world of Takamagahara Amaterasu.

"Good master!"

Yamata no Orochi has been secretly observing the situations of the major gods since Lin Ge left.

This is for the purpose of making a good impression in front of the master one day.

Unexpectedly, it really came in handy today.

Yamata no Orochi"Bala Bala" reported every detail of the world of Amaterasu in Takama-ga-hara to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge couldn't help but interrupted him halfway through:"Just tell me the key points!"

"The point is that the gods here haven't changed much.

Although it has been almost a year since you left, a year is not enough for us!"

Yamata no Orochi answered honestly:"So their situation is the same as when you left!"

The gods are still the same gods!

There is no increase or decrease.

"We still have Amaterasu Omikami, Ame-no-naka-shu-no...……"

""Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Lin Ge couldn't listen any more.

Why are the names of these gods so strange?

Of course, this is not the point!

The point is, did you eat too much to digest the food? Why are you reciting the names for me?

"I understand! You don't need to say anything more!"

After saying this, Lin Ge quickly cut off the spiritual connection between the two.


As the world of Amaterasu in Takamagahara approached, Tiandao finally discovered the foreign world that came from afar.

However, the other party was only a small world, a small Karami, and Tiandao did not even have the interest to warn.

The saint of Tiandao, Hongjun Laozu, was connected to Tiandao's mind and spirit. During Tiandao's moment of daze, he detected this abnormality.

Since Tiandao was so calm, it meant that the foreign objects approaching were not threatening.

Therefore, Laozu Hongjun did not take this matter to heart at all.


Tongtian Sect Master gave all the eight innate formations that Lin Ge had offered to his disciples, allowing them to freely combine and practice the formations.

Duobao Taoist received the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Formation, Qin Wan received the Taiyi Mixed Heavenly Elephant Formation, Jinling Holy Mother received the Six Flowers Formation, Sanxiao received the Taiyi Three Talents Formation, Zhao Jiang received the Heluo Four Symbols Formation, Wudang Holy Mother received the Circular Eight Diagrams Formation, and Wuyunxian received the Eight Formation Diagram! The

Tiangang Disha Formation was given to Zhao Gongming!

Zhao Gongming received the formation, came to Sanxiao Island, and asked to practice the formation with Sanxiao.

Lin Ge was surprised that Tongtian Sect Master gave the Tiangang Disha Formation to Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming is brave, but it's a pity that he doesn't seem to be suitable to be the master of such a large formation!


Skull Island.

Lin Ge gave the formation to Zhang Shuye, Song Jiang, Fang La, Tian Hu and others to practice.

Of course, Song Jiang still practiced his old profession - the Tiangang Disha formation.

I believe that this formation can only play a greater power in the hands of Song Jiang and the 108 generals.

King Kong, the Holy Tiger King and the Nine-tailed Fox also took the formation they were interested in.

"Hurry up and practice! It will come in handy soon!"

The great catastrophe of the Conferred Gods has started again, and the world of Takamagahara Amaterasu has crashed into it.

So, Izanagi, Izanami, Susanoo, Princess Inada, Inaba no Hakuto, Atagoyama Tarobo and other Sakura gods, I will let you be on the Conferred God List.

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook】:

@【[Jiejiao Hunyuan Jinxian] Is the Immortal Master online?

I feel that my cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds recently, and I will probably ascend to heaven soon!

And my father will soon catch up with me.

Can I take my father to ascend with me then?

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms and Was the Greatest in the World]:

I feel the same way! My cultivation is really improving rapidly!

All my generals have reached the Great Perfection of the Combination Stage after practicing hard day and night. I believe they will soon be able to break through to the Mahayana Stage.

It’s just that my two concubines are still a little behind, and they probably can’t keep up with my pace!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Haha, let me report on the cultivation situation in my world.

My parents, sister and Lao Huang are all in the early stage of Mahayana, and my brother has already merged.

The six brothers are also about to reach Mahayana.

Most of the generals under the Xu family have merged.

My ascension is just around the corner!

Should I wait for them or not?

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

How come you guys are progressing so fast? I feel like I’m still a little far from ascending!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

I am about to ascend to heaven! But my two disciples are still a little short of

@【Jiejiao Hunyuan Jinxian] I wonder if the immortal master can help them? I am willing to give any red envelope!

I have adopted two children for several years, taught them martial arts and cultivation techniques, and now I treat them as my own family and it is hard to let them go.


The group members discussed enthusiastically and began to look forward to the day of ascension.

However, Lin Ge did not want everyone to ascend to the prehistoric world immediately. The world of Takamagahara Amaterasu was about to be swallowed up by the prehistoric world.

At that time, the gods in the world of Takamagahara Amaterasu would have to fight with the people in the prehistoric world.

If the group members ascended at this time, they would have to face a harsh war before they had time to adapt.

Obviously, this was not a good time for the group members to ascend.

【Jiejiao Hunyuan Jinxian]:

Be patient! There has been an incident in the prehistoric world. After the incident is over, you can all ascend to heaven without worry!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I want to visit the Immortal Master's world soon! Now I have to wait again.

But the Immortal Master is so considerate and cares about our safety. I am so touched!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

How come the Second Palace Master is speaking normally now? That's progress!

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

Very good! I plan to lead all the disciples in the sect to ascend!

The Immortal Master asked us to slow down for a while, which gave me time!

【[Leader of Tianxiahui]:

Hahaha! All 100,000 members of my Tianxiahui will ascend together at that time. The scene will be too spectacular. I dare not imagine it.

【Wing Chun Master Yip]:

I have completed all my tasks here. Little Sakura has surrendered! I hope to take all my disciples with me when I ascend.

@【[Jiejiao Hunyuan Jinxian] Can the Immortal Master do it?

The group members are very enthusiastic about ascending to heaven, and they also hope to bring their relatives and friends with them.

No problem at all!

【Jiejiao Hunyuan Jinxian]:

No problem! As long as they meet the conditions for ascension, I will lead everyone to the prehistoric world!

After receiving the promise from the immortal master, the group members chatted more enthusiastically, discussing in the group how to improve their cultivation faster and help their relatives and friends meet the conditions for ascension.

Only Li Lianhua smiled bitterly.

Everyone has someone to care about, but he is the only one who is alone.


Seven days later, the world of Takamagahara Amaterasu arrived as expected and stopped outside the chaos of the primitive world.


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