The world seemed to lose its color at this moment, and countless warm rays of light focused on Lin Ge, just like the legendary scene of a true god descending to the earth.

Huang Lao Xie swallowed his saliva, and unknowingly knelt on the ground, naturally without any sense of disobedience, as if he was born to accept the worship of all things.

"It seems that you are all ready, so let's get started."

Lin Ge looked at the people who were saluting and smiled.

"We will obey the immortal's orders!!"

Everyone responded in unison

""Men of Hulong Villa, follow me!"

Zhu Wusi shouted, leading many of his warriors to leave Peach Blossom Island.

"Donghuang Taiyi, Meng Tian, Wang Jian, Wang Ben, Zhang Han......You will lead this battle!" Ying Zheng said solemnly to the people around him.


In addition to Gai Nie who stayed behind to guard, several great masters disappeared beside Ying Zheng, commanding their subordinates to leave the island one after another. The mechanical beasts began to operate, and Zhao Gao, the original leader of the Luowang organization, had been tortured and executed, and was temporarily led by Zhang Han.

This war was supervised by the First Emperor himself, and he even witnessed the fact of crossing into another world and the arrival of immortals.

All the Qin army was shocked and excited, and did not dare to be negligent.

You know, behind them, there is a real immortal watching the battle!

Ying Zheng made a pre-war mobilization in advance, and directly informed everyone that they would cross into another world this time, and see Witness the miracle!

In order to justify his actions, he announced to everyone the crimes of the enemy.

This battle was justified.

First, destroy the Southern Song Dynasty, and then slaughter the barbarians!

There was no need to worry about the massacre!

Nearly 100,000 troops moved in a mighty manner.

The formations set up by Huang Lao Xie on the island were useless under the actions of such a large-scale master, and were easily broken.

Huang Lao Xie stared at this scene with dull eyes, not knowing how to react.

Until now, he felt like he was dreaming.

The experience of this day was too outrageous.

It was as if he woke up and suddenly the world changed.

The bizarre scene made his brain completely unable to keep up with the rhythm.

""Shao Siming, Xiao Meng, Tian Yan, you are responsible for serving the immortal well!"

Ying Zheng said again.

On the side, the three beauties were not wearing any makeup, but their delicate looks were natural and their temperaments were different. They were all the most beautiful in the country.

When the three women heard the order from the First Emperor, they were all slightly stunned.

Ignoring the two people who were a little hesitant on the side,

Tian Yan took the lead to walk to Lin Ge's side.

Come on, this is a real immortal!

Even the First Emperor is respectful to him, and he himself is extremely beautiful.

Being able to serve as his maid is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them!

To put it bluntly, serving such an immortal is actually a compliment to them.

Thinking very clearly in her mind,

Tian Yan took the lead to salute Lin Ge and waited by his side.

After a slight hesitation, Shao Siming and Xiao Meng also moved over immediately.

"The beauty of a red sleeve can also add to the elegance!"

Lin Ge waved his hand, and a spirit deer carriage appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

"Please take a seat!"

Lin Ge said calmly.

""Thank you, Immortal!"

Several women bowed and got on the deer cart, looking at the spirit deer in front of them with full of curiosity.

""Yo~" the spirit deer called out, stepped forward with both hooves, and flew into the air amid the exclamations of the people around it! Xu Fengnian smiled bitterly,

"I regretted it again. Why didn't Xu Xiao give birth to a girl? Hey, second sister, what are you doing? Don't you want to share the joys and sorrows with us?"

Xu Weixiong on the side ignored him and walked quickly towards the deer cart. The blue bird also followed Xu Weixiong silently.

Not far away,

Huoyun Evil God and Feng Yuxiu trembled at the immortal in the sky, feeling only the deep malice of the world.

Are they really the lowest in the group?

Seeing that others are in groups and with beautiful women, the two of them are alone.

The gap between people is really terrible.

"I want to ride a deer cart, too!"

Looking at the flying deer cart,

Lian Xing felt like she had eaten a hundred lemons.

Unfortunately, she did not bring the disciples of Yihua Palace with her when she came to the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes this time. She had to rely on herself to kill enemies and gain points, and could not accompany the immortals.

On the contrary, Huang Rong looked at the flying deer cart and rolled her eyes, and said to Huang Lao Xie:

"Dad, I'm leaving with my friends first. You can practice swordplay here with peace of mind!"

She knew that her strength was low, and it would be difficult to get many points even if she fought hard. It would be better to follow the immortal and try to gain the immortal's favorability.

Huang Lao Xie had lost his ability to speak at this time, his eyes were not focused, and he seemed to have given up thinking.

He nodded blankly after hearing this, and it was obvious that he needed a long time to recover.

Seeing this, Huang

Rong ran to the bottom of the deer cart and shouted:

"Immortal, can you give me a ride?"

Xu Weixiong and Qingniao were not to be outdone and said:

"I am tired from the journey, and I would like to serve the immortal a little. Please allow me!"


A voice came from the deer cart, and two rays of light descended, lifting the people into the air and landing on the deer cart.

"Old Huang, let's go too, shall we? You have to work harder this time and earn more points so that we can live a good life!"

"The appearance of a true immortal is indeed peerless!"

Old Huang looked at the deer cart that was gradually going away, sighed, and then smiled:

"Don't worry, young master. Today I will let you know my true strength! Since the chat group you mentioned is real, I don't have to hide it anymore. It's time to get serious!"

"Go ahead and brag, just do your best, don't try to be brave!"

Xu Fengnian smiled and said disapprovingly.

On the other side,

Fire Cloud Evil God suddenly looked at Feng Yuxiu and asked slyly:

"Boy, do you have those foreign guns and cannons from last time? Can you lend me some?"

This boy often destroys himself in the group.

He actually wants to kill Feng Yuxiu, but the immortals are in this world.

Even if he has ten guts, he dare not attack his group members for no reason.

"You want some more?!"

Feng Yuxiu said���Gao looked at Huoyun Evil God like a fool.

"That stuff is strictly controlled over there, let alone artillery shells and explosives, I only got a pistol to bring with me!"

Fire Cloud Evil God was annoyed by being looked at, and said unhappily,

"Do you think I'm a nobody? Unlike you, I can kill people without a foreign gun!"

Before Feng Yuxiu could speak again,

Huoyun Evil God burst out with his true energy, took a deep breath, and expanded his body like a big toad.

He jumped nearly a hundred meters and quickly jumped out of the island.

The next moment, a shadow surpassed him directly from above and quickly fled, leaving behind only a back figure flying away on a sword and Feng Yuxiu's hearty laughter.

"Toad Kung Fu is just that! Have you forgotten that I have the levitation and sword-controlling skills bestowed by the immortals? Hahahahaha!!"

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