In the Jinluan Palace of the Imperial City, officials of the Song Dynasty were attending court as usual.

In the palace,

Song Ningzong Zhao Kuo was wearing an imperial robe, his face was listless, his eyes were dull, but his clothes were well-dressed, neat and clean, and he really looked like a qualified emperor.

This is the principle he believes in.

No matter how well he does inside, he must do his job well on the surface, which means that at least he has tried his best!

In the court, there was a dead silence.

The prime minister Shi didn't say anything, so who dared to speak?

Shi Miyuan looked around, expressionless, and quite satisfied in his heart.

Now the political enemies in the court have been completely cleaned up by him.

Even if some people are dissatisfied with him in their hearts, they dare not show it in public and become his enemy.

Shi Miyuan has no psychological burden for these people who have been cleaned up.

If an official does not seek profit for himself, what kind of official is he? If you dare to jump out and sing against yourself, you deserve to die!

Of course, there is still a lot of time in the future to slowly clean up these fish that slip through the net.

With a light cough, Shi Miyuan said loudly:

"I have a memorial to submit!"

Zhao Kuo squeezed the fat on his face, smiled, and tried his best to look like a wise ruler who was courteous to his subjects and behaved properly:

"Xuan! If the Prime Minister has any suggestions, please feel free to speak them out. As long as they are reasonable, I will definitely not ignore good advice!"

Everyone in the court was speechless.

Of course, the Prime Minister would feel free to speak freely.

Now the entire court is full of his confidants, and it has become a one-man show.

Your Majesty is a big fool, so what is there that the Prime Minister dare not say?

"The envoy of the Kingdom of Jin sent a message that the lord of Jin was dissatisfied with the quality of the beauties offered as tribute this year and did not want such a thing to happen again next time."

Shi Miyuan's face was calm, and he did not reveal any emotion when he said this.

"The Song Dynasty finally got a brief peace. In order to avoid war, I suggest that someone be appointed to be in charge of this matter. Select beautiful women from the people and use them to make peace with the Jin Dynasty!"

The court was silent, and you could hear a pin drop. It was said to select beautiful women, but in fact, they forcibly captured beautiful women when they saw them and sent them to the enemy country in exchange for peace.

How shameless is this?

How humiliating?

Hearing such explosive remarks, some ministers could no longer hold back.

Zhao Kuo heard the words and pretended to think seriously.

In fact, he didn't understand what Shi Miyuan was thinking at all.

After a moment, he nodded and said,

"My dear, what you said makes sense, but......"

Everyone's heart tightened.

What's going on?

Is the emperor going to refute the prime minister for the first time?

Are we still asleep?

Did we really misjudge him before?!

Before everyone could think about it, they heard Zhao Kuo continue:

"This matter will be fully handled by you, my dear, but you need to worry about the manpower and expenses!"

This means that

I don't care what you want to do, but you need to take care of the manpower and money yourself.


As expected,

I shouldn’t have had such weird expectations for this thing!

""Your Majesty is wise!"

Shi Miyuan bowed slightly, and the smile on his face was fleeting, showing his smugness.

At this moment, suddenly someone couldn't help it and jumped out. The man knew that he would definitely die if he jumped out to sing a different tune at this time, so he no longer cared. Anyway, he was going to die, so he might as well have a good time first and then die! The man angrily pointed at Shi Miyuan's nose and cursed:

"Shi Miyuan! You are a bastard with evil intentions. You captured decent women and offered them to the enemy. Why don't you give all the women in your family to the Jin people to play with?********!*******!"

After scolding Shi Miyuan, the man looked at Zhao Kuo with a look of disappointment, pointed at Zhao Kuo and cursed angrily,

"You big idiot, you believed the evildoers and thought you were wise, why don't you go********?********!"

The man's words were full of emotion, and he finished the conversation at a very fast speed.

I felt that all the depression I had accumulated over the years had been released, and I felt much clearer.

"Drag him down. He insulted the emperor. It is disrespectful. He should be executed by slow slicing. His entire clan should be implicated. The women in his family should be sent to the Imperial Music Bureau!"

Shi Miyuan frowned slightly, but he was not angry.

These people who slipped through the net could only talk nonsense for a while.

Otherwise, they would not explode here and be furious.

Zhao Kuo's face was also very ugly.

He was thinking about whether to kill this person or let him go to show his tolerance, but the other party really cursed too much!

Zhao Kuo fell into deep thought, and his brain was about to be overloaded.

Immediately, a guard came up and wanted to drag this person away.

The man also knew that his death was imminent, and the whole person collapsed powerlessly.

After speaking freely, he felt good, but what was waiting for him was a cruel ending.

"Sure enough, there will be no good ending! I don't regret it, but I have implicated my family!"

Despair flashed in the man's eyes.

With a bang, the top of the hall suddenly exploded, and an old man in a suit and leather shoes jumped down and landed in the center of the hall.

Some people were unable to avoid it and were directly killed by the falling rocks.

All the rest of the people looked over in unison, what was going on? How could such a big hall suddenly explode and disappear?!

Where did this old man in strange clothes come from?

"Someone is trying to assassinate me, come quickly! Protect me! Where are the Imperial City Department? Where are the Imperial Guards?!"

Many ministers reacted immediately, shouting with their necks stiff, obviously not realizing the seriousness of the matter.

Shi Miyuan felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy the moment he saw the other party. A top master of the post-natal realm!

If it was just one such master, he would not be afraid, as

Shi Miyuan himself was also a master of the post-natal realm.

Masters of this level are not uncommon in the martial arts world, but masters of this level should not appear here!

How did he manage to get to the Golden Palace?

Are there any accomplices

? Whose plan is this?!

Shi Miyuan's thoughts raced as he looked at the censor who died admonishing him.

Was it him who arranged this?

"Stop shouting! I've already killed your little brother!"

Huoyun Evil God patted his soiled suit impatiently and muttered,

"I was smart and came directly to kill the emperor. Maybe I could earn a lot more points! It's worth dressing up today!"

"All solved?!"

Shi Miyuan and Zhao Kuo were both horrified.

The Imperial City Division disappeared without a trace?

How did this person do it?!

Shi Miyuan realized that he had underestimated this person.

Although the other party was only at the post-natal level, the martial arts he practiced might be much more advanced and terrifying than he had imagined!

"I advise you not to act rashly! Otherwise I will kill him directly!"

Shi Miyuan moved, pushed away the two guards who were holding the official, and grabbed his neck with one hand, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, and said to Huoyun Evil God viciously.

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