Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Before Huoyun Evil God could say anything, several figures with extremely terrifying auras rushed into the hall.

Shi Miyuan's hands could not stop shaking.

In his perception, the auras of these people were much more terrifying than that of the old man!

His brain was in a mess.

What was going on

? Why did so many masters of unknown origin suddenly appear in the Song Dynasty?

As far as he knew, even if all the masters of the entire Song Dynasty gathered here, they would not be as threatening as the people in front of him!

"What's the situation now?"

Zhu Wusi looked around, glanced at Shi Miyuan and the censors in his hands, and his eyes lit up when he saw Zhao Kuo. He asked Huoyun Evil God calmly.

Huoyun Evil God's smile froze.

It seemed that his plan had failed this time.

He was not the only one who thought of killing the emperor first.

When the big guys in the group came, what could he do?

Zhao Kuo felt scared by the eyes of these people.

He always felt that these people had some deep hatred for him!

It was like a wolf that had been hungry for half a month looking at a fat sheep!


It's so scary!

Zhao Kuo shouted in his heart.

""My dear heroes, don't worry about me. It's okay if I die. We must clean up the court!"

The censor struggled hard in Shi Miyuan's hands and roared.

Are you really here to save him?

Shi Miyuan was shocked and moved his hands more vigorously.

"Who the hell are you?"

Huoyun Evil God picked his nose, flicked a ball of black dirt on the ground, and asked with a puzzled look.

Zhao Kuo:";......"

Shi Miyuan:"......"


The emperor and many ministers looked at the censor.

It seems that he doesn't know you at all?

However, this made everyone even more nervous. They originally thought that they had some leverage to threaten him, but now they have nothing!

"Sorry, I was just joking. I heard what you said before."

Huoyun Evil God smiled and said to the censor:

"Boy, I admire you very much. I won’t kill you later, but it’s up to you whether you can survive!"

"Huoyun Evil God, do you want to snatch the emperor's head from me?"

Zhu Wusi said in a deep voice.

He turned his head and looked at Huoyun Evil God with a hint of hostility. If a small person who was not even in the Xiantian realm really wanted to snatch points from him, he could kill him at will.

Points can be used to trade immortals for immortal cultivation resources.

In other words, points are equal to immortal fate.

If someone wants to snatch immortal fate, it means that they want to cut off my path to immortal cultivation.

It is an irreconcilable feud!

In this way, it is reasonable to kill Huoyun Evil God.

Is there anything wrong with it?

Besides, this old man had spoken rudely to the immortal before.

The immortal was unwilling to lower his status to target a mortal. As a subordinate, he should know how to figure out the intentions of his superiors!

Zhu Wusi looked at Huoyun Evil God from head to toe, and was already thinking about which bone to break first.

"Hahaha, how can that be possible? I dare not compete with the Lord of Gods!"

The Fire Cloud Evil God felt a chill on his forehead as he was stared at. He took a few steps back and quickly apologized with a smile.

On the dragon throne,

Zhao Kuo wanted to cry but had no tears.

I'm listening right in front of you.

Is it really appropriate for you to discuss the ownership of the head in front of me?

""The head of the Southern Song emperor is wanted by His Majesty the First Emperor!"

A loud voice came, and then countless assassins rained down from the sky, filling the hall in an instant, and surrounded everyone with a covetous look.

The leader was Zhang Han and the Six Sword Slaves of the Great Qin Dynasty!

All the people from Luowang and Shadow Secret Guards were present!

""It seems that I came at the right time!"

A deep voice sounded, and a figure slowly walked in from outside the main gate , bringing a great sense of pressure to everyone in the audience. The moment Zhu Wusi saw the newcomer, his eyes became solemn and he felt extremely daunted. Donghuang Taiyi, behind him were the two guardians of the Yin-Yang family, Xinghun and Yueshen! All three of them were above the level of Grandmaster, and Donghuang Taiyi even surpassed the Grandmaster's level of unity of man and nature!


Zhu Wusi looked calm, cursing in his heart.

Although Qin Shi Huang was weak, the power controlled by his subordinates was too strong!

Just a part of the power was enough to wipe out all the people in Hulong Villa!

Originally, Zhu Wusi looked down on Ying Zheng, thinking that he only wanted immortality and was not a big threat to him.

Only now did he know what a beating was.

There was no way, he might have to give in this time.

Zhang Han and the Six Sword Slaves alone were enough to make Zhu Wusi hesitate to act rashly, and the existence of Donghuang Taiyi made him even more afraid. Even he couldn't see through his aura.

""Shen Hou, Zhao Kuo is the one that the First Emperor has specifically named to kill. If you are unwilling to leave, then we can only fight!"

Zhang Han was quite polite.

After all, Zhu Wushi was a friend of the First Emperor.

Although they were not afraid of Zhu Wushi, they were only his subordinates.


Zhu Wushi suddenly laughed out loud, confusing everyone around him.

Was this guy unable to accept the reality, and his brain was burned out by the shock?!

"Hahaha, I originally wanted Zhao Kuo's head, but since the First Emperor has his eye on it, I'll give it to him. Remember to tell him that he owes me a favor!"

Zhu Wushi smiled and patted Zhang Han on the shoulder, then turned around and left with his men, as if he was really willing to give them a favor.

Zhang Han was speechless.

His Majesty the First Emperor's friend......It's really shameless, but whether this is considered a favor or not,

I have to tell His Majesty to decide.

Zhu Wusi had already left, and

Huoyun Evil God didn't dare to have any ideas.

He just pointed at the famous official before leaving and said,

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this guy is quite suitable���If you are a minister of yours, you can spare his life when you take action!"

"Heroes, what is your purpose? If you have something to say, we can talk slowly, don't make mistakes!"

At this time,

Shi Miyuan finally couldn't sit still anymore and said hurriedly.

He also heard that this group of people came to kill the emperor, and they also included the ministers, and they would not spare any of them!

Shi Mi was horrified!

Where did such a group of unfathomable desperadoes come from?!!

On the dragon throne, facing the crisis of life and death,

Zhao Kuo seemed to have become smarter.

He knew that this group of people wanted to kill him, and hurriedly said:

"Everyone, if you have something to say, please talk to me. I can divide the kingdom among you and pay tribute to you every year!! Really, this is how the Jin Dynasty works!"


As soon as the words fell, a sword energy slid down, and the emperor and many ministers' eyes blurred instantly.

Then, their vision shook, and they saw their bodies falling backwards.

"I am dead?!!"

This was the last thought of Zhao Kuo, Shi Miyuan and many of their ministers.

Bang, bang, bang!

At this time, the sound of heads falling to the ground could be heard in the hall.

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