The only surviving censor had a horrified look in his eyes.

He pushed away the hands of Shi Miyuan's corpse, stood up tremblingly, and looked forward.

All the killers and assassins of the Qin Dynasty had left. He was the only living person left in the entire hall. He could still hear the indifferent voices of people talking.

"Is such a person worthy of being an emperor?"

"Sure enough, what His Majesty the First Emperor said before was correct, this is a dynasty that should be destroyed!"......

The censor sat on the ground in a daze.

When things developed to this point, he didn't know how to react!

How did it suddenly come to this?

Perhaps, the Southern Song Dynasty was already deeply poisoned and it was time to be destroyed!


The censor looked like a madman, with disheveled hair, dancing and laughing wildly in the hall where blood was flowing like a river!


He suddenly cried out, not knowing what he saw, and ran out desperately!

"Boom! Rumble!"

The moment the censor ran out, the hall collapsed.

It was an extremely neat and smooth cross section, which���The hall was cut in half!

The sword that beheaded everyone before came from the same sword!!

At the same time, the Imperial Camp Army and the Shenwu Army of the Southern Song Dynasty were attacked by overwhelming attacks.

Under the attack of the elite soldiers carefully selected by Daqin and Hulong Villa, they were like encountering a dimensionality reduction attack and had no power to resist.

Many times, they died before they even saw the shadow of the enemy.

Lian Xing, Xu Fengnian, Feng Yuxiu, and Huoyun Evil God also rushed hundreds of miles to join the battlefield, attacking and killing senior generals everywhere, just to get more points in this mission.

Smoke rose everywhere, and the martial arts world was in chaos.

Under such a general trend, some famous masters closed the mountain gates and said nothing, and some unknown people who did not know the truth and tried to win a future joined the fight.

"I'll give you one hour, and after one hour, I'll take action."

In the sky, the voice was mighty and reached the ears of every member of the chat group.

After hearing it, everyone worked harder to kill the enemy.

They knew that this was a gift from the immortals, allowing them to get the opportunity to participate and gain some points.

Otherwise, with the ability of the immortals, they could complete the task instantly!

Of course, such a large-scale battle would definitely not be resolved in a short time, and the immortals could not spend time with them here, so a time limit was set.

The grand sound in the sky also spread to the ears of everyone in the Southern Song Dynasty. The moment they heard Lin Ge's voice, everyone couldn't help but feel an extremely sacred desire to kneel down and surrender.

At this moment, the Southern Song army completely lost its will to fight.

"This is the will of heaven!! It is the will of heaven. The dynasty is going against the grain. This is because God cannot bear what the Southern Song Dynasty has done and wants to overthrow it and rebuild it!!"

A large number of soldiers threw off their armor and shouted loudly.

In their opinion, it was meaningless to continue to resist.

The gods were angry.

If they continued to resist, it would be against heaven and they should be punished!

In the feudal era, some fabricated strange phenomena would be regarded as the will of heaven by people, not to mention that they saw a real miracle at this moment?!!

Quanzhen Sect,

Wang Chongyang, who had faked his death, opened his eyes wide when he heard the rumbling sound of heaven, full of disbelief.

"Are there really gods?!"

At this moment,

Wang Chongyang's worldview after decades of cultivation was shattered.

He was 100% sure that the magnificent voice just now was like exploding directly beside his ears.

It was definitely not something that any master in the martial arts world could do!

Could it be that a god really came to the world?!

Wang Chongyang was so excited at this moment that he could not help himself.

Tears flowed in his eyes, and his body couldn't help shaking like a sieve.

Sweat poured down his body like a summer rainstorm.

""The vast heaven, please do not fail me!"

At this moment, Wang Chongyang no longer had the demeanor of the founder of Quanzhen Sect, but tears welled up in his eyes like a child.

After decades of cultivation, he finally got the answer today.

The scriptures were not legends, and there really were true gods in the world!!


Wang Chongyang jumped three meters high and ran down the mountain.

The true god appeared in the world, and he wanted to rush to the scene in person to witness, welcome and worship!!

At the same time, the East Evil, the West Poison, the South Emperor, the North Beggar, all the famous old masters in the world, except Huang Lao Xie who was still in a daze, left their respective sects.

They rushed to Zhongzhou at full speed, just to catch a glimpse of the immortal face and welcome the arrival of the true god on earth!

Only now did they know why the Song Dynasty suddenly became so turbulent and the building was about to collapse!

It turned out that it was the will of the true god.

This was a punishment from heaven from the true god!

No wonder the Song army was beaten without any ability to fight back.

How could mortals go against the will of heaven when facing God!

Overthrowing the Song Dynasty and re-establishing the dynasty became the consensus of all the people in the Central Plains at this moment!

At the same time, this news was rushed to the Jin Kingdom and Mongolia by fast horses.

The Great Jin Dynasty,

"A true god descended from the Central Plains, brought down divine punishment, and overthrew the Southern Song Dynasty?"

After listening to the report from his subordinates, the gold owner 's eyes flashed with a bit of doubt.

The atmosphere in the tent froze instantly.

After a moment, the gold owner laughed and said disapprovingly that the people of the Central Plains like to make these conspiracies.

Where are the gods?

I don't know what they are doing.

It's just false information for their own entertainment.

Don't pay too much attention to it!

"The Central Plains seemed to be a place where gods descended to earth, sent down heavenly sounds, and destroyed the Song Dynasty?"

In the Mongol Khanate, Genghis Khan was greatly shocked when he heard the report from his subordinates!

"The people of the Central Plains are indeed cunning. In order to seize power, they have told lies such as gods descending to the earth and God's will being irresistible! However, the civil unrest in the Central Plains right now is a good opportunity for us to attack!"

Genghis Khan's eyes flashed, and he even said something like a god descended to the earth.

This Song Dynasty is really hopeless!

However, this can also prove that someone is trying to overthrow the dynasty and cause civil strife.

It is a good opportunity for the Central Plains to be in chaos and weak!


Humph, it

's really nonsense.

When he leads his troops to the imperial city of Song Dynasty, let's see if those people can still say such outrageous things!

Thinking of this,

Genghis Khan immediately personally selected the troops and organized the army to go out urgently.

All the cutting-edge forces were gathered, and the Mongolian national teacher Jinlun Fawang was also among them!

Genghis Khan was very proud and had already anticipated the result that the Song Dynasty would be beaten by him and cry for their parents and cede land and pay compensation.

This time, he had a good opportunity.

He wanted to catch the Central Plains people off guard and give them a big surprise!

Even if he couldn't take the imperial capital, he must tear off a large piece of meat from it. He would never return empty-handed if he didn't get enough benefits!

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