From a distance,

Hong Qigong, who was on his way, saw two people wrestling with each other in front of him, like two earthworms wriggling on the ground.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please pause for a moment. Do you know anything about the arrival of an immortal? Can you point me in the direction?"

"I don't know!"

Xu Dengnian and Lao Huang didn't dare to see the immortals now, they just wanted to run as far as possible. Hong Qigong didn't get annoyed when he didn't get the news he wanted, and continued to rush forward. He just had some doubts about these two people.

"The immortal has come to the world, and now all the immortals who have been in seclusion or disappeared have come out and are rushing to Zhongzhou to welcome the immortal as soon as possible. How could these two people not know?"

Shaking his head,

Hong Qigong didn't think much about it.

Now, his face was full of rosy glow as if he had entered a second spring.

He wanted to find the traces of the immortals, and it would be best if he could see the immortals.

That was the legendary immortal!

As you can imagine, this is definitely a grand event that makes everyone excited and unable to contain themselves!

At the same time, the spirit deer walked in the air, and wherever it passed, it was surrounded by colorful light, a scene of immortal spiritual light.

Every time it passed, countless people below shouted"immortal" and knelt on the ground to worship.

More and more people gathered under the deer cart and followed the immortals.

On the deer cart, several women talked and laughed, listening to Lin Ge chatting about some strange people and things in various planes with curiosity and awe.

Huang Rong massaged Lin Ge's shoulders,

Qingniao beat his legs, and

Shao Siming poured wine.

Being surrounded by such a gentle place,

Lin Ge couldn't help but sighed!

"Immortal, Rong'er is so weak, she may be at the bottom of the chat group, can you pity Rong'er?"

Huang Rong was wearing a light yellow gauze dress, squinting her eyes and smiling with curved eyebrows, looking smart and cute.

Lin Ge:"......"

As soon as she opened her mouth, she knew that

Huang Rong was a freeloader!

Lin Ge smiled and said calmly:

"As long as you have points, you can trade with me!"

"Okay, Rong'er must earn points as soon as possible.

Huang Rong said obediently

""Little clever ghost, I can give you a little gift."

Lin Ge smiled and said nothing more.

In fact, with Lin Ge's current status, it is no exaggeration to say that if he had not deliberately suppressed it, even if he was just contaminated with a trace of his breath, it would be able to make the dead things in this world have spiritual wisdom, old trees bloom, and the road tremble!

And for the women, being able to have close contact with Lin Ge is a supreme opportunity for them. They will get unimaginable benefits and sublimation, and even break through the void and ascend to immortality on the spot.

When Lin Ge's thoughts moved slightly, a trace of his real body The aura was no longer concealed.

Suddenly, the world changed!!

Whether it was the Great Song, the Jin, Mongolia, or even the countries further away, they all looked up and saw with horror that the sky in the direction of the Great Song had turned into a sacred golden color!!

As if it was closer, everyone in this world could see that a spirit deer was pulling a cart and walking in the air.

In the surrounding void, there were fairy lotuses blooming, and phantoms stood respectfully beside it. The phantoms of real dragons, phoenixes, and auspicious beasts danced around it!!

Above the deer cart, a piece of colorful clouds gathered and condensed into a few large words!!

【The Saint has come to the world, and the Emperor of Man sends his blessing!

At this moment, whether it was Hong Qigong or Wang Chongyang, or the many veteran martial arts masters on the road, they all stopped where they were, looking at the deer cart and the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth in front of them, and knelt down to worship them at the same time.

Their pupils were shocked, their faces turned pale, and they forgot everything around them and lost any ability to think!!

"There really is a true God descending to the Central Plains?! ? Not a lie?!!!"

The Jin Dynasty's patron, Genghis Khan, King Jinlun and others were so dumbfounded that they were like petrified statues, motionless and sluggish on the spot.

In their hearts, they were filled with endless waves of shock.

There are no ghosts or gods in the world.

This is the truth they have always believed in.

But this scene directly tore their three views and beliefs to pieces!!

What followed was endless panic and fear.

Why would the true God descend to the Central Plains?!

What is the purpose of this descent?!

After seeing such an amazing vision, they no longer had the intention to resist. They could only hope that the true God was not biased towards the people of the Central Plains.

""Fuck! Every time the immortal strikes me, he can absolutely shock me!"

Xu Fengnian stared blankly at the strange scene in the void, having forgotten about competing with Old Huang, and was completely unaware of being punched in the face.

Although it was not the first time he had seen the earth-shattering appearance of the immortal, it was still so incredible to Xu Fengnian, who had lived in the world of snow since childhood.

"Is this the power of an immortal?!"

Old Huang saw the grand scene of the world changing, and he also stopped and looked in that direction in a daze, dumbfounded, like a madman!

At this moment, he completely understood how ridiculous it was to name the sword move"Immortal Kneeling" before!

Maybe in the eyes of the immortal, he is not even an ant! He can only be regarded as a speck of dust on the side of the road!

"Dragons roar, phoenixes spit, lotuses dance, one look at the immortal is enough to ruin your life!!"

At the same time,

Lian Xingxing was looking at the strange phenomenon in the sky, her eyes were full of love, she was envious and jealous of the women on the deer cart, and she regretted why she didn't go with the immortal, otherwise she could also accompany the immortal at this moment and enjoy this moment!

"This is the real freedom! Compared to the immortals, my throne is not worth mentioning!"

Ying Zheng sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Even though he now holds great power and is still at the pinnacle of power, he is still not as good as the immortals!!

Ying Zheng's eyes are filled with deep envy and yearning, and he is even more eager and expectant about cultivating immortals.

""Father, this is the immortal!?"

Ying Yinman was teleported here temporarily.

Seeing this scene, she was filled with shock and asked Ying Zheng.

"That’s right, this is the immortal in the chat group I told you about before!!"

Ying Zheng was a little emotional, and even a little proud. It was his supreme luck to be in the same group with the immortal! He was honored!!

"Come here to see the beauty of the immortals and broaden your horizons! Take a good look and remember this moment!"

""Yes, sir!"

Ying Zheng didn't need to say anything.

Ying Yinman was also stunned.

Looking at the strange scene in the sky, thousands of colors bloomed in her eyes.

Curiosity and awe were born from the bottom of her heart.

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Dull.JPG! Admiring the heroic figure of the immortal, we will never be able to catch up!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Stunned.JPG! Damn, the power of the immortal is ten thousand times more exaggerated than I imagined!!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

When I first came here, I knew nothing. I offended the immortal, and I was simply dying! From today on, I will be the immortal's number one lackey!!

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