As newcomers who had only seen Lin Ge's descent in videos,

Feng Yuxiu and Huoyun Evil God experienced it for the first time.

What a shocking and exciting feeling it was.

Huoyun Evil God was completely convinced.

To be the number one lackey was also a goal he set for himself from the bottom of his heart.

Being a lackey for this immortal had a completely different meaning.

It was the supreme honor!!!

But when other people in the group saw this news, they were immediately unhappy.

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

@【Ultimate Killer King], ??? What do you mean, you want to take my place? I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language!!

【Iron-hearted God】:

@【The Ultimate Killer King], the position of the Immortal's number one lackey, how can you covet it?! Don't let me hear such unrealistic expectations again!

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

@【The Ultimate Killer King]

It is important for people to know themselves. Please look in the mirror and think carefully about whether you deserve the honor of being the number one lackey!

【One man's martial arts】:

@【Ultimate Killer King],

I feel that I am better than you. Although my martial arts are not good enough, I have magic skills granted by the immortals.

You are not even as good as me, how can you have the courage to speak out your wolfish ambition to become the immortal's number one lackey?

As for Lian Xing and Huang Rong, they both tacitly kept silent.

They would not compete with the group members for the position of the immortal's number one lackey.

They have greater ambitions!


The Fire Cloud Evil God cried, his status in the group was still too low, he could only fight for the sixth or seventh position!

At the same time, on the deer cart, ignoring the women who were so excited that they couldn't say anything and stared blankly at the strange scene around them,

Lin Ge looked at the slowly dissipating clouds in the sky and sent his blessing,

""The saint has come to the world, and the emperor of mankind is sending blessings!"

He was also slightly surprised.

The other strange phenomena were normal phenomena caused by his coming to this world, but this blessing condensed by the clouds seemed to have touched some rules of this world, which caused it to appear.

"The Human Emperor? Could it be that there had been immortal cultivators in this world who established the rules of heaven and earth?"

"However, Zhu Yu calling me a saint is not accurate. It seems that the person who set up the rules is very weak."

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows slightly, not caring.

In such a low-level plane, the rules of heaven and earth set up with such a clumsy method, with the level of this setter, can only be regarded as the initial ascension to the immortal road, and he can suppress it at will.

What's more,

Lin Ge has already sensed that the rules of heaven and earth here are obviously just a relic left.

The immortal cultivators may have disappeared from this world long ago, leaving only mortals.

At this moment, several women beside him exclaimed.

Under the awakening of Lin Ge's true body breath, they actually broke through the realm naturally, and they all had more detachment.

"This is my gift to you. Are you satisfied?"

Lin Ge smiled and said calmly.

"These strange visions, it turns out, are just a greeting gift from the immortal?"

Huang Rong's delicate body trembled, with surprise and emotion in her smart eyes.

She reacted at this time, and felt that everything in front of her was unreal.

The immortal could easily cause great changes in the world and gave her such a perfect gift!

As for the word"you" in the immortal's words,

Huang Rong ignored it directly.

This was specially sent for her!

Too sweet, isn't it?

For a mortal, seeing such a scene, and with the immortal in front of him, who can remain calm and not have wild thoughts?

Under such a romantic situation,

Huang Rong had no choice. Unable to stop the strange associations that kept popping up in her mind, she could not stop her self-attack.

She felt her heart pounding and was completely captured by the immortal!

Xu Weixiong, Qingniao, Shao Siming, Xiaomeng, and Tian Yan also looked at Lin Ge eagerly, with strange emotions surging in their hearts.

It was not that they fell in love with Lin Ge, but everything they saw today was so shocking, like a dream.

Looking at Lin Ge's flawless and noble face, it was as if time had stopped at a destined moment in fate.

It was inevitable that their hearts would beat fast, and inexplicable feelings were born in their hearts.

""Why are you all looking at me? Why don't you start practicing the exercises right away to stabilize your realm?"

Lin Ge reminded. It was a rare opportunity for them to gain a breath of true immortal energy to awaken their spirits. After continuous breakthroughs, they didn't take advantage of it to stabilize their realm and actually stared at me in a daze. I really don't know what they were thinking!

"As expected, ordinary people are not focused enough when practicing Taoism, and they are always entangled by trivial matters and distractions!"

Lin Ge sighed in his heart

"Excuse me, does the immortal have no Taoist partner?"

Huang Rong's face froze when she heard this, and she asked with a strange look.

Lin Ge looked at her without saying anything, and was slightly shocked.

No way? Did he misunderstand just now?

When the strange vision began to dissipate, he looked around and saw that the earth was full of people kneeling.

As far as the eye could see, everyone was prostrating themselves, worshiping the spirit deer pulling the carriage in the sky, holding their breath to welcome the arrival of the immortal.

Lin Ge felt slightly that the time of one hour had come, and it was time to end this journey in this plane.

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

Have you thought about how to deal with the aftermath after destroying Song?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Immortal has thought deeply! Worship.JPG! I forgot about this. After overthrowing the Song Dynasty, someone needs to lead the order, otherwise it will be a mess!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

I have a suggestion. In such an era, after overthrowing a dynasty, it is best to first establish a new dynasty and proceed step by step.

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the first emperor in history】:

Among us, only Miss Huang Rong is from this plane, @【Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island】, are you interested in becoming the emperor? I can send troops to help you clear the obstacles! Or I can recommend someone I know.

Ying Zheng has already thought further.

If he leaves some people there, won’t he be able to trigger the tasks in that world?

At that time, he will be able to trigger tasks in two planes to earn points, and the points will definitely be the most in the group!

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

No, no, no! I don’t know how to be an emperor, and I have no interest in it!

My father can’t do it either. I’m afraid he will die of fright on the spot. I saw his mental state before, and it was difficult for him to accept the reality!

Huang Rong quickly refused.

With a chat group, she could see immortals.

She didn’t want to focus on being an emperor!

【Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

What should we do? We can't make someone we don't know the whole story of the emperor, right? What if he is incompetent, stupid, or someone with ulterior motives? Wouldn't that be another problem?

Zhu Wusi sent out this message without blushing or beating his heart.

The person with ulterior motives refers to himself!

He had also thought about usurping the throne of the Ming Dynasty and becoming the emperor himself.

Of course, after being alert, he has now given up these inappropriate thoughts.

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